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This webinar took place on August 19, 2021. Live captions can be found on Facebook.
"From Black August to Black Liberation: Commemorating the Struggle of Political Prisoners" was a Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) webinar illuminating the indispensable role of political prisoners in our struggle for Black Liberation. The discussion focused on the experiences and realities of current and former political prisoners, the efforts of these freedom fighters to convene the Spirit of Mandela International Tribunal, the organizing and grassroots work being done to free political prisoners, the ongoing significance of Black August, and Assata Shakur's exile as a form of political imprisonment. The panelists also considered what all of this means in the struggle against imperialism, colonialism, racism, and war.
Makungu Akinyela
Saudia Durrant
Krystal Strong
Jaribu Hill
Jalil Muntaqim
Nnamdi Lumumba

Black Alliance for Peace member Charisse Burden-Stelly gave a talk on Human Rights Day (December 10, 2020) during "From Malcolm X to Now," an online event organized by the The People's Forum and the Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center.Also check out BAP's press release issued on Human Rights Day.

Why should African/Black people care about NATO or the U.S. presence in Africa? BAP member Jacqueline Luqman delves into this question by interviewing BAP members Vanessa Beck and Netfa Freeman in part 2 of a two-part interview on The Real News Network. Watch part 1.

BAP National Organizer Ajamu Baraka spoke to Lee Camp of Redacted Tonight and stressed people get involved in grassroots organizations to take back power from the elites, whose only agenda is war, exploitation and global hegemony in service of profits. Learn more:

October 7, 2017: BAP Coordinating Committee member Margaret Kimberley speaks at a rally in New York City commemorating the 16th anniversary of the U.S. war in Afghanistan.