The Face of the White People's House May Have Changed but the War on the Oppressed Working Class Hasn't

The Face of the White People's House May Have Changed but the War on the Oppressed Working Class Hasn't

No Matter Who Sits in the White Peoples’ House the War Being Waged by the U.S. Colonial/Capitalist Class Against the Black Colonized Working Class and All Oppressed Peoples and Nations Will Continue

“Hide nothing from the masses of our people. Tell no lies. Expose lies whenever they are told. Mask no difficulties, mistakes, failures. Claim no easy victories...” (Amilcar Cabral)

It was under the Democrats and the first “Black” president that the Department of Defense 1033 program that militarizes local police forces was expanded by 2,400%; the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) expanded by 1,900%; Libya, the most prosperous African and Pan African nation was attacked and destroyed; the war on Yemen began; the Occupy Wall Street Movement was smashed; the FBI created the “Black Identity Extremist” label; the banks were bailed out from the economic collapse that they created, but not the working class; Black people lost more wealth  than was lost at the end of Reconstruction in 1870s; and, despite police killings across the country, including Mike Brown in Ferguson, the Obama administration only brought Federal charges against one killer-cop.  Yet, with the return of Trump, opportunists in our communities and beyond are telling us that the real culprits in our oppression and the targets for opposition are Trump and republicans. 

The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) rejects this kind of ahistorical opportunism.

We are clear. The anti-democratic duopoly is made up of representatives of the capitalist class and provides cover for what is, in reality, the dictatorship of capital. In this, the duopoly reveals the class nature of the state. This dictatorship, the true enemy of the people, is the target of our agitation and organizing.

Focusing attention on the Trumpian wing of the capitalist class as the primary or principal contradiction facing the people in the U.S. or in the world, obscures the reality that the dominant wing of capital, finance capital, along with the U.S. based transnational corporations, have captured and are operating through both parties. However, it is the democratic party wing of the dictatorship of capital that has championed what is popularly referred to as neoliberalism. Neoliberalism, first given coherence under Ronald Reagan, eventually migrated to the democratic party under Bill Clinton and the Democratic Leadership Council, whose “third way politics” aligned with both neoliberals and neoconservatives (neocons). Trumpism is the particular (national) manifestation of the global crisis of neoliberal capitalism. The republican party’s capture of the executive and all branches of government will not resolve the structural contradictions of neoliberal capital. What we can expect, then, is the strengthening of the repressive state apparatus and more targeted repression. To be clear, this process would have continued under a Harris administration because Harris promised to maintain the same trajectory of state repression in the name of capital. Because of the bipartisan jettisoning of liberal democratic and human rights in favor of the capitalist order, it does not matter which individual is sitting in the white peoples’ house. Therefore, the correct approach for opposition forces is one that grounds the people’s understanding of the objective structural contradictions of the capitalist order and that builds their capacity to struggle against that order  – regardless of which wing of the duopoly represents it. Focusing on only one part of the duopoly is akin to focusing on only one faction of the capitalist class.

Despite any rhetoric to the contrary, BAP expects Trump will govern as a neoliberal. That is why certain elements of the ruling class turned to him again.  Continued austerity, especially at the state and local levels, will persist, as well as privatization of public assets, tax breaks for the capitalist class, the suppression and repression of labor, fiscal and monetary policies that prop-up capitalist profits and undermine human rights and, of course, the targeted use of military power to advance the interests of the capitalist dictatorship. We believe, however, that Trump will make as his main mission the primary concern of the neoliberal elite:  smashing the movement toward de-dollarization.

We cannot afford to have any illusions or harbor any sentimentality about the nature of this system. As we organize in political spaces controlled by Black democrats, it would be suicidal if we did not understand the role these neocolonial puppets play – primarily against any organized opposition – in the war that capital is waging against the people. Under Biden-Harris, we saw  police, judicial, and media suppression of mobilizations in solidarity with the Palestinian people, the student intifada, the Uhuru 3, African Stream media, and many others. And it is no coincidence that so-called “cop cities” are being constructed across the country in those urban areas being managed by Black democrat party functionaries or, what Black Agenda Report refers to as the “Black Misleadership Class.”  

This corrupted Black petit-bourgeois professional/managerial class, positioned in government, corporate and non-profit sectors, provides the buffer and role models for individual material advancement at the expense of the Black working class.

And while we are dealing with cop cities, we also understand what is coming with the mass deportations of non-white migrants and the violent law and order rhetoric that is already emanating from the Trumpian forces. But let us not forget that, under the Biden-Harris regime, mass deportations rose by 250 percent, of which Harris campaigned on being “tough” on the border. Anti-immigrant rhetoric is also bipartisan.

Like all people, we want to live decent, prosperous lives in peace and in harmony with all humanity and nature. But we are going to have to fight for peace. And for that struggle BAP is guided by the principles of the Black radical peace tradition that states clearly: 

Peace is not the absence of conflict, but rather the achievement by popular struggle and self-defense of a world liberated from the interlocking issues of global conflict, nuclear armament and proliferation, unjust war, and subversion through the defeat of global systems of oppression that include colonialism, imperialism, patriarchy, and white supremacy.

That is the task and the responsibility that we take on. We are not afraid of any individual or oppressive system. We gladly take on this fight with the certainty that one day we will defeat the Pan European white supremacist colonial/capitalist patriarchy that is the enemy of collective humanity. 

The struggles and sacrifices being made by the Palestinian peoples to defend their dignity and popular sovereignty is the example we embrace. This is why we say that, no matter the circumstances, no matter the challenge, no matter the intensity of the repression, we are building on the sacrifices of our people and guided by revolutionary principles. Our call will always be:

No Compromise, No Retreat! 

Coordinating Committee, Black Alliance for Peace

Banner photo: split image of U.S. Presidents Joe Biden, Barak Obama, Donald Trump, and Ronald Reagan, courtesy Fox News.




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OCTOBER 22ND, 2024 – On October 20th, 2024, the National Movement for Liberty and Equality of Haitians for Fraternity (Mouvement National pour la Liberté et L’égalité des Haïtiens pour la Fraternité, MOLEGHAF), a member organization of the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP), issued a statement on the increasing violence perpetrated by the paramilitary group “Viv Ansanm” (or “Live Together”) in Solino, Fò Nasyonal, Nazon, Kriswa and other nearby popular neighborhoods in Port-au-Prince. 

MOLEGHAF asserts that this escalation in paramilitary violence is rooted in the neocolonial Haitian state’s collaboration with the United States and other colonial powers, all working to maintain their criminal political agenda and keep Haiti under occupation: 

The sellout Haitian bourgeoisie, at the service of U.S. imperialism, controls our country. This is Full Spectrum Dominance. The ruling class seeks to break the back of all forms of Haitian resistance. By burning our neighborhoods down, they exterminate our very ability to resist. While the United Nations is allegedly sanctioning and embargoing weapons and bullets, the murderous group “LIVE TOGETHER” magically has access to hundreds of thousands of U.S. weapons. 

MOLEGHAF stresses that “US and Western imperialism” have targeted their neighborhoods since “at least our national uprising in 2021.” The attacks on their communities continue “even though hundreds of Kenyan troops now occupy us”. As the Haitian elite uses paramilitaries to crush popular Haitian resistance, MOLEGHAF describes the deteriorating situation:

None of us are free to leave our homes. We don’t know which way to go. The bloodthirsty death squads kill the poor and unfortunate inside their shacks.They burn through homes and memories. We, the population of Solino, have resisted this barbarism for 1 year and 7 months. Stand with us, We need help! The neocolonial Haitian state lays the basis of these massacres. We cannot continue in this situation.Solidarity is our only hope. 

The Black Alliance for Peace calls on the masses, especially those within the heart of the empire, to stand in solidarity with MOLEGHAF. We reiterate that if there is no peace, justice, and popular sovereignty for the Haitian masses, there can be no Zone of Peace in the Americas. We support MOLEGHAF’s efforts to provide the correct, radical analysis of its current predicament: that the ruling classes in Haiti, under the supervision of Western imperialists, “are seeking to break the back of the popular social movements.” We say NO to US-sponsored violence and repression in Haiti and YES to self-determination and freedom!!

Until the last rock is thrown

Until the last poem is written

Until the last voudou is sung

MOLEGHAF will resist alongside the heroic Haitian people!

Support MOLEGHAF’s fight for democracy in Haiti.
Donate to our people-to-people fundraiser here: ttps://


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(202) 643-1136

22 DE OCTUBRE DE 2024 - El 17 de octubre de 2024, el Movimiento Nacional por la Libertad y la Igualdad de los Haitianos por la Fraternidad (Mouvement National pour la Liberté et L'égalité des Haïtiens pour la Fraternité, MOLEGHAF), organización miembro de la Alianza Negra por la Paz (BAP), ha emitido un comunicado sobre la creciente violencia perpetrada por el grupo paramilitar “Viv Ansanm” (o “Vivir Juntos”) en Solino, Fò Nasyonal, Nazon, Kriswa y otros barrios populares cercanos de Puerto Príncipe. 

MOLEGHAF afirma que esta escalada de violencia paramilitar tiene sus raíces en la colaboración del estado neocolonial haitiano con los Estados Unidos y otras potencias coloniales, todos trabajando para mantener su agenda política criminal y mantener a Haití bajo ocupación: 

La burguesía haitiana vendida, al servicio del imperialismo estadounidense, controla nuestro país. Es la dominación de espectro completo. La clase dominante busca quebrar la espalda de toda forma de resistencia haitiana. Al quemar nuestros barrios, exterminan nuestra capacidad de resistencia. Mientras las Naciones Unidas supuestamente sancionan y embargan armas y balas, el grupo asesino “VIVIR JUNTOS” mágicamente tiene acceso a cientos de miles de armas estadounidenses. 

MOLEGHAF subraya que «el imperialismo estadounidense y occidental» han atacado sus barrios desde «al menos nuestro levantamiento nacional en 2021». Los ataques a sus comunidades continúan «a pesar de que cientos de tropas kenianas nos ocupan ahora». Mientras la élite haitiana utiliza a los paramilitares para aplastar la resistencia popular haitiana, MOLEGHAF describe el deterioro de la situación:

Ninguno de nosotros podemos salir de nuestros hogares. No sabemos qué camino tomar.                                      Los sanguinarios escuadrones de la muerte matan a los pobres y desafortunados dentro de                                  sus chozas. Queman hogares y recuerdos. Nosotros, la población de Solino, hemos resistido a esta                barbarie durante 1 año y 7 meses. Apoyenos, ¡necesitamos ayuda! El estado neocolonial haitiano                    sienta las bases de estas masacres. No podemos continuar en esta situación. La solidaridad es                      nuestra única esperanza. 

La Alianza Negra por la Paz llama a las masas, especialmente a todos ubicados dentro del corazón del imperio, a solidarizarse con MOLEGHAF. Reiteramos que si no hay paz, justicia y soberanía popular para las masas haitianas, no puede existir una “Zona de Paz” en las Américas. Apoyamos los esfuerzos de MOLEGHAF para proporcionar el análisis correcto y radical de su situación actual: que las clases dominantes en Haití, bajo la supervisión de los imperialistas occidentales, «están tratando de romper la espalda de los movimientos sociales populares.» Decimos NO a la violencia y la represión patrocinadas por EEUU en Haití y ¡SÍ a la autodeterminación y la libertad!

Hasta que se lance la última piedra
Hasta que se escriba el último poema
Hasta que se cante el último voudou
¡MOLEGHAF resistirá junto al heroico pueblo haitiano!

Apoya la lucha de MOLEGHAF por la democracia en Haití.

Haz un donativo a nuestra recaudación de fondos pueblo a pueblo aquí: ttps://

We Must Not Surrender to Totalitarianism

We Must Not Surrender to Totalitarianism

Resistance to Oppression is a Human Right

The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) recognizes that we are in a moment of increased and increasingly dangerous political repression. Peoples’ resistance to oppressive, militaristic, and genocidal policies enacted by the U.S. national security apparatus are once again being met with persecution, marginalization, violence, and even lawfare. The latest example being the sanctioning of Samidoun, an organization advocating on behalf of Palestinian prisoners, as an operation supporting a group that the U.S. state designated as a “terrorist” organization. 

BAP is not interested in debating the merits of these charges because the weight of evidence on state actions suggests that the state bears the responsibility to prove that it is not engaged in another crude effort to smash all opposition to zionist settler colonial fascism. Having lost the narrative on its support for the zionist apartheid state and bogged down in another militaristic adventure in Ukraine, we see an almost desperate attempt by the U.S. political elite (and its Western minions) to crush dissent. It is using a variety of tools: federal and local police, the propaganda apparatus in the form of the corporate media, and the legal system.

Just in the last year, this infrastructure of repression has been weaponized against independent media such as African Stream, which was deplatformed from Meta, Google, and TikTok after U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken claimed, without evidence, that the site is controlled by Russia. Radio Sputnik was also forced to end its programming, and the U.S. FBI convicted the “Uhuru 3” – Omali Yeshitela, Penny Hess & Jesse Nevil – on conspiracy charges. Meanwhile, the violent crackdown of pro-Palestine/anti-genocide student protests across college campuses continues. 

The punishment of those who openly oppose U.S. government policies, particularly in opposition to U.S. support of zionist occupation and genocide, is in full swing as the state and its foreign state agents, like AIPAC and the ADL, move to designate organizations, entities, or individuals that support Palestinian resistance as “terrorists” or supporters of “terrorism.” The objective of this repression is not just to silence political opposition, but to criminalize it – totalitarianism in practice.  

We in the Black Alliance for Peace fully understand the dangerous times we are in. Yet, we remain unyieldingly committed to our principles, to People(s)-Centered Human Rights, to people’s liberation struggles, and to the right of all individuals and people to resist colonialism, dictatorship, global imperialist warmongering, and all forms of oppression. For BAP, “No Compromise, No Retreat!” is more than a slogan. Ultimately, it is our response to the deepening repression; and it is an affirmation of the ongoing struggle that must be waged in order to finally defeat the dark forces of oppression and build a new world.

Black Alliance for Peace Denounces the Renewal of the U.S.-Kenya Mission to Haiti //  La Alianza Negra por la Paz denuncia la renovación de la misión de EE.UU. y Kenia en Haití

Black Alliance for Peace Denounces the Renewal of the U.S.-Kenya Mission to Haiti // La Alianza Negra por la Paz denuncia la renovación de la misión de EE.UU. y Kenia en Haití

The Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti Needs to End

  • OCTOBER 14, 2024— The Haiti/Americas Team of the Black Alliance for Peace strongly denounces the UN Security Council’s vote to extend the U.S. funded, Kenya-led Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission in Haiti. We assert that any U.S./UN-led armed intervention in Haiti is not only unjustifiable but also unlawful. We stand with the Haitian people and civil society groups who have consistently opposed foreign armed intervention, arguing that Haiti’s issues stem from ongoing and long-standing interference by the U.S., the UN, and the Core Group. 

On Monday, September 30th, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution extending for one year the authorization for the MSS mission to Haiti, which claims to help quell rampant gang violence. Yet, the mission will only be the latest in a line of failed interventions aimed at denying the popular sovereignty of the Haitian people. Prior to this vote, members of the Black Alliance for Peace’s Haiti/Americas Team delivered letters to the permanent UN Missions and Embassies of several countries represented on the UN Security Council, asking them to support the Haitian masses and oppose ongoing U.S.-orchestrated armed intervention. A public version of this letter appears here. While our letters were unsuccessful, we will continue to mobilize against this expanding intervention, which lacks legitimacy: the MSS was authorized under an illegitimate U.S.-installed Prime Minister, Ariel Henry, and deployed through the nine-member “Presidential Council” and Prime Minister, neither of which has any legal status or legitimacy in Haiti.

Though the Biden administration has halted its efforts to convert the MSS into an official United Nations Peacekeeping operation, we understand that a full, long-term foreign military occupation of Haiti is the eventual goal of the U.S. and its neocolonial proxies. We warn that the U.S. aims to use Haiti as a staging ground for a permanent military base in the region to, as articulated in its foreign policy documents, secure “U.S. national security and interests” and manage rival powers, presumably Russia and China.

In a time of global upheaval, marked by a live-streamed genocide in Gaza and violent clashes between cartels and police in Mexico, it is perplexing that the U.S., France, and Canada continue to call for the foreign occupation of Haiti — a country that, while facing internal conflicts, does not threaten regional or global security. We once again call on the international community to respect Haitian sovereignty and support the Haitian masses in their ongoing struggle against the relentless occupation by foreign powers. Allowing continuous U.S. and Western control over Haiti’s political apparatus not only threatens to extinguish the nation’s hard-won sovereignty, but also weakens the sovereignty and self-determination of every other nation in the Caribbean, and Central and South America. There can be no “Zone of Peace” in the Americas if there is no peace and freedom for the people of Haiti.

U.S. out of Haiti!

Kenya out of Haiti!

No to Another Occupation!

Free Haiti!

La Misión Multinacional de Apoyo a la Seguridad (MSS) en Haití debe terminar

14 DE OCTUBRE DE 2024- El Equipo Haití/Américas de la Alianza Negra por la Paz (BAP) denuncia enérgicamente el voto del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU para prorrogar la misión Multinacional de Apoyo a la Seguridad (MSS) en Haití, financiada por Estados Unidos y dirigida por Kenia. Afirmamos que cualquier intervención armada dirigida por Estados Unidos o la ONU en Haití no sólo es injustificable, sino también ilegal. Estamos con el pueblo haitiano y los grupos de la sociedad civil que se han opuesto sistemáticamente a la intervención armada extranjera, argumentando que los problemas de Haití se derivan de la interferencia continua y de largo plazo de EE.UU., la ONU y el “Core Group”. 

El lunes 30 de septiembre, el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU adoptó por unanimidad una resolución que prorroga por un año la autorización de la misión de la MSS en Haití, que pretende ayudar a sofocar la violencia desenfrenada de las bandas. Sin embargo, la misión sólo será la última de una serie de intervenciones fallidas destinadas a negar la soberanía popular del pueblo haitiano. Antes de esta votación, los miembros del Equipo Haití/Américas de la Alianza Negra por la Paz entregaron cartas a las misiones permanentes de la ONU y las embajadas de varios países representados en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, pidiéndoles que apoyaran a las masas haitianas y se opusieran a la actual intervención armada orquestada por Estados Unidos. Una versión pública de esta carta aparece aquí. Aunque nuestras cartas no tuvieron éxito contra la votación, seguiremos movilizándonos contra esta intervención en expansión, que carece de legitimidad: el MSS fue autorizado bajo un Primer Ministro ilegítimo instalado por Estados Unidos, Ariel Henry, y desplegado a través del “Consejo Presidencial” de nueve miembros y el Primer Ministro, ninguno de los cuales tiene estatus legal o legitimidad en Haití.

Aunque la administración Biden ha detenido sus esfuerzos para convertir el MMS en una operación oficial de mantenimiento de la paz de las Naciones Unidas, entendemos que una ocupación militar extranjera completa y a largo plazo de Haití es el objetivo final de EE.UU. y sus apoderados neocoloniales. Advertimos que EE.UU. pretende utilizar Haití como punto de partida para una base militar permanente en la región para, como se articula en sus documentos de política exterior, garantizar «la seguridad nacional y los intereses de EE.UU.» y controlar a las potencias rivales, presumiblemente Rusia y China.

En una época de agitación mundial, marcada por un genocidio retransmitido en directo en Gaza y violentos enfrentamientos entre cárteles y la policía en México, resulta desconcertante que Estados Unidos, Francia y Canadá sigan pidiendo la ocupación extranjera de Haití, un país que, aunque se enfrenta a conflictos internos, no amenaza la seguridad regional ni mundial. Una vez más, hacemos un llamado a la comunidad internacional para que respete la soberanía haitiana y apoye a las masas haitianas en su lucha constante contra la implacable ocupación por potencias extranjeras. Permitir el control continuo de Estados Unidos y el Occidente sobre el aparato político de Haití no sólo amenaza con extinguir la soberanía de la nación que tanto ha costado conseguir, sino que también debilita la soberanía y la autodeterminación de todas las demás naciones del Caribe y de América Central y del Sur. No puede haber una «Zona de Paz» en las Américas si no hay paz y libertad para el pueblo de Haití.

¡EE.UU. fuera de Haití!

¡Kenia fuera de Haití!

¡No a otra ocupación!

¡Que viva Haití libre!

Rechazamos la política de injerencia y agresión contra Venezuela y Honduras / We Reject the Policy of Interference and Aggression Against Venezuela & Honduras

Rechazamos la política de injerencia y agresión contra Venezuela y Honduras / We Reject the Policy of Interference and Aggression Against Venezuela & Honduras

La Campaña Nuestra América una Zona de Paz, espacio integrado por diversas organizaciones y movimientos sociales de América, rechazamos las acciones de agresión e injerencismo por parte del imperialismo estadounidense contra el pueblo de Venezuela y Honduras, durante los últimos días.

El abultado expediente de acciones violatorias del derecho internacional, del respeto a la soberanía de los pueblos y de intromisión en los asuntos internos por parte de EE.UU, ha marcado la historia de este país, y la forma en la que ha pretendido imponer su hegemonía  y dominio global y con particular atención en América Latina y el Caribe, cuyo territorio ha considerado como su patio trasero.

Luego de las elecciones del 28 de Julio en Venezuela, el imperialismo ha abierto un capítulo más en la larga lista de agresiones contra el pueblo venezolano, que ha incluido desde golpes de Estado, promoción de planes desestabilizadores y violencia interna, acciones terroristas, incursión de fuerzas mercenarias en el país, intentos de magnicidio, sanciones y bloqueos, incluyendo hasta amenazas de intervención militar.

Desde la campaña Nuestra América una Zona de Paz, queremos expresar nuestro rechazo a las declaraciones del gobierno de EE.UU, de la Unión Europea y de algunos países de América Latina, y  quienes se han alineado a los intereses de recomposición de la dominación imperialista en América Latina y el Caribe, quienes pretenden desconocer la soberanía y la voluntad popular en Venezuela. 

Condenamos de manera contundente la imposición de nuevas sanciones contra el pueblo de Venezuela, así como el robo del avión con bandera venezolana, que se encontraba en República Dominicana, todo esto es una muestra más de la conducta recurrente del gobierno de EE.UU de pretender rendir por hambre al pueblo de Venezuela, violando las más elementales normas del derecho internacional.

Igualmente alertamos sobre los posibles planes de intervención militar contra Venezuela, y que han sido solicitados por sectores aliados al imperialismo y quienes pretenden utilizar al comando sur cómo brazo ejecutor de la política de dominación imperialista hacia los diferentes países en el continente, en particular con los pueblos que han levantado la bandera de la resistencia y lucha por su liberación.

Cómo parte de la estrategia de dinamitar los procesos de integración y unidad regional, el imperialismo estadounidense también ha arremetido contra Honduras y su presidenta, quien ejerce hoy la presidencia pro-tempore de la CELAC, las presiones e intentos de desestabilización y crear las condiciones para un golpe de Estado en el país, similar al golpe ejecutado por EE.UU en el 2009, planificado y ejecutado desde la base militar estadounidense  "Soto Cano", son una clara representación de que el imperialismo no está dispuesto a permitir que nuestra región consolide los caminos de construcción hacia una paz con justicia social, y un destino común de liberación y mejores condiciones de vida de los pueblos en esta región.

Nuestros movimientos y organizaciones seguiremos trabajando en materializar la proclama de la CELAC en el año 2014 en La Habana, hacer de América Latina y el Caribe una zona de Paz, libre de bases militares, armas nucleares y que permita la construcción de un mejor futuro para nuestros pueblos.

The Zone of Peace Campaign, a formation of various organizations and social movements across Our Americas, rejects the acts of aggression and interference carried out by U.S. imperialism against the people of Venezuela and Honduras in recent weeks.

The extensive record of violations of international law, disregard for the sovereignty of nations, and interference in internal affairs by the U.S. has shaped the history of this country and its efforts to impose its global hegemony and dominance, particularly over Latin America and the Caribbean, which it has considered its backyard.

Following the elections on July 28 in Venezuela, imperialism has added another chapter to its long list of aggressions against the Venezuelan people, which includes coups d'état, the promotion of destabilizing plans and internal violence, terrorist actions, the incursion of mercenary forces, assassination attempts, sanctions, and blockades, even including threats of military intervention.

From the Zone of Peace campaign, we want to express our rejection of the statements made by the U.S. government, the European Union, and some Latin American countries, which have aligned themselves with the interests of imperialist domination in Our Americas and seek to undermine the sovereignty and popular will in Venezuela.

We strongly condemn the imposition of new sanctions against the people of Venezuela, as well as the theft of the Venezuelan-flagged plane that was in the Dominican Republic. This is yet another example of the recurring behavior of the U.S. government to try and subdue the Venezuelan people through hunger, in blatant violation of the most basic norms of international law.

We also warn of possible plans for military intervention against Venezuela, which have been encouraged by sectors allied with imperialism who aim to use the U.S. Southern Command as an execution arm of imperialist policy towards different countries on the continent, particularly against those peoples who have raised the banner of resistance and struggle for their liberation.

As part of its strategy to undermine regional integration and unity processes, U.S. imperialism has also lashed out against Honduras and its president, who currently holds the pro tempore presidency of CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States). The pressures, attempts at destabilization, and efforts to create the conditions for a coup in the country, similar to the coup carried out by the U.S. in 2009 and executed from the U.S. military base "Soto Cano," are a clear indication that imperialism is not willing to allow our region to consolidate paths toward building peace with social justice and a common destiny of liberation and improved living conditions for the people in this region.

Our movements and organizations will continue working to realize the proclamation made by CELAC in 2014 in Havana: to make Nuestra América (Our Americas) a Zone of Peace, free of military bases and nuclear weapons, and to enable the construction of a better future for our peoples.

The Meaning of October 7th: An Oppressed People Will Always Find a Way to Resist Oppression

The Meaning of October 7th: An Oppressed People Will Always Find a Way to Resist Oppression

The Meaning of October 7th: An Oppressed People Will Always Find a Way to Resist Oppression.

Black Alliance for Peace will never abandon the Rights of Palestinian People to Resist Zionist Colonialism “By Any Means Necessary” 

“Peace is not the absence of conflict, but rather the achievement by popular struggle of … the defeat of global systems of oppression that include colonialism, imperialism, patriarchy, and white supremacy.” (BAP Principle of Unity)

Today, October 7, 2024, the world commemorates – some in horror, others in celebration – a full year of a genocidal war, prosecuted in real time in occupied Palestine. In spite of the commonly accepted lie that the Al Aqsa Flood on October 7 was the beginning, this “war” actually began on November 29, 1947, with the passing of the UN resolution that led to the creation of the Israeli settler colonial state. For the next seventy-six years, with the backing of Western governments the state of Israel would lead a war of conquest, ethnically cleansing and massacring hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, displacing and maiming millions, and establishing an apartheid state. Therefore, the Black Alliance for Peace views the Al-Aqsa Flood as a legitimate resistance operation by the besieged Palestinians – the only party with an internationally recognized right of resistance. We support Palestinian resistance against the violent military domination by white supremacist imperialism and colonialism that began, first in the form of British colonialism, and continues in the form of zionism.

In response to the prison breakout of October 7, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IDF) unleashed a horrific wave of state terror with indiscriminate bombing, targeting of civilian infrastructure, rape, torture and starvation with an obvious and specific target – the non-combatant civilian population. The result – a second Nakba – another catastrophe for the Palestinian people, with tens of thousands slaughtered with impunity. This systematic state terrorism has now engulfed Lebanon, with Israel replicating its depraved, anti-human tactics from Gaza. It began with an attempt to terrorize the resistance group Hezbollah including the killing of the group’s revered leader and anti-colonial fighter, Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah. This terrorism has continued with the indiscriminate massacre of civilians in an attempt to force the Lebanese people into submission. 

Over the last year, the International Criminal Court (ICC) and International Court of Justice (ICJ) along with all the other Western-run international bodies that claim to defend human rights have proven themselves complicit, acting as mere puppets of U.S. imperialism. As global protests erupt in fury, Israel continues its slaughter, understanding clearly that the U.S. settler-state and the white West will continue to provide it protection.  

What the last year has reconfirmed for BAP is that the violence we have witnessed is part of a global system of white supremacism dependent on unrestrained state terror in order to continue the extraction of value from still colonized and oppressed non-European peoples, working classes and nations.  The militarization of police, from the Israeli Occupation Force in Gaza to the deadly exchange programs in domestic colonized communities, is the extension of fascist settler colonialism. If we understand the U.S. as a settler project, then its global expansion can only result in one thing – replicating systems of dominance and repression everywhere. Here, we must also recognize that the attacks on Gaza and Lebanon mirror the looming assault on Haiti. Both represent the deep-rooted racist violence that has always been at the core of the Pan-European colonial/capitalist white supremacist patriarchy since this system of oppression emerged in 1492.

Speaking out against this system of global white supremacy, whether here or abroad, is met with criminalization. From resisting austerity and Cop Cities in the U.S., to the prosecution of the “Uhuru 3” as agents of Russia, to curtailing speech and protest in hopes of dismantling the ‘student intifada’ across campuses, to the Palestinians and Lebanese fighting occupation, the message is clear: dissent is dangerous. But we must stand firm in truth. The real terrorists are those upholding the illegal zionist settler-colonial apartheid regime. The Black Alliance for Peace condemns Israel's decades-long barbarism and fully supports the Palestinian people’s right to resist occupation. Decolonization and self-determination are not simply demands – they are central to the realization of human rights. And since there is no real justice for Palestinians in Western-controlled international laws, we stand by their right to fight for their humanity. Collective resistance is a central principle of the People(s)-Centered Human Rights framework that guides BAP’s approach to the human rights issue. 

Fifty years into the future, the zionist massacre of Palestinians and invasion of Lebanon will be widely recognized for the war crimes that they are. But in the same way that it takes little courage today to oppose the segregation of the 1950s, the time to stand up against genocide and colonialism is right now - today. And we do not have the luxury of waiting for history to vindicate the Palestinians’ just struggle; we must act to help end the zionists’ ever-expanding genocidal war now, once and for all.

 Our struggles are intertwined: we are bound by the shared reality of living under white supremacist, settler-colonial states. When one of us suffers, we all do. And together, we will resist. Long live the resistance. Glory to the martyrs. Palestine will be free – and so will the world once our peoples unite to defeat the U.S./EU/NATO Axis Domination. 

Resist the U.S./EU/NATO Axis of Domination

Defeat the war in the U.S. being waged against the resisters

Smash the Duopoly

No Compromise! No Retreat!

Banner photo: Palestinian young men hold a Palestinian in celebration around a destroyed tank of Israeli forces in Gaza City: (courtesy - Hani Alshaer – Anadolu Agency)



The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) urges the leaders of the nations of the Americas to oppose the upcoming United Nations’ decision to renew the Multinational Security Support Mission (MSS) in Haiti for another 12 months. Additionally, we call on these regional leaders to challenge the United States' proposal to convert this MSS into a full-fledged UN Peacekeeping mission by 2025.

On October 16, 2022, the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) sent a letter urging the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation to “respect Haitian sovereignty and support the Haitian masses in their stand against the ongoing occupation of their country by foreign powers” by using their veto power and voting against another armed intervention and occupation into Haiti. In this letter, we outlined why the Haitian people perceive the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) as a foreign occupation that has undermined their independence and sovereignty since 2004. On October 3, 2023, we and over 100 social and civic movements and organizations throughout the Americas, including in Haiti and the diaspora, issued a joint statement denouncing the UN Security Council's approval of the U.S.-orchestrated, Kenya-led MSS to Haiti. In these, we laid out demands in line with those of Haitian civic and social organizations. The Haitian people are resolute in their opposition to foreign intervention and remain steadfast in their commitment to self-determination.

As we articulated in our previous letter and statement, Haiti has endured a long history of U.S. intervention and occupation. The Haitian people recognize that their current challenges stem directly from the persistent meddling of the United States, the United Nations, and the Core Group. They are unequivocal in their belief that all U.S.-led foreign interventions over the past decades have been illegal and illegitimate. Notably, the current Multinational Security Support Mission (MSS) lacks legitimacy, having been authorized under the auspices of an illegitimate and U.S.-installed Prime Minister, Ariel Henry. Subsequently, the U.S., with the support of CARICOM, established a nine-member “Presidential Council” and Prime Minister, neither of which has any legal status or legitimacy in Haiti, all without the backing of the Haitian populace or the opportunity for a democratic selection process. Importantly, the U.S. demanded that those permitted on the “Presidential Council” consent to foreign intervention (the MSS). Thus, the entire process that led to the imposition of a foreign force in Haiti is fundamentally fraudulent. 

We find it extremely worrisome that the U.S. has enlisted foreign proxies—such as police and military forces from Kenya, Jamaica, and Belize—to implement its foreign policy objectives in the region. It is equally alarming that these foreign forces, as part of the MSS, enjoy effective immunity for their actions in Haiti. Given the traumatic legacy of the last UN peacekeeping mission (MINUSTAH, 2004-2017), which was marred by violence, sexual exploitation, and a cholera epidemic, we view the MSS as a threat not only to Haiti’s sovereignty but also to the health and wellbeing of its people, particularly its children.

The Black Alliance for Peace also challenges the U.S. claim of addressing “gang violence” in Haiti. We assert that the U.S. and the so-called “international community” (including France and Canada) are fully aware that the current “gang violence” is funded and supported by Haiti’s oligarchs and the U.S.-backed political elite. This group imports weapons into the country and pays young men to instigate chaos, which is then used to manufacture consent for further invasion and occupation of Haiti. This is similar to the way the U.S. and France have increased the problem of “terrorism” in West and East Africa as a ruse to create U.S. military forces in that region, which we see in the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM). The awareness of these underlying dynamics is underscored by the sanctions imposed by the U.S. and Canada on several members of Haiti’s economic and political elite, including former Haitian president Michel Martelly, who was installed by the U.S.

In a time of global upheaval, marked by a live-streamed genocide in Gaza and violent clashes between cartels and police in Mexico, it is perplexing that the U.S., France, and Canada are advocating for foreign occupation of Haiti—a country facing internal conflicts that do not threaten regional or global security. We must question the U.S. insistence on maintaining a military presence in Haiti at this juncture. 

As an anti-war and anti-imperialist organization, the Black Alliance for Peace warns that the U.S. aims to use Haiti as a staging ground for a permanent military base in the region to, as articulated in its foreign policy documents, secure “U.S. national security and interests” and manage rival powers, presumably Russia and China.

We once again call on your countries to respect Haitian sovereignty and support the Haitian masses in their ongoing struggle against the relentless occupation by foreign powers. Only the Haitian people can determine their own solutions. Their leaders must not be selected by the U.S. or any other foreign entity. Allowing continuous U.S. and Western control over Haiti’s political apparatus not only threatens to extinguish the nation’s hard-won sovereignty, but also weakens the sovereignty and self-determinative capacities of every other nation in the Caribbean, Central, and South America. 

As we know, Haiti is a laboratory for U.S. and Western imperialist policies and practices of domination and intervention. What is visited upon Haiti will inevitably be visited upon other nations in the hemisphere. We have seen this in Honduras as the U.S. ambassador acts like a government representative in a foreign land, against the sovereignty of that nation and its President, Xiomara Castro. This is a strategy that was fine-tuned in Haiti under the Obama-Clinton foreign policy apparatus and continues to this day. 

We ask that you, leaders throughout the Americas, reject the old colonial divisions that have made the region more susceptible to U.S. intervention, sabotage and neocolonial rule, and use regional mechanisms like CELAC to support Haitian sovereignty. As nations have stood in solidarity with Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua against imperialist assaults, sanctions, and subterfuge aimed at undermining their sovereignty, so should you oppose the interventionist crimes and colonial impositions visited upon Haiti and its people by the U.S., UN and Core Group. As the overwhelming majority of nations and people of the Americas have decried the zionist genocide in Gaza and the ongoing violation of the sovereignty of Palestine and Lebanon, so should you fight against the imperialist actions that have resulted in instability, violence, and mass death in Haiti. There can be no “Zone of Peace” in the Americas if there is no peace and freedom for the people of Haiti.

The Black Alliance for Peace, in alignment with the wishes of the Haitian masses and their supporters, unequivocally opposes continued foreign armed intervention in Haiti. We stand firm in our demand for an end to the relentless meddling by the United States and Western powers in Haitian affairs. We urge your governments and nations to stand in solidarity with the Haitian people in their fight for liberation by opposing the extension of the MSS and any future plans to convert this mission into a UN peacekeeping operation.


The Black Alliance for Peace, Haiti/Americas Team



Una Carta Abierta a los Líderes de las Naciones de las Américas

La Alianza Negra por la Paz (BAP) insta a los líderes de las naciones de las Américas a oponerse a la próxima decisión de las Naciones Unidas de renovar la Misión Multinacional de Apoyo a la Seguridad (MSS) en Haití por 12 meses adicionales. Además, hacemos un llamado a todos los líderes regionales a desafiar la propuesta de Estados Unidos de convertir esta MSS en una misión de mantenimiento de la paz de la ONU para el año 2025.

El 16 de octubre de 2022, la Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) envió una carta instando a la República Popular de China y a la Federación Rusa a “respetar la soberanía haitiana y apoyar a las masas haitianas en su lucha contra la ocupación continua de su país por parte de potencias extranjeras”, utilizando su poder de veto y votando en contra de otra intervención armada y ocupación en Haití. En esta carta, explicamos por qué el pueblo haitiano percibe a la Oficina Integrada de las Naciones Unidas en Haití (BINUH) como una ocupación extranjera que ha socavado su independencia y soberanía desde 2004. El 3 de octubre de 2023, junto con más de 100 movimientos sociales y organizaciones cívicas a lo largo de las Américas, incluyendo Haití y su diáspora, emitimos una declaración conjunta denunciando la aprobación por parte del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU de la MSS liderada por Kenia y orquestada por Estados Unidos. En estos documentos, presentamos demandas en línea con las de las organizaciones cívicas y sociales haitianas. El pueblo haitiano es firme en su oposición a la intervención extranjera y permanece decidido en su compromiso con la autodeterminación.

Como señalamos en nuestra carta y declaración anteriores, Haití ha soportado una larga historia de intervenciones y ocupaciones por parte de Estados Unidos. El pueblo haitiano reconoce que sus desafíos actuales provienen directamente de la injerencia persistente de Estados Unidos, las Naciones Unidas y el Core Group. Son claros en su convicción de que todas las intervenciones extranjeras lideradas por EE.UU. en las últimas décadas han sido ilegales e ilegítimas. Cabe destacar que la actual Misión Multinacional de Apoyo a la Seguridad (MSS) carece de legitimidad, ya que fue autorizada bajo los auspicios de un Primer Ministro ilegítimo impuesto por EE.UU., Ariel Henry. Posteriormente, EE.UU., con el apoyo de CARICOM, estableció un “Consejo Presidencial” de nueve miembros y un Primer Ministro, ninguno de los cuales tiene estatus o legitimidad legal en Haití, y todo esto sin el respaldo del pueblo haitiano ni la oportunidad de un proceso de selección democrático. Es importante señalar que EE.UU. exigió que aquellos permitidos en el “Consejo Presidencial” consintieran la intervención extranjera (la MSS). Por lo tanto, todo el proceso que llevó a la imposición de una fuerza extranjera en Haití es fundamentalmente fraudulento.

Nos preocupa profundamente que EE.UU. haya reclutado proxies extranjeros, como fuerzas policiales y militares de Kenia, Jamaica y Belice, para implementar sus objetivos de política exterior en la región. Igualmente alarmante es que estas fuerzas extranjeras, como parte de la MSS, disfruten de una inmunidad efectiva por sus acciones en Haití. Dado el legado traumático de la última misión de paz de la ONU (MINUSTAH, 2004-2017), marcada por la violencia, la explotación sexual y una epidemia de cólera, consideramos la MSS como una amenaza no solo para la soberanía de Haití, sino también para la salud y el bienestar de su pueblo, en particular sus niños.

La Alianza Negra por la Paz también desafía la afirmación de EE.UU. de que está abordando la “violencia de pandillas” en Haití. Afirmamos que EE.UU. y la llamada “comunidad internacional” (incluyendo Francia y Canadá) son plenamente conscientes de que la actual “violencia de pandillas” está financiada y respaldada por los oligarcas haitianos y la élite política respaldada por EE.UU. Este grupo importa armas al país y paga a jóvenes para que generen caos, lo que luego se utiliza para fabricar consenso a favor de más invasiones y ocupaciones en Haití. Esto es similar a cómo EE.UU. y Francia han aumentado el problema del “terrorismo” en África Occidental y Oriental como un pretexto para crear fuerzas militares estadounidenses en esa región, como vemos en el Comando África de EE.UU. (AFRICOM). La conciencia de estas dinámicas subyacentes se refleja en las sanciones impuestas por EE.UU. y Canadá a varios miembros de la élite económica y política de Haití, incluyendo al expresidente haitiano Michel Martelly, quien fue instalado por EE.UU.

En un momento de agitación global, marcado por un genocidio transmitido en vivo en Gaza y enfrentamientos violentos entre cárteles y policías en México, resulta desconcertante que EE.UU., Francia y Canadá estén abogando por la ocupación extranjera de Haití, un país que enfrenta conflictos internos que no amenazan la seguridad regional o global. Debemos cuestionar la insistencia de EE.UU. en mantener una presencia militar en Haití en este momento.

Como organización antiimperialista y antibélica, la Alianza Negra por la Paz advierte que EE.UU. pretende utilizar Haití como plataforma para una base militar permanente en la región, con el fin de, como se articula en sus documentos de política exterior, asegurar la “seguridad e intereses nacionales de EE.UU.” y gestionar potencias rivales, presumiblemente Rusia y China.

Una vez más, hacemos un llamado a sus países para que respeten la soberanía haitiana y apoyen a las masas haitianas en su lucha continua contra la incesante ocupación de potencias extranjeras. Solo el pueblo haitiano puede determinar sus propias soluciones. Sus líderes no deben ser seleccionados por EE.UU. ni por ninguna otra entidad extranjera. Permitir que continúe el control de EE.UU. y Occidente sobre el aparato político de Haití no solo amenaza con extinguir la soberanía tan duramente ganada de la nación, sino que también debilita la soberanía y la capacidad de autodeterminación de todas las demás naciones del Caribe, Centro y Sudamérica. Sabemos que Haití es un laboratorio para las políticas imperialistas de EE.UU. y Occidente de dominación e intervención. Lo que se impone sobre Haití, inevitablemente se impondrá sobre otras naciones del hemisferio: lo hemos visto en Honduras, donde el embajador estadounidense actúa como un representante del gobierno en una tierra extranjera, en contra de la soberanía de esa nación y de su presidenta, Xiomara Castro. Esta es una estrategia perfeccionada en Haití bajo la política exterior de Obama-Clinton y que continúa hasta el día de hoy.

Pedimos que ustedes, líderes de toda América, rechacen las viejas divisiones coloniales que han hecho a la región más susceptible a la intervención, el sabotaje y el dominio neocolonial de EE.UU., y utilicen los mecanismos regionales como la CELAC para apoyar la soberanía haitiana. Así como las naciones se han solidarizado con Cuba, Venezuela y Nicaragua contra los asaltos imperialistas, las sanciones y la subversión que buscan socavar su soberanía, así deben oponerse a los crímenes intervencionistas e imposiciones coloniales que Estados Unidos, la ONU y el Core Group han impuesto sobre Haití y su pueblo. Así como la mayoría de las naciones y pueblos de las Américas han denunciado el genocidio sionista en Gaza y la violación continua de la soberanía de Palestina y Líbano, deben luchar contra las acciones imperialistas que han resultado en inestabilidad, violencia y muerte masiva en Haití. No puede haber una “Zona de Paz” en las Américas si no hay paz y libertad para el pueblo de Haití.

La Alianza Negra por la Paz, en alineación con los deseos de las masas haitianas y sus seguidores, se opone de manera inequívoca a la continua intervención armada extranjera en Haití. Mantenemos firme nuestra demanda de poner fin a la incesante intromisión de Estados Unidos y las potencias occidentales en los asuntos haitianos. Instamos a sus gobiernos y naciones a solidarizarse con el pueblo haitiano en su lucha por la liberación, oponiéndose a la extensión de la MSS y a cualquier plan futuro de convertir esta misión en una operación de mantenimiento de la paz de la ONU.

La Alianza Negra por la Paz, Equipo Haití/Américas

Organizations Globally Condemn the Fascism of the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM): Launch of A Month of Action

Organizations Globally Condemn the Fascism of the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM): Launch of A Month of Action



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(201) 292-4591

Organizations Globally Condemn the Fascism of the 

U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) 

Launch Annual Month of Action to Shut Down AFRICOM

SEPTEMBER 26, 2024 — October 1, 2024, marks the start of the 4th International Month of Action Against AFRICOM (U.S. Africa Command), organized by the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP). Every year, hundreds of organizations around the world endorse and participate in this Month of Action, standing united against the United States’ ongoing military presence in African nations across the continent.

International Month of Action Against AFRICOM will kick off with an international webinar featuring voices from the African continent and diaspora expressing the need for the complete withdrawal of U.S. troops and a complete end to the combatant command. Following the webinar individuals and organizations will engage in a month of autonomous and semi-autonomous actions and events designed to elevate this issue in the public consciousness around the world and encourage the continuation of the resistance against U.S. imperialism.

AFRICOM is the brainchild of the Heritage Foundation, the think tank also known for the creation of Project 2025. The plan was incubated twenty-one years ago, with an eye towards low-priced natural resources and control over African security affairs under the guise of the “Global War on Terror.” Launched by the George W. Bush administration and brought to full operation by the Barack Obama administration, AFRICOM is most known for the destruction of Libya resulting in tens of thousands dead, and millions displaced. The U.S. continues to refine and expand the tactics employed in Libya across the continent.

This year’s Month of Action Against AFRICOM comes at a pivotal geopolitical moment for Africa. The continent is experiencing widespread anti-neocolonialist movements including: (1) the successful expelling of AFRICOM from Niger, (2) admission and evidence that U.S. ally Ukraine has supported terrorism in Mali, and (3) popular mass mobilizations against governments propped up by the U.S. that are facing state repression, ie. Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda etc.

The Month of Action Against AFRICOM does not represent the full extent of BAP’s work against the neocolonial occupation of Africa. BAP continues to call for the dismantling of NATO, AFRICOM and all imperialist structures. Africa and the rest of the world cannot be free until all Peoples can exercise their sovereignty and the right to live free of domination.

BAP’s Demands include:

  • The complete withdrawal of U.S. forces from Africa;

  • The demilitarization of the African Continent;

  • The closure of U.S. bases throughout the world; and

  • The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) oppose the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) and conduct hearings on AFRICOM’s impact on the African continent, with the full participation of members of U.S. and African civil society.

To learn more about BAP’s International Month of Action Against AFRICOM, please visit our web page. You can also see informational materials about the Month of Action in our media kit.

The Black Alliance for Peace Condemns U.S. Convictions of Uhuru 3 As A Fascist Farce

The Black Alliance for Peace Condemns U.S. Convictions of Uhuru 3 As A Fascist Farce

The Black Alliance for Peace Condemns U.S. Convictions of Uhuru 3 As A Fascist Farce

After being forced to acquit Omali Yeshitela, Jesse Nevel, and Penny Hess – the “Uhuru 3” – on being agents of Russia, a U.S. federal court jury resorted to the sham conviction of “conspiracy,” in what amounted to them being guilty of internationalism and the work of liberating African people. The state’s claim is that the defendants are guilty of “planning to sow discord and inflame American political tensions at the behest of Russia,” a charge carrying a maximum sentence of five years in prison.

Although the conspiracy charge is being regarded as the less serious of the two changes, it presents a threat to all anti-imperialists and internationalists working in the bowels of the capitalist, U.S. settler state. “Conspiracy” is a U.S. legal fiction that can mean almost anything. From the definition, it is clear that determining what counts as conspiracy is often left up to the creativity of prosecution. In other words, “conspiracy” should be understood as the state deploying anything vague and circumstantial to use against our movement when it cannot get a conviction on anything else. 

The Black Alliance for Peace sounds the alarm about the danger this particular ruling represents – the severe undermining of the human right to free speech and the free flow of information. It is the creation of Orwellian, totalitarian legal precedence in support of “thoughtcrimes,” the offense of thinking in ways not approved by the U.S. settler state.

The trial of the “Uhuru 3,” members and supporters of the African People’s Socialist Party, is “proving to be one of the most important First Amendment cases thus far in the 21st century,” according to the group’s attorney Jenipher Jones. The case also exposes the fact that the U.S. has no regard for human rights. It violates Articles 19 and 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which protects the right to freedom of expression and opinion and freedom of association, as does Article 19 of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

It is also significant that a small Pan-Africanist group is the first to face legal charges and other overt repression for speaking out against the racist and imperialist policies of the U.S. regime. 

After the verdict Omali Yeshitela said:

“The most important thing is that they were unable to convict us for working for anybody except Black people, that's the most important thing. They could not convict us for working for anybody except black people. They had to say we were not working for the Russians and I am willing to be charged and found guilty of working for black people.”

But BAP suspects that this is a test case for what is to come from the racist U.S. settler state. All activists and anti-imperialists should be concerned about what has happened to the “Uhuru 3.” 

As we declared in our September 10th statement: “BAP and our movement will not be intimated. We recognize that the complete abandonment of constitutional and human rights by the U.S. and other Western states represents an irreversible crisis of legitimacy. We will continue to stand in support of the right to resist as a core human right.”

No Compromise!
No Retreat!

BAP Coordinating Committee

BAP Condemns U.S. Plans for Yet Another  UN Military Occupation of Haiti

BAP Condemns U.S. Plans for Yet Another UN Military Occupation of Haiti

We urge people of conscience around the world to stop another United Nations invasion of Haiti.

SEPTEMBER 10,  2024 – Once again, the Haiti/Americas Team of the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) strongly denounces the latest attempts by the U.S. to push for yet another UN military occupation of Haiti. We condemn this action and the relentless assaults on Haitian self-determination by the US and its criminal allies. We also urge Caribbean and Latin American governments to stand in solidarity with Haiti – just as they have stood with one another against violations of national sovereignty in Venezuela, Cuba, Honduras, etc. – as the Haitian people continue to bear the brunt of U.S. imperial policies and actions in the region. 

On September 5th and 6th, the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Haiti and the Dominican Republic. In Haiti, Blinken met with members of the US- and CARICOM-imposed “presidential council” and the illegitimate Prime Minister of Haiti to discuss support for the Kenyan and U.S. occupation forces currently present in the country. 

On September 5, 2024, a group of Haitian and Dominican organizations released a statement denouncing Blinken’s visit to the island (English translation here). The statement titled, “Repudiation of the Presence of the Representative of Yankee Imperialism in Haiti and the Dominican Republic,” declared:

This interventionist visit will bring no good to the Haitian people, nor to the Dominican people. Rather, it will seek to consolidate the neocolonial domination imposed on Haiti since the first U.S. military occupation (1915-1934) and on the Dominican Republic (1916-1924). In fact, Blinken’s only mission is to protect the interests of imperialism in Haiti and those of Haiti's small, repugnant elite class. He will do the same in the Dominican Republic.

Soon after Blinken’s departure from the island, Western media revealed the true U.S. objective of his visit: transforming the illegal, unpopular, and inept U.S.-led Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission of 400 Kenyan police officers into a full-scale UN occupation (cynically referred to as a “peacekeeping operation.”). This was further confirmed by reports that the UN Security Council is considering a resolution to deploy a military force to Haiti.

BAP’s position has been consistent and unwavering: we support Haitian self-determination. We will continue to struggle against foreign invasion and occupation of the country. Since 2021, we have advocated against U.S. imperial machinations in Haiti, including the continuing renewal of the mandate of the UN office in Haiti (BINUH), which Haitian people see as an occupation force, and the establishment of the MSS. BAP challenged the narrative of “gang violence” as a pretext for occupation and argued that it is the U.S.’s own puppets and Haitian oligarchs that are arming young men in Haiti. We warned that the MSS was a temporary cover for a more permanent military occupation of Haiti through proxies, and with the blessing of the UN. And we continue to remind people of the brutal repercussions of the two decades-long 2004 UN intervention and occupation of Haiti.

In solidarity with Haitian and Dominican organizations opposing U.S. imperialism, and in defense of Haitian self-determination and sovereignty, the Haiti/Americas Team of the Black Alliance for Peace demands an end to the current occupation of Haiti, calling for the closure of the BINUH office in Haiti, and the removal of Kenyan and U.S. militarized police from the country. We also demand that the UNSC cease its interference in Haitian affairs on behalf of the U.S. 

We urge people of conscience around the world to help stop another UN invasion of Haiti and, we also warn leaders of the Caribbean and Latin America – who have either remained silent or are actively participating in the U.S. usurpation of Haitian sovereignty  – that if Haiti is not free from U.S. bullying and imperial control, no other country in the region will be free.




The Black Alliance for Peace Stands in Solidarity with Venezuela Against the Assault on its Democracy

The Black Alliance for Peace Stands in Solidarity with Venezuela Against the Assault on its Democracy

As a means of interfering in its internal affairs, the US levied sanctions against Venezuela in 2018 and even recognized the loser of the election as the president… In order to interfere with the 2024 elections, the US government announced and imposed a new round of sanctions against the South American nation in April, just months before the elections, signaling more pain for the Venezuelan people if they did not support the US puppet candidate.

Despite the illegal sanctions and election interference by the US, the Venezuelan people reaffirmed their commitment to independence and their collective dignity.

Responsibility for the Kenya Crisis Lies At the Feet of US Neo-Colonialism

Responsibility for the Kenya Crisis Lies At the Feet of US Neo-Colonialism


Responsibility for the Kenya Crisis Lies At the Feet of US Neo-Colonialism

The excessive support and public adoration the U.S. government has given to Kenya’s President William Ruto represents the racist contempt this settler state has for all of Africa and for the domestic population of descendants from the continent. Two days before African Liberation Day on May 25th and one month before the Kenyan police’s brutal crackdown on protests against the US-IMF backed Finance Act that increases taxes up to 35% on essential goods, U.S. President Biden rolled out a red carpet for Ruto at a White House state dinner.

The debt that this bill is supposed to address only exists because of the incessant and indiscriminate borrowing by the previous government of Kenya, for which Ruto was vice-president. Ruto is a Grade A lackey for U.S. interests reminiscent of the dictator Mobutu of the Democratic Republic of Congo (then Zaire) who U.S. imperialism supported for 32 years in order to plunder the Congo.

U.S. neo-colonialism praised as an “endearing” and “enduring” democracy, the Ruto presidency, a puppet government that unleashed its notoriously vicious police to reportedly arrest more than 300, kill as many as 23 and injure dozens of Kenyan citizens in the demonstrations over the past week. These police are the same force U.S. imperialism has maneuvered into being dispatched to Haiti to contain the people’s resistance against imperialism in that Caribbean nation.

An elevation in the parlance of U.S. statecraft is the paternalistic promise of granting Kenya the status of a “Major Non-NATO Ally,” a role granted to the African Union’s African Standby Force. This designation is in sharp contrast to the Alliance of Sahel States newly formed confederation which is a declaration of African self-determination.

The Africa Team of the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) and the organizing arm U.S. Out of Africa Network (USOAN) stands in uncompromising solidarity with the masses of Kenyans fighting against the proposed Finance Bill 2024. We denounce in the strongest terms the complicity of the U.S., especially its Black misleaders in Congress, in passing this legislation. In fact the day the bill was introduced in the Kenyan parliament, members of the  U.S congress were present including Barbara Lee. 

Ruto must go! U.S. Out of Africa! BAP and USOAN salute the courage and determination of the masses of youth throughout Kenya "Gen Z"! The blood spilled will not be in vain. Our martyrs are alive along-side of the living. We stand unwaveringly with the Gen Z Movement, our people of Kenya!


Banner photo: A police officer with a walkie-talkie confronting a protest against the Finance Bill 2024. courtesy: Mathare Justice Center

US Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM) Factsheet

US Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM) Factsheet

Today, the United States is leading the world's largest multinational maritime war exercise from occupied Honolulu, Hawai'i. 25,000 personnel from 29 nations, including NATO allies and other strategic partners, are participating in the Rim of the Pacificor RIMPAC, under the command of the US Pacific Fleet, a major component of the US Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM).

With RIMPAC now underway, the lands and waters surrounding the Hawaiian Islands are being intensively bombed and shelled as participating forces practice amphibious landings and urban combat training, and the Kānaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) find their sovereignty once again violated after more than 130 years of colonization by the US.

RIMPAC aims to fortify the colonization and militarization of the Pacific, ensuring the security of the West's imperialist agenda against the rise of China and other threats to the US-led capitalist system. 

In the interest of advancing a political education around the history and purpose of INDOPACOM as part of U.S. militarism, the Solidarity Network for the Black Alliance for Peace has published this comprehensive Fact Sheet on INDOPACOM.

View Here

Black Alliance for Peace Condemns US Black (Mis)Leaders for their Support of US Military Intervention and Occupation of Haiti

Black Alliance for Peace Condemns US Black (Mis)Leaders for their Support of US Military Intervention and Occupation of Haiti

The Haiti/Americas Team of the Black Alliance for Peace rebukes the US Black “misleadership” class for its support of the latest US invasion and occupation of Haiti. We condemn the participation of this class in discussions with the US security state and its promotion of imperialist foreign policy objectives aimed at undermining Haitian sovereignty and dignity. 

On March 29, 2024, US Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer led a meeting on Haiti policy with a selected group of “leaders of U.S.-based Black civil rights groups.” The White House’s Readout lists the participants as Reverend Al Sharpton of the National Action Network, Ron Daniels of the Institute of the Black World (IBW21), Marc Morial, President of the National Urban League, Derrick Johnson, President of the NAACP, and Jocelyn McCalla, Senior Policy Advisor for the Haitian-American Foundation for Democracy. Why would the U.S. National Security office sponsor a meeting about Haiti with these groups? The readout claims the U.S. is committed to “ensuring a better future for Haiti.” But the most significant aspect of the meeting was the need, according to the White House, to rally support for “the UN-authorized Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission to Haiti and lifting up Haitian-led solutions to the political impasse.”

It seems that these Black misleaders huddling around the latrine of white power were given their marching orders to manufacture Black consent for continued US occupation and oppression of Haiti. Since that meeting, there has been a ramping up of US Black voices supposedly speaking on behalf of Haiti and Haitians. From Jesse Jackson to Al Sharpton, the main goal seems to be to rally the US Black community to support US foreign policy objectives, using Haiti as staging ground. 

Ron Daniels of IBW21 has been the most egregious, using the crisis in Haiti to raise funds for his organization, while propagating vile stereotypes about Haitian society and supporting US imperialism. In his recent “Haiti on Fire” articles, Daniels describes the country as a “virtual failed state” and a “narco-state” controlled by “vicious gangs,” calling for the Core Group to take the lead in Haiti, and claiming that only a US-ordered, Kenya-led mercenary mission can solve Haiti’s problems. 

By intent or ignorance, Daniels does not once mention the role of the US, France, and Canada in fomenting the crisis in Haiti, portraying it instead as a recent, self-inflicted problem caused by gangs and a few elites. Daniels does not acknowledge that this latest racist western media fascination with "gangs" only began in 2022 as the US was trying to keep its puppet Prime Minister, Ariel Henry, in power. What is most disturbing is that Daniels accepts that the Core Group, the foreign occupying force in Haiti, has legitimacy and has the right to take rule over Haiti. Never mind that Haitian people see the Core Group as a criminal, colonial entity. Daniels also celebrates the US-installed “Presidential Council” in Haiti, stating that this will lead to a “people-based democracy.” Someone should remind Daniels that there is no democracy under occupation.

But we know that it was the US and Core Group – under the cover of pliant misleaders of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) – that handpicked the Haitian participants in the Presidential Council. We also know that all participants in this Council had to first agree to this illegal foreign military invasion of Haiti. In effect, Daniels is not only calling on the same white supremacist arsonists to put out the fire that they themselves lit in Haiti, he also supports another US-led military invasion and occupation of Haiti!

BAP calls on those who support Haiti to not fall for the language of "solidarity" with Haiti when these Black hucksters of western hegemony are using their platform and the language of "brotherhood" and "sisterhood, and a cynical co-optation of “Pan-Africanism" to help US imperialism snuff out Haitian sovereignty. We must remember that the crisis in Haiti is a crisis of imperialism.

Ron Daniels and the IBW21, as well as these other Black misleaders, should be condemned for supporting US imperial policy against the First Black Republic in the modern world. These selected “Leaders of Civil Rights Groups” would do well to know that they are just the third group of Black faces that the US is instrumentalizing,  to invade Haiti, following the pattern set by the CARICOM countries and Kenya (which the U.S. is bribing with $300 million to pretend to lead this disastrous mission). Are they wondering why the US, France, or Canada are refusing to lead the mission, or why they are only now involving them in the discussion? As we have said of the Kenyan government and the CARICOM governments providing armed mercenaries to kill Haitian people, this is Blackface imperialism. 

We would also like to point out to these Black “leaders” that this planned invasion of Haiti, though heralded as a “UN” mission, is actually not. It has the sanction of the UN Security Council, but the UN did not want to take responsibility for the mission because it would need to apply too much “robust use of force” on Haitian people. 

The Black Alliance for Peace continues to denounce US imperialism. But we especially condemn the Black faces of imperialism. We call on all those committed to a world without colonies to reject the Black faces of empire and their lies. Disband the Core Group! End the BINUH occupation! Stop all efforts to impose a new invasion on Haiti!

Dump the Imperialists in Blackface! Solidarity with the resistance! Long live a free Haiti!

The Facts about ECOWAS by The Black Alliance for Peace Africa Team

The Facts about ECOWAS by The Black Alliance for Peace Africa Team

The US and EU states work with intergovernmental regional organizations like the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) as a geo-strategy to give cover for neo-colonialist interests. As developments in Africa have reached a crucial point, it becomes more important to critically understanding the origin of ECOWAS and its current essential function.

The people have protested against ECOWAS sanctions in response to the military transitional governments in the new Alliance of Sahelian States (AES) viewed by many as a step towards African self-determination. In turn, the leaders of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger have decided to leave ECOWAS, declaring that it has deviated from its original purpose and is now an impediment to their sovereignty.

In the interest of advancing a political education around the history and current role of ECOWAS the Africa Team of the Black Alliance for Peace has published this comprehensive FACT SHEET on ECOWAS.

BAP member Margaret Kimberley Speaks to the UN Security Council

BAP member Margaret Kimberley Speaks to the UN Security Council

Margaret Kimberley, BAP member and Executive Editor of Black Agenda Report, was invited to brief the United Nations Security Council on May 20, 2024, as a civil society representative. The subject of the meeting was weapons supplies to Ukraine as a threat to peace and security.

Reposted from Black Agenda Report

Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you all for this opportunity to address the Security Council and to provide a briefing on the issue of peace as it relates to Ukraine and its connections with people in this country and all over the world.

As a journalist, Executive Editor of Black Agenda Report, and a member of the Black Alliance for Peace and of the United National Antiwar Coalition, and as a citizen of the United States, the nation which has taken a lead role in continuing this crisis, I am very eager to speak to this issue. As of now, the U.S. government has allocated nearly $175 billion for the Ukrainian war effort and to support the workings of Ukraine’s civilian government.

For the last two years we have seen a terrible war which would end if this country and others would stop providing arms and instead seek peace. There were opportunities for that very thing to happen in March and April of 2022, when the government of Turkiye hosted peace talks between Ukraine and the Russian Federation. The possibility of peace was lost when my country and others subverted these talks by promising the government of Ukraine that it would receive an endless supply of weapons with which to achieve a military victory. Not only has that victory been elusive, but thousands of Ukrainians, the people this country claims to care so much about, have lost their lives. And of course, many Russians have also perished in the fighting. The goal should be for the death toll to end for both nations.

We don’t have to guess why this huge sum of money has been spent. We need only recall what the president of the United States and his foreign policy team have said publicly. The Secretary of Defense famously said in a rare moment of candor, that the U.S. wanted to “see Russia weakened.” This is a dangerous goal for the United States to have at all. The world needs cooperation. It is the only way to avoid escalation and disastrous outcomes between the major powers. The U.S. shouldn’t be attempting to weaken any nation but should be continuously engaged in finding ways to prevent and to end conflicts.

Not only is the Secretary’s confession dangerous, but it has surely failed. President Biden himself said that U.S. imposed sanctions against Russia would “turn the ruble to rubble.” No such thing has happened, but other nations have suffered economically from the futile effort to keep Russian oil off of world markets. Global South nations in particular were most impacted by what turned out to be a failed effort against Russia. More developed nations, those in Europe, have been deprived of affordable gas supplies they reliably received from Russia for decades.

There have been other serious consequences and some of them have fallen on people in this country, the one most responsible for continuing the crisis. Project Ukraine as it is called is a bipartisan effort, with both Democrats and Republicans supporting the continued infusion of huge sums of money to the defense industry, the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) and to dubious projects in Ukraine itself. This funding is not just spent on the military but is literally supplying many domestic government functions within that country. Most Americans are unaware that small businesses in Ukraine are being supported with their public funds. At least $25 billion in non-military aid has been spent.

It isn’t as if people in this country aren’t in need of help. Money for weapons continues thanks to consensus among the political class while needy people here are being removed from the Medicaid program which pays for health care for low-income people, as well as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Students take on thousands of dollars in debt to attend universities. The same administration which is committed to spending money on weapons has never presented a plan to help the estimated 500,000 people in the U.S. who are unhoused. There are constantly calls to cut or end these programs altogether but the funding stream for war remains untouched. Democracy itself is in crisis because of these endless conflicts. War is not the only indicator of violence in the world and peace is not just the absence of conflict. War making leads to immiseration, which is antithetical to the concept of peace.

The U.S. public do not have the unanimity of opinion on Ukraine that one would expect considering that billions of dollars have been allocated. Even those who say they support this effort also say that they would like to see negotiations too. A recent poll indicated that 71% of people in this country would like to see a negotiated settlement instead of ongoing conflict.

But the millions of Americans who want an end to the conflict have been deprived of the representation we are supposed to have. Not only does the administration refuse to reconsider its position, but there are reports that President Biden wants to prevent future presidents from playing a different role. According to President Zelensky, he is working with the U.S. and other NATO nations on a ten-year plan to provide weapons. Joe Biden can only serve for a maximum of four and a half more years, meaning that he wants to make a commitment that a future president could not change. In so doing, he invalidates the concerns of voters in this country and of the people who are supposed to represent them.

As a citizen of the United States, I am frankly shocked by the lengths this country will go to in order to pursue a dangerous plan that is doomed to failure. The most recent tranche of U.S. weapons funding is dependent upon Ukraine mobilizing more men, approximately 500,000. Several million Ukrainians fled to nearby states in 2022 but now they are told they cannot renew their passports abroad. They must return to Ukraine where we see videos of men literally being press ganged into service, dragged off the street and forced to join the military. The freedom that is allegedly being fought for seems to require a lack of freedom for Ukrainians who face the risk of death on the battlefield. This corruption requires a steady stream of indoctrination and propaganda to keep the U.S. population from asking questions or actively opposing the war. I suppose that is why Secretary of State Antony Blinken thought it wise to perform with a Ukrainian band on his last visit to Kiev. Not only that, but neither the Secretary nor his handlers were aware that the song he performed, “Rockin’ in the Free World,” is a lament about poverty and hopelessness in a supposedly free world which isn’t truly free for millions of people. The administration is so divorced from reality that they thought it wise for Secretary Blinken to play this song as men are rounded up to be cannon fodder.

I want to add that this conflict didn’t begin in February 2022. It began years earlier with the U.S. plan to have Ukraine join NATO. In 2008 William Burns, then U.S. Ambassador to Russia, revealed in a cable known to us, because of the work of Wikileaks, that doing so would cross a Russian red line and potentially lead to “a major split, involving violence or at worst civil war.” As we all know Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange languishes in a UK prison, facing extradition to the country that has made an example of him because he has revealed secrets such as this cable.

I reiterate that there have been peace proposals in the past two years, with the most recent attempt being made by the People’s Republic of China, which has developed a comprehensive 12-point plan that could mean the end of destruction and suffering if it is given serious consideration.

Lastly, I would like to make a plea to the United Nations to use its power to investigate a catastrophic event that is tied to the Ukraine conflict. On September 26, 2022, the NordStream pipelines were destroyed in an explosion which also sent approximately 15 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, thus contributing to global warming.

Investigations have been closed without conclusion and at least one internationally known investigative journalist has provided evidence of U.S. responsibility. Sadly, no one in a position to investigate in this country has demanded an investigation. It is imperative that the United Nations undertake an independent investigation of its own. This is only possible if fantasies about domination are finally and firmly rejected. Doing so would free nations to be honest with one another, to struggle over issues but to resolve them without death or expenditures of money that are better used for human needs.

I end by thanking you profusely for this opportunity and for the work of the Security Council in upholding the United Nations Charter on behalf of the people of the world. Thank you so much.

Margaret Kimberley is the author of Prejudential: Black America and the Presidents . You can support her work on Patreon and also find it on the Twitter , Bluesky , and Telegram platforms. She can be reached via email at .

ATL to GAZA: Free Palestine and Stop Cop Cities

ATL to GAZA: Free Palestine and Stop Cop Cities

ATL to GAZA: Free Palestine and Stop Cop Cities

To simply denounce the brutal mass arrests, narrative lies, misinformation, and violent repression at Emory University, University of Georgia (UGA), the Atlanta University Center (AUC), and elsewhere in response to the students’ movement for Palestine would not be enough. The Black Alliance for Peace Atlanta Citywide Alliance (BAP-ATL) calls on organizations to unite to smash manifestations of Zionism and U.S. imperialism at home and abroad, and to nationalize the struggle to Stop Cop City through political organization. From Atlanta to Palestine, our struggles are inextricably intertwined, and the latest round of police violence against protesters further proves this. As stated by student organizers from Emory University, “the fight against Cop City and for Palestinian liberation are both frontiers in the same struggle against the mechanisms of state-sanctioned violence and repression.” 

The Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE), a deadly exchange program founded in 1992 and housed in Georgia State University’s (GSU) Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, is one way that Zionist violence against Palestinians directly impacts African/Black populations in Georgia and across the U.S.. The program uses a combination of Atlantan’s tax dollars, shady donations from private corporations, and GSU student tuition to facilitate the training and exchange of militarized, apartheid oppression and control tactics between U.S.-based police and the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF). 

The rapid and militarized violence we’ve witnessed not just at Emory and UGA, but across over 150  of campuses now, is a direct result of Zionist deadly exchange programs. Emory President Gregory Fenves and local media claim we are “outside agitators”, as they once also claimed about Martin Luther King Jr. in this same city, while welcoming the militarized police force who are trained by a foreign apartheid state and who recruit as far as New York to fill their ranks. The militarized, imperialist IOF forces who are committing genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza live on camera continue to deepen their ties within U.S. police forces, who occupy African/Black neighborhoods at home and turn the violence of imperialism on colonized populations daily.  We uplift and echo the urgent demand of students organizers and residents within the City of Atlanta: END GILEE NOW! 

The IOF utilizes their Urban Warfare Training Center, built in 2005, to "train" IOF soldiers in violent occupation and counter-insurgency, brutally suppressing Palestinians and Palestinian resistance daily. This includes environments designed to replicate the ‘on the ground conditions’ in Gaza, known as "Mini Gaza", and is the dangerous inspiration for the Cop Cities being built across the U.S.. Whether in Haiti, Palestine, or Atlanta, the development of militarized and highly-armed occupation forces represent the violence of imperialism, and we’re experiencing a nationalizing of both the pig forces and resistance. 

The Urban Warfare Training Center in the city of Atlanta being developed and funded by the Atlanta Police Foundation and championed by Mayor Andre Dickens, known as Cop City, sits on stolen Muscogee Land, in the Weelaunee Forest, surrounding a predominantly African/Black neighborhood. While the movement to Stop Cop City may have started in Atlanta, and Tortuguita may have become our martyr in the Weelaunee Forest, our oppressors have made it clear that the Stop Cop City struggle must be nationalized in order to combat the consolidated, militarized, and nationalized repression strategies that we are up against. This spring, the repressive tactics that are and will be further cultivated within Cop Cities were on full display on campuses all across the country as students, faculty, and community members were beaten and tear gassed on camera, and a diaspora of military-style crackdowns which many have warned against since day one of this struggle are now on display for all to see. 

There are now more than 69 Cop City projects of varying sizes proposed across the U.S., from occupied Atlanta to colonized Alaska. Under the guise of “training” and “developing security”, private corporations and capitalists are pouring millions of dollars into militarized “police training” centers and programs nationally, while Federal programs like the U.S. 1033 Program continue to deliver surplus military weaponry to local police departments. This allows for a consolidation of power and repression, and is directly from the playbook which the imperialists have used abroad for the last several decades; The U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) for example, arms and “trains'' the local military forces of nearly every African country on the continent, which allows the imperialist forces to perpetuate their neo-colonial domination, exploitation, and crackdown on any anti-colonial uprisings which may occur.  Western imperialists facilitate the arming and occupation of oppressive colonial forces in Haiti, in Palestine, in the Congo, and in Sudan in the same manner that they do in our African/Black neighborhoods within the U.S.. 

We denounce Zionism and the genocide in Gaza not purely on theoretical or political grounds, but rather because of the many material ways we experience this violence every single day. Students everywhere continue to denounce Cop City, and commit to struggling against both Zionism and Cop City as one and the same, as these struggles manifest from the same primary contradiction of U.S. imperialism. We remember our martyrs in Atlanta: Anthony Hill, Kathyn Johnston, Rayshard Brooks, Alexia Christian, Oscar Cain, Nicholas Thomas, Johnny Hollman, and so many more — and know that resistance is justified in their honor.

BAP-ATL extends our unwavering solidarity with all who resist! We echo and uplift students’ demands for universities and all municipalities to:

  • Divest from zionism!

    • Divest from weapons manufacturers, surveillance, security, and any company arming the Zionist entity and complicit in Palestinian genocide and occupation. This includes boycotting Zionist academic institutions, and divesting from any companies supporting Cop City.


  • Drop the charges!

    • Release all arrested students, faculty, workers, and community members and DROP ALL CHARGES against everyone, including our comrades.

  • Hold Emory + UGA admin accountable!

    • Emory President Gregory Fenves + UGA President Jere Morehead deserve to be held accountable for calling the violent, militarized pig forces on protesters. Them and any other administrators involved must be immediately fired from their positions, and the universities must compensate every victim of brutal pig conduct.

As so succinctly put by Dr. Charisse Burden-Stelly, member of Black Alliance for Peace: “now is a great time to join an organization working against capitalism, patriarchy, imperialism, (neo-)colonialism, war and the manifold issues the right wing and neo-fascists have been organizing to uphold for decades.” We invite all people, including those who have been newly politically activated within the last seven months, to engage in long-term, community-based political organization to continue the struggle.

No compromise, no retreat! Smash imperialism from Atlanta to Gaza!

A Zone of Peace Campaign Statement in Solidarity with the Nicaraguan People

A Zone of Peace Campaign Statement in Solidarity with the Nicaraguan People

Zone of Peace Campaign Congratulates Nicaragua on the National Day of Peace April 19, 2024

April 18, 2024. On the 6th anniversary of the violent coup attempt perpetrated against the people and government of Nicaragua, the organizations of the Zone of Peace Campaign extend their solidarity to the people and government of Nicaragua and in particular, the victims of the terrorism, which was paid for by the US and European governments and implemented by their lackeys within Nicaraguan territory in order to destabilize the country. (See witness testimony here). 

While we mourn the loss of life, severe damage to the Nicaraguan economy and infrastructure, and the violent tactics used to terrorize the Nicaraguan people, we celebrate that our Nicaraguan sisters and brothers defeated this attack on their self- determination and a stable peace has returned to the country.

The United States has been intervening militarily in Nicaragua since the mid-1800s. In more recent years, the empire disguises its attacks in the form of hybrid warfare—a combination of coordinated disinformation, unilateral coercive measures, and attempts to isolate the country internationally–all applied with veiled threats of renewed violence. These tactics are used against any country that asserts its sovereignty, such as Cuba and Venezuela. In fact, the so-called “popular uprising” in Nicaragua in 2018 was based on the guarimbas of Venezuela in 2014 and 2017; and the July 11, 2021 protests in Cuba were orchestrated from social media platforms in the U.S., like the 2018 protests in Nicaragua. 

Unilateral coercive measures, commonly called “sanctions,” have devastated the economies of Cuba and Venezuela, and are threatening to do the same to Nicaragua as they continuously escalate. While human rights agencies at the service of empire criticize Nicaragua for prosecuting those who have committed crimes against the people, they ignore the many Nicaraguans who are enjoying more rights than ever in the history of the nation: the right to food, clean water, health, education, housing, land, food sovereignty, employment, and peace. While agencies at the service of empire turn a blind eye to the public genocide taking place in Gaza, Nicaragua is continuing its tradition of defending our peoples at the International Court of Justice.

We categorically reject all unilateral coercive measures, especially against the anti-imperialist countries of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, as well as campaigns to encourage mass migration:

The American dream is sold to further destabilize our countries that are fighting and stoically resisting a new strategy to depopulate our countryside and our cities. These measures are an attack on our development models and our capacity to produce our own food.” (Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones del Campo–CLOC)

The US government is punishing these peoples for exercising self-determination and delivering the same people-centered human rights that all the peoples of the Americas demand. We celebrate the peace that has returned to Nicaragua and congratulate the Nicaraguan people and government on April 19, the National Day of Peace.

Hands Off Nicaragua!

¡Que Viva Nicaragua Libre y en Paz!

La Campaña de Zona de Paz Felicita al Pueblo de Nicaragua en El Día Nacional de la Paz, 19 de Abril, 2024

18 de abril de 2024. En este 6to aniversario de la violenta intentona golpista perpetrada contra el pueblo y gobierno de Nicaragua, las organizaciones de la campaña Zona de Paz extienden su solidaridad con el pueblo y gobierno de Nicaragua y en particular con las víctimas del terrorismo, pagado por los gobiernos de Estados Unidos y Europa e implementado por sus lacayos dentro del territorio nicaragüense para desestabilizar el país. (Ver el testimonio de los testigos aquí).

Aunque lamentamos la pérdida de vidas humanas, los graves daños causados a la economía y las infraestructuras nicaragüenses, y las violentas tácticas empleadas para aterrorizar al pueblo nicaragüense, celebramos que nuestros hermanos y hermanas nicaragüenses derrotaran este ataque contra su autodeterminación y que se restableciera una paz estable en el país.

Estados Unidos lleva interviniendo militarmente en Nicaragua desde mediados del siglo XIX. En los últimos años, el imperio disfraza sus ataques en forma de guerra híbrida: una combinación de desinformación coordinada, medidas coercitivas unilaterales e intentos de aislar internacionalmente al país, todo ello aplicado con amenazas veladas de reanudar la violencia. Estas tácticas se utilizan contra cualquier país que afirme su soberanía, como Cuba y Venezuela. De hecho, el llamado “levantamiento popular”; en Nicaragua en 2018 se basó en las guarimbas de Venezuela en 2014 y 2017; y las protestas del 11 de julio de 2021 en Cuba fueron orquestadas desde plataformas de las redes sociales en Estados Unidos, al igual que las protestas de 2018 en Nicaragua.

Las medidas coercitivas unilaterales, comúnmente llamadas “sanciones”;, han devastado las economías de Cuba y Venezuela, y amenazan con hacer lo mismo en Nicaragua a medida que se intensifican constantemente. Mientras las agencias de derechos humanos al servicio del imperio critican a Nicaragua por procesar a quienes han cometido crímenes contra el pueblo, hacen caso omiso a los muchos nicaragüenses que disfrutan de más derechos que nunca en la historia de la nación: el derecho a la alimentación, al agua potable, a la salud, a la educación, a la vivienda, a la tierra, a la soberanía alimentaria, al empleo y a la paz. Mientras las agencias al servicio del imperio se hacen la vista gorda ante el genocidio público que sucede en Gaza, Nicaragua continúa su tradición de defensa de nuestros pueblos ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia.

La Zona de Paz rechaza categóricamente todas las medidas coercitivas unilaterales, especialmente contra los países antiimperialistas de Cuba, Nicaragua y Venezuela, así como las campañas para fomentar la migración masiva:

“El sueño americano se vende para desestabilizar aún más a nuestros países que luchan y resisten estoicamente una nueva estrategia para despoblar nuestros campos y nuestras ciudades. Estas medidas atentan contra nuestros modelos de desarrollo y nuestra capacidad de producir nuestros propios alimentos”. (Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones del Campo-CLOC)

El gobierno de EE.UU. castiga a estos pueblos por ejercer la autodeterminación y respetar los derechos humanos centrados en las personas—los mismos que exigen todos los pueblos de Nuestra América. Celebramos la paz que ha regresado a Nicaragua y felicitamos al pueblo y gobierno nicaragüense este 19 de abril, Día Nacional de la Paz.

Hands Off Nicaragua!

¡Que Viva Nicaragua Libre y en Paz!

BAP’s Africa Team and U.S. Out of Africa Network Applauds Niger’s Move to Expel AFRICOM

BAP’s Africa Team and U.S. Out of Africa Network Applauds Niger’s Move to Expel AFRICOM

—La traduction en français se trouve ci-dessous

The Black Alliance for Peace’s Africa Team and U.S. Out of Africa Network Applauds Niger’s Move to Expel AFRICOM

The Black Alliance for Peace’s (BAP) Africa Team and U.S. Out of Africa Network (USOAN) commend Niger for its decision to expel the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM). We urge all African nations to reject U.S. neo-colonialism and remove AFRICOM from their territories. AFRICOM's presence has led to an exponential increase in terrorism, with more civilian casualties resulting from AFRICOM strikes.

Niger's National Council for the Safeguarding of Our Homeland (CNSP) has declared the U.S. presence in their territory illegal, highlighting the erosion of Niger's sovereignty since the establishment of U.S. military bases in 2014. Despite Niger’s declaration, the U.S. refuses to leave, dismissing Niger’s position as Russian influence. Local organizations in Niger have openly denounced U.S. interference in the country's ongoing transition process and the people have demonstrated in front of the U.S. embassy in Niamey to demand the immediate departure of AFRICOM.

BAP and the USOAN emphasize the need for African people to control their continent's destiny and we oppose all foreign military and all forms of imperialist intervention in Africa. BAP also expresses concern over AFRICOM's plans to expand by placing new drone bases in Benin, Ivory Coast, and Ghana. We denounce such expansions and call for an end to all military agreements between African nations and the U.S.

BAP's Africa Team and USOAN will closely monitor the unfolding situation in Niger.

U.S. Out of Africa! Shut Down AFRICOM!

Traduction en français


L'équipe Afrique de l'Alliance Noire pour la Paix (BAP) et le réseau U.S.A. dégage!(USAON) saluent la décision du Niger d'expulser l'AFRICOM

L'équipe Afrique de l'Alliance Noire pour la Paix (ou BAP en anglais) et le réseau U.S.A. Dégage! (ou USOAN en anglais) félicitent le Niger pour sa décision d'expulser le Commandement américain pour l'Afrique (AFRICOM). Nous exhortons toutes les nations africaines à rejeter le néocolonialisme américain et à expulser l'AFRICOM de leur territoire. La présence de l'AFRICOM a conduit à une augmentation exponentielle du terrorisme, avec plus de victimes civiles résultant des frappes de l'AFRICOM.

Le Conseil national pour la sauvegarde de la patrie (CNSP) du Niger a déclaré illégale la présence des États-Unis sur son territoire, soulignant l'érosion de la souveraineté du Niger depuis l'établissement de bases militaires américaines en 2014. Malgré la déclaration du Niger, les États-Unis refusent de partir, et traitent la position du Niger comme une simple expression de l'influence Russe. Les organisations locales au Niger ont ouvertement dénoncé l'ingérence des États-Unis dans le processus de transition en cours dans le pays et la population a manifesté devant l'ambassade des États-Unis à Niamey pour exiger le départ immédiat de l'AFRICOM.

La BAP et l'USOAN soulignent la nécessité pour les peuples africains de contrôler le destin de leur continent et s'opposent à toute intervention militaire étrangère et à toute forme d'intervention impérialiste en Afrique. La BAP exprime également son inquiétude quant aux plans d'expansion de l'AFRICOM, qui prévoit d'installer de nouvelles bases de drones au Bénin, en Côte d'Ivoire et au Ghana. Nous dénonçons cette expansion et appelons à la fin de tous les accords militaires entre les nations africaines et les Etats-Unis.

L'équipe Afrique de la BAP et l'USOAN suivront de près l'évolution de la situation au Niger.

Les U.S.A. Dégage! ! A bas l'AFRICOM !

Banner photo: Demonstrators in Niger against France neocolonialism hold sign that reads “A Dieu La France” (courtesy}.

We Call for the Respect of Haitian Popular Sovereignty and an End to Western Imperialist Intervention

We Call for the Respect of Haitian Popular Sovereignty and an End to Western Imperialist Intervention

We Call for the Respect of Haitian Popular Sovereignty and an End to Western Imperialist Intervention

A Zone of Peace Campaign Statement in Solidarity with the Haitian People

BOGOTA, COLOMBIA. 19 March 2024 – We denounce the ongoing attempts by Western imperialists to force an armed intervention and another illegitimate government on the Haitian people, as well as the collaboration of regional institutions in this intervention.

After months of the U.S., Core Group, and other imperialist collaborators working to execute an armed intervention into Haiti that they are now calling a “Multinational Security Service,” ex-de facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry has resigned from his illegitimately-held position. Those countries calling for military intervention – the U.S., France, Canada – have created the conditions making military intervention appear necessary and inevitable. Now, this same imperialist cabal wants to appoint a favorable “transitional government,” without input from the Haitian people.

As organizations of the Zone of Peace Campaign, we also denounce the role of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) working in collaboration with Western imperialists to deny the Haitian people their national sovereignty and collective self-determination. CARICOM has continued to betray the people of Haiti – in their support of western intervention, through select states’ choice to send troops to Haiti, and by including western imperialists in “negotiations” to which popular Haitian movements and organizations were not invited. CARICOM must reverse its position to one that opposes armed intervention into Haiti, and supports the efforts of the Haitian people to assert their sovereignty and reclaim their country.

We also remind all peoples and organizations of our hemisphere about the Community of Latin America and Caribbean States’ (CELAC) 2014 declaration of Latin America and the Caribbean as a ‘Zone of Peace.’ We recognize the recent CELAC statement by President Pro-Tempore Xiomara Castro, who declared that any “military action that violates the Principle of Non-Intervention and the Respect of Popular Self-Determination” in Haiti must be rejected, and we urge the CELAC “Troika” of Honduras, St. Vincent & The Grenadines, and Colombia to stand firm against imperialist aggression and intervention. It is clear that guaranteeing a true Zone of Peace in Our Americas requires a rejection of imperialist intervention in Haiti and all of our nations. This also requires a recognition of the human dignity of the people of Haiti and refusal to succumb to sensationalist western media and politicians that dehumanize Haitians and disregard the longstanding, organized popular mobilizations against imperialist aggression. 

In addition to rejecting imperialist interventions and militarism, the call for a Zone of Peace in Our Americas means prioritizing People(s)-Centered Human Rights (PCHRs) in the Americas by observing the principles of national sovereignty, equal rights and self-determination of peoples. These are principles that must be defended through popular struggle. We, thus, support the statement of our comrades in MOLEGHAF, calling for organization and unity of revolutionary forces in Haiti against imperialist machinations.

Finally, we recognize and appreciate the forceful words of solidarity by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro during and after the most recent CELAC meeting, which recognized that the current crisis is the result of western intervention and imperialist violence. President Maduro also called for “comprehensive economic and social support” and solidarity, instead of an intervention that will only cause more bloodshed.

As organizations of the Zone of Peace Campaign, we recently gathered in Bogota, Colombia, and agreed on the urgent need to support the people of Haiti and their popular mobilizations against ongoing imperialist violence. We call on all progressive, radical, and revolutionary movements and organizations across the Americas to support the Haitian people’s popular sovereignty and self-determination, to reject the “Multinational Security Support” mission, and to struggle for a peoples-centered Zone of Peace in Haiti and in all of Our Americas. 

Hands Off Haiti!


Organizations of the Zone of Peace Campaign:

  • Black Alliance for Peace

  • Caribbean Movement for Peace and Integration

  • Caribbean Organisation for People’s Empowerment 

  • Consejo por la Emancipación Plurinacional de Perú

  • Diaspora Pa’lante Collective

  • Friends of the ATC (Asociación de Trabajadores del Campo)

  • Movimiento Evita

  • Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition

  • Observatorio de los Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos

  • Proceso de Comunidades Negras – PCN

  • Red de Organizaciones AfroVenezolanas

  • Soli Puerto Rico

  • World Beyond War

Llamamos por el Respeto de la Soberanía Popular Haitiana y al Fin de la Intervención Imperialista Occidental

Declaración de la Campaña Zona de Paz en Solidaridad con el Pueblo Haitiano

BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA. 15 de marzo de 2024 – Denunciamos los continuos intentos de los imperialistas occidentales de imponer una intervención armada y otro gobierno ilegítimo al pueblo haitiano, tal como la colaboración de instituciones regionales en esta intervención.

Después de meses de los Estados Unidos, el ‘Core Group’ y otros colaboradores imperialistas trabajando para llevar a cabo una intervención armada en Haití que ahora llaman "Servicio de Seguridad Multinacional" (MSS), el ex primer ministro de facto Ariel Henry ha renunciado a su cargo ilegítimamente sostenido. Esos países que piden la intervención militar – los Estados Unidos, Francia, Canadá – han creado las condiciones que hacen que la intervención militar parezca necesaria e inevitable. Ahora, esta misma camarilla imperialista quiere nombrar un "gobierno de transición" favorable, sin el consentimiento del pueblo haitiano.

Como organizaciones de la Campaña Zona de Paz, también denunciamos el papel de la Comunidad del Caribe (CARICOM) trabajando en colaboración con los imperialistas occidentales para negar al pueblo haitiano su soberanía nacional y su autodeterminación colectiva. CARICOM ha continuado traicionando al pueblo haitiano – en su apoyo a la intervención occidental, a través de la elección de estados selectos para enviar tropas a Haití, y al incluir a los imperialistas occidentales en "negociaciones" a las que no fueron invitados los movimientos y organizaciones populares haitianas. CARICOM debe revertir su posición a una que se oponga a la intervención armada en Haití, y apoye los esfuerzos del pueblo haitiano para afirmar su soberanía y recuperar su país.

También recordamos a todos los pueblos y organizaciones de nuestro hemisferio la declaración de 2014 de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC) de América Latina y el Caribe como una ‘Zona de Paz’. Reconocemos la reciente declaración de la CELAC por parte de la Presidenta Pro Tempore Xiomara Castro, quien declaró que cualquier "acción militar que viole el principio de No Intervención y el Respeto a la Autodeterminación de los Pueblos" en Haití debe ser rechazada, y urgimos a la "Troika" de la CELAC de Honduras, San Vicente y las Granadinas, y Colombia a mantenerse firmes contra la agresión e intervención imperialista. Garantizar una verdadera Zona de Paz en Nuestra América requiere el rechazo de la intervención imperialista en Haití y en todas nuestras naciones. Esto también requiere el reconocimiento de la dignidad humana del pueblo de Haití y la negativa a sucumbir a los medios de comunicación occidentales sensacionalistas y a los políticos que deshumanizan a los haitianos y desprecian las movilizaciones populares organizadas de larga data contra la agresión imperialista.

Además de rechazar las intervenciones imperialistas y el militarismo, el llamado por una Zona de Paz en Nuestra América significa priorizar los Derechos Humanos Centrados en las Personas (PCHR por sus letras en inglés) en las Américas observando los principios de soberanía nacional, igualdad de derechos y autodeterminación de los pueblos. Estos son principios que deben ser defendidos a través de la lucha popular. Por lo tanto, apoyamos la declaración de nuestros compañeros en MOLEGHAF, quienes llaman por la organización y unidad de las fuerzas revolucionarias en Haití, contra las maquinaciones imperialistas.

Finalmente, reconocemos y apreciamos las palabras poderosas de solidaridad del Presidente venezolano Nicolás Maduro durante y después de la reunión más reciente de la CELAC, lo que reconoció que la crisis actual es el resultado de la intervención occidental y la violencia imperialista. El Presidente Maduro también llamó por un "apoyo económico y social integral" y por la solidaridad, en lugar de una intervención que sólo causará más derramamiento de sangre.

Como organizaciones de la Campaña Zona de Paz, nos reunimos recientemente en Bogotá, Colombia, y acordamos la urgente necesidad de apoyar al pueblo haitiano y sus movilizaciones populares contra la violencia imperialista en curso. Instamos a todos los movimientos y organizaciones progresistas, radicales y revolucionarios de las Américas a apoyar la soberanía popular y la autodeterminación del pueblo haitiano, rechazar la misión del MSS y luchar por una Zona de Paz centrada en los pueblos de Haití y de toda Nuestra América.

¡Fuera de Haití! ¡Hands Off Haiti!


Organizaciones de la Campaña Zona de Paz:

  • Black Alliance for Peace

  • Caribbean Movement for Peace and Integration

  • Caribbean Organisation for People’s Empowerment 

  • Consejo por la Emancipación Plurinacional de Perú

  • Diaspora Pa’lante Collective

  • Friends of the ATC (Asociación de Trabajadores del Campo)

  • Movimiento Evita

  • Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition

  • Observatorio de los Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos

  • Proceso de Comunidades Negras – PCN

  • Red de Organizaciones AfroVenezolanas

  • Soli Puerto Rico

  • World Beyond War