The liberation of Black women is an essential component for the transformation of society. Patriarchy, rooted in white supremacy and capitalism, produces the systemic oppression and unique gendered exploitation of women. In our communities, this is reinforced by the persistence of gender-based violence, misogynistic and sexist attitudes, and the degradation of Black women in culture and media.
To address this we must implement community driven solutions that empower us to challenge patriarchy and build a revolutionary culture that promotes respect and dignity for all members of our community
Join us at 7pm ET for the Assatsa Shakur Study Group for a thoughtful discussion on the issues facing Black women in our community, and what collective actions we can take to counter them.
This event is one of PACA's Assata Shakur Study Group (ASSG) sessions that are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month. It is a hybrid event with the option to participate via Zoom.
Banner photo: Young Black woman holding Black Women Matter sign, courtesy Miki Jourdan / Flickr)