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zone of peace

The Black Alliance for Peace stands in Solidarity with the Peoples and Nations of “Our Americas” Against the U.S. Gangster State

The Black Alliance for Peace stands in Solidarity with the Peoples and Nations of “Our Americas” Against the U.S. Gangster State

The Black Alliance for Peace stands in Solidarity with the Peoples and Nations of “Our Americas” Against the U.S. Gangster State

The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) stands in solidarity with the peoples and nations of “Our Americas” against U.S gangster actions – especially the new regime’s public bullying tactics towards sovereign states. The colonial/imperialist, white supremacists that make policy for both capitalist parties in the U.S. are united in their support for U.S. aggression, destabilization and militarism in our “Americas.” This latest U.S. regime intends to  continue its violation of the sovereignty of nations and peoples, from the ongoing illegal and immoral embargo against Cuba, the neocolonial military intervention and undemocratic transition process in Haiti, and subversion in Venezuela to the latest outrage in Trump’s attempt to bully the leadership and people of Colombia.

The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) is clear. The U.S. settler colonial state is the enemy of peace and human rights. Its actions in our region are responsible for the massive migration from the Global South. The parasitic exploitation  by U.S. capitalists of  the peoples and nations of our region have created the conditions that have forced millions to desperately attempt to get to the North just to live. Like asylum seekers, migrants also have human rights that are codified in law, and respectful relations between states with equal sovereignty should be the basis for communications. But historically, U.S. administrations have rejected the idea that the U.S. is equal to any other state. “Make America Great Again" and liberal claims of U.S. “exceptionalism,” are two sides of the same white supremacist coin. That is why the doctrine of “full spectrum dominance” is proudly embraced by the duopoly and foreign policy community, and reminds us of the guiding bipartisan strategic objective of U.S. foreign policies no matter who resides in the “white house.”

This is why peoples and states in our region must fight against U.S. imperialism through a collective collective “people(s)-centered” human rights. BAP supports the efforts to protect national sovereignty and the dignity and democratic  rights of the people. We are encouraged by the call by President of Honduras Xiomara Castro to convene an urgent meeting of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) this week to discuss migration, the environment, and regional unity. Building anti-imperialist power based on true solidarity is critical, particularly to combat the expansive militarization (e.g. U.S. military bases and U.S. Southern Command exercises) and political-economic coercion of the region (e.g. sanctions, currency manipulation, regime change)  – the bipartisan agenda from Washington.

The anti-colonial struggle is real. As President Petro declared “Colombia no longer looks to the North, it looks to the world.” That must be the call for peoples and nations of the Global South. We understand that there can be no guarantee of dignity, human rights, sovereignty –and no “peace”– under the U.S./EU/NATO axis of domination. This is why we assert that the hemisphere must become a Zone of Peace, freed from the structures and interests that generate war and state violence: colonialism, patriarchy, capitalism and the manifold tactics of U.S. imperialism.  

History has already issued its declaration that “for the world to live, the power of the U.S. and Europe must be broken.” This is our task to fulfill.


*En español 

La Alianza Negra por la Paz se solidariza con los pueblos y naciones de “Nuestra América” contra el Estado mafioso de EE.UU. 

La Alianza Negra por la Paz (BAP) se solidariza con los pueblos y naciones de “Nuestra América” contra las acciones mafiosas de EE.UU., especialmente las tácticas de intimidación pública del nuevo régimen hacia los estados soberanos. Los supremacistas blancos coloniales/imperialistas que hacen política para ambos partidos capitalistas en EE.UU. están unidos en su apoyo a la agresión, desestabilización y militarismo de EE.UU. en “Nuestra América.” Este actual régimen estadounidense pretende continuar su violación de la soberanía de las naciones y los pueblos, desde el embargo ilegal e inmoral contra Cuba, la intervención militar neocolonial y el proceso de transición antidemocrático en Haití, y la subversión en Venezuela hasta el último escándalo en el intento de Trump de intimidar al liderazgo y al pueblo de Colombia. 

La Alianza Negra por la Paz (BAP) es clara: el Estado colonial estadounidense es enemigo de la paz y los derechos humanos. Sus acciones en nuestra región son responsables de la migración masiva desde el Sur Global. La explotación parasitaria de los pueblos y las naciones de nuestra región por parte de los capitalistas estadounidenses ha creado las condiciones que han obligado a millones de personas a intentar desesperadamente llegar al Norte solo para vivir. Al igual que los solicitantes de asilo, los migrantes también tienen derechos humanos codificados en la ley, y las relaciones respetuosas entre estados con igual soberanía deberían ser la base de las comunicaciones. Pero históricamente, las administraciones estadounidenses han rechazado la idea de que Estados Unidos sea igual a cualquier otro estado. “Make America Great Again” y las afirmaciones liberales del “excepcionalismo” estadounidense son dos caras de la misma moneda supremacista blanca. Es por eso que la doctrina de la “dominación de espectro completo” es adoptada con orgullo por el duopolio y la comunidad de política exterior, y nos recuerda el objetivo estratégico bipartidista rector de las políticas exteriores estadounidenses sin importar quién resida en la “Casa Blanca”.

Por eso, los pueblos y los estados de nuestra región deben luchar contra el imperialismo estadounidense a través de una lucha colectiva de derechos humanos “centrados en los pueblos”. BAP apoya los esfuerzos para proteger la soberanía nacional, la dignidad y los derechos democráticos de los pueblos. Nos alienta el llamado de la Presidenta de Honduras, Xiomara Castro, a convocar una reunión urgente de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC) esta semana para discutir la migración, el medio ambiente y la unidad regional. Construir un poder anti imperialista basado en una verdadera solidaridad es fundamental, en particular para combatir la militarización expansiva (por ejemplo, las bases militares estadounidenses y los ejercicios del Comando Sur de EE.UU.) y la coerción político-económica de la región (por ejemplo, las sanciones, la manipulación de la moneda, el cambio de régimen) — la agenda bipartidista de Washington.

La lucha anticolonial es real. Como declaró el Presidente Petro, “Colombia ya no mira al Norte, mira al mundo”. Ese debe ser el llamado a los pueblos y las naciones del Sur Global. Entendemos que no puede haber garantía de dignidad, derechos humanos, soberanía –y tampoco “paz”– bajo el eje de dominación de EE.UU./UE/OTAN. Por eso afirmamos que el hemisferio debe convertirse en una Zona de Paz, libre de las estructuras e intereses que generan la guerra y la violencia estatal: el colonialismo, el patriarcado, el capitalismo y las múltiples tácticas del imperialismo estadounidense.

La historia ya ha declarado que “para que el mundo pueda vivir, el poder de los Estados Unidos y Europa debe ser destruido”. Esa es nuestra tarea.

Banner image: A 1901 political cartoon depicts an Uncle Sam rooster with European roosters in the Monroe Doctrine coop (left) and South American countries running around free as smaller roosters. Courtesy FOTOSEARCH/GETTY IMAGES

BAP Condemns Ecuadorian Authorities for the Disappearance of Four Black Children

BAP Condemns Ecuadorian Authorities for the Disappearance of Four Black Children

The Black Alliance for Peace Condemns Ecuadorian Authorities for the Disappearance of Four Black Children Between the Ages of 11 and 15

This Case Highlights the Complete Absence of Human Rights for Afro Ecuadorians

For Immediate Release

Media Contact

(202) 643-1136

December 30, 2024 - The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP)  is concerned and outraged that four Afro-Ecuadorian children, between the ages of 11 and 15, can go missing for almost two weeks after coming into contact with members of the armed forces without any concerns or official statements provided  by government officials. The children (the “Guayaquil Four”) are from the Las Malvinas neighborhood, a largely Black and impoverished community, in Ecuador’s largest city, Guayaquil.

BAP supports the demands of AfroEcuadorian and human rights organizations for the safe return of these boys and a transparent investigation. Ivana Delgado Aguilar, spokesperson for Movimiento Afrodescendiente Nacional Ecuatoriano / National AfroDescendent Ecuadorian Movement (MANE), says this incident of the Guayaquil Four, demonstrates an institutionalized criminal structure. “There are many missing persons and this must come to light. This (case) shows that those who fight against organized crime, drug trafficking, drug addiction and institutionalized violence have always been society, neighborhoods and families, not the State, which is only a social instrument but is now organized against its people,” stated Aguilar.  

BAP is concerned that the fundamental human rights of Afro-Ecuadorians are being consistently and systematically violated, as the Ecuadoran state engages in its  “war on drugs” campaign, declaring “internal armed conflict” as it battles criminal gangs in the country. Moreover, the Ecuadorian government has been all too willing to fight its war on drugs in Afro-Ecuadorian territories and communities, imposing horrific state repression and violence, as it surrenders its sovereignty to US military (and geopolitical) interests.

Under the guise of the “War on Drugs” and one of SOUTHCOM’s stated commander’s priorities of combating transnational criminal organizations (TCOs), President Noboa unleashed  Plan Fenix to counter armed violence in the country. This has meant the militarization of society and strengthening the repressive apparatus of the state in a way that aligns with US foreign policy objectives. With the recent concession of the Galapagos Island to the US military by the Noboa government, Ecuadorian sovereignty is being sold along with Afro-Ecuadorian human rights. 

Despite the Noboa government having forcefully come out against this apparent kidnapping recently, initially he gave cover to the military until criticisms emerged from Black organizations and other members of civil society on this case and other cases of violence by the police and military authorities. 

In fact, according to Ajamu Baraka, director of BAP’s new North-South Project for People(s)-Centered Human rights: 

“This case is indicative of a long history of abuse suffered by the people of Ecuador but particularly by Afro-Ecuadorians. The Ecuadorian state has rarely recognized let alone protected the fundamental human rights of Afro-Ecuadorians. But this case represents a line in the sand for the Black peoples of that nation. BAP’s North-South People(s)-Centered Human Rights project is working with a process in the country that recognizes that the only way that Afro-Ecuadorian human rights will be protected is when the people are organized and able to protect their rights -themselves.”

The case of the Guayaquil Four provides a clear example for the necessity of expelling the forces of the US/EU/NATO Axis of Domination and the need for demilitarization, not just in Ecuador but in the region as a whole. The failed Monroe Doctrine has been used for the past 2 centuries to keep “the Americas for the Americans” to violently maintain western hegemony. For BAP, only organized communities can guarantee communal and self defense and only a collectively constructed Zone of Peace, not just in Ecuador, but Nuestra América can successfully expel the nefarious forces that deny and violate human rights and militarize society at the behest of its US/Western leaders.

———- Español ———-

La Alianza Negra por la Paz condena a las autoridades ecuatorianas por la desaparición de cuatro niños negros de entre 11 y 15 años.

Este caso pone de manifiesto la completa ausencia de derechos humanos para los afroecuatorianos

Para Publicación Inmediata
Contacto de Prensa

(202) 643-1136

30 de diciembre de 2024 - La Alianza Negra por la Paz (BAP) expresa su preocupación e indignación por la desaparición de cuatro niños afroecuatorianos, de entre 11 y 15 años, que llevan casi dos semanas desaparecidos tras haber tenido contacto con miembros de las fuerzas armadas, sin que las autoridades gubernamentales hayan emitido declaraciones oficiales o mostrado preocupación alguna. Los niños (conocidos como los “Cuatro de Guayaquil”) son del barrio Las Malvinas, una comunidad mayoritariamente negra y empobrecida en Guayaquil, la ciudad más grande de Ecuador.

BAP respalda las demandas de las organizaciones afroecuatorianas y de derechos humanos por el regreso seguro de estos niños y una investigación transparente. Ivana Delgado Aguilar, portavoz del Movimiento Afrodescendiente Nacional Ecuatoriano (MANE), afirma que este incidente de los Cuatro de Guayaquil demuestra una estructura criminal institucionalizada. “Son muchos los desaparecidos que tienen que salir a la luz. Esto demuestra que quienes luchan contra la criminalidad organizada, el narcotráfico, la drogadicción y la violencia institucionalizada siempre ha sido la sociedad, los barrios, las familias, no el estado que únicamente es un instrumento social pero que hoy se encuentra organizado contra su pueblo,” declaró Aguilar.

BAP expresa su preocupación porque los derechos humanos fundamentales de los afroecuatorianos están siendo violados de manera consistente y sistemática, mientras el estado ecuatoriano lleva a cabo su campaña de "guerra contra las drogas", declarando un "conflicto armado interno" en su lucha contra las bandas criminales en el país. Además, el gobierno ecuatoriano ha demostrado estar demasiado dispuesto a librar su guerra contra las drogas en territorios y comunidades afroecuatorianas, imponiendo una horrenda represión y violencia estatal, al tiempo que entrega su soberanía a los intereses militares (y geopolíticos) de Estados Unidos.

Bajo el pretexto de la “Guerra contra las Drogas” y una de las prioridades declaradas por el comandante del Comando Sur de combatir las organizaciones criminales transnacionales (TCOs), el presidente Noboa lanzó el Plan Fénix para contrarrestar la violencia armada en el país. Esto ha significado la militarización de la sociedad y el fortalecimiento del aparato represivo del estado, de una manera alineada con los objetivos de la política exterior de Estados Unidos. Con la reciente concesión de las Islas Galápagos al ejército estadounidense por parte del gobierno de Noboa, la soberanía ecuatoriana está siendo vendida junto con los derechos humanos de los afroecuatorianos.

A pesar de que el gobierno de Noboa se pronunció enérgicamente contra este aparente secuestro recientemente, inicialmente brindó respaldo a los militares hasta que surgieron críticas de organizaciones negras y otros sectores de la sociedad civil sobre este caso y otros casos de violencia por parte de las autoridades policiales y militares.

De hecho, según Ajamu Baraka, director del nuevo Proyecto Norte-Sur para los Derechos Humanos Centrados en los Pueblos de BAP:

"Este caso es indicativo de una larga historia de abusos sufridos por el pueblo de Ecuador, pero especialmente por los afroecuatorianos. El estado ecuatoriano rara vez ha reconocido, y mucho menos protegido, los derechos humanos fundamentales de los afroecuatorianos. Sin embargo, este caso representa una línea divisoria para los pueblos negros de esa nación. El Proyecto Norte-Sur para los Derechos Humanos Centrados en los Pueblos de BAP está trabajando con un proceso en el país que reconoce que la única manera en que los derechos humanos de los afroecuatorianos serán protegidos es cuando el pueblo esté organizado y sea capaz de proteger sus derechos por sí mismo."

El caso de los Cuatro de Guayaquil ofrece un claro ejemplo de la necesidad de expulsar las fuerzas del eje de dominación EE.UU./UE/OTAN y de avanzar hacia la desmilitarización, no solo en Ecuador, sino en toda la región. La fracasada Doctrina Monroe ha sido utilizada durante los últimos dos siglos para mantener “las Américas para los americanos” y así preservar violentamente la hegemonía occidental. Para BAP, solo las comunidades organizadas pueden garantizar la defensa comunitaria y propia, y solo una Zona de Paz construida colectivamente, no solo en Ecuador, sino en Nuestra América, puede expulsar con éxito las fuerzas nefastas que niegan y violan los derechos humanos y militarizan la sociedad al servicio de los líderes estadounidenses y occidentales.


Banner photo: Holding up flier about Disappear Ecuador Children (courtesy

The Importance of Race, Class, and Territorial Sovereignty in Panama Amid Trump’s Canal Threats

The Importance of Race, Class, and Territorial Sovereignty in Panama Amid Trump’s Canal Threats

Analysis: The Importance of Race, Class, and Territorial Sovereignty in Panama Amid Trump’s Canal Threats

by Chevy Solís Acevedo y Janvieve Williams Comrie

Donald Trump’s recent threats to reclaim control of the Panama Canal represent an attack on Panamanian sovereignty and reflect imperialist attitudes that have historically marginalized Black communities. These statements, made in the context of a complex political landscape in Panama, require analysis through the lenses of race, class, and territorial sovereignty. From the labor of Caribbean workers who built the Canal to the current struggles for equitable resource distribution, understanding these intersections is essential to addressing U.S. intervention threats and the policies of Panama’s right-wing administration.,,

Banner photo: Man holding sign at “demostraciones contra la mineria extractivista” in Panama. 2023 (courtesy

The Black Alliance for Peace Stands in Solidarity with Venezuela Against the Assault on its Democracy

The Black Alliance for Peace Stands in Solidarity with Venezuela Against the Assault on its Democracy

As a means of interfering in its internal affairs, the US levied sanctions against Venezuela in 2018 and even recognized the loser of the election as the president… In order to interfere with the 2024 elections, the US government announced and imposed a new round of sanctions against the South American nation in April, just months before the elections, signaling more pain for the Venezuelan people if they did not support the US puppet candidate.

Despite the illegal sanctions and election interference by the US, the Venezuelan people reaffirmed their commitment to independence and their collective dignity.

We Call for the Respect of Haitian Popular Sovereignty and an End to Western Imperialist Intervention

We Call for the Respect of Haitian Popular Sovereignty and an End to Western Imperialist Intervention

We Call for the Respect of Haitian Popular Sovereignty and an End to Western Imperialist Intervention

A Zone of Peace Campaign Statement in Solidarity with the Haitian People

BOGOTA, COLOMBIA. 19 March 2024 – We denounce the ongoing attempts by Western imperialists to force an armed intervention and another illegitimate government on the Haitian people, as well as the collaboration of regional institutions in this intervention.

After months of the U.S., Core Group, and other imperialist collaborators working to execute an armed intervention into Haiti that they are now calling a “Multinational Security Service,” ex-de facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry has resigned from his illegitimately-held position. Those countries calling for military intervention – the U.S., France, Canada – have created the conditions making military intervention appear necessary and inevitable. Now, this same imperialist cabal wants to appoint a favorable “transitional government,” without input from the Haitian people.

As organizations of the Zone of Peace Campaign, we also denounce the role of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) working in collaboration with Western imperialists to deny the Haitian people their national sovereignty and collective self-determination. CARICOM has continued to betray the people of Haiti – in their support of western intervention, through select states’ choice to send troops to Haiti, and by including western imperialists in “negotiations” to which popular Haitian movements and organizations were not invited. CARICOM must reverse its position to one that opposes armed intervention into Haiti, and supports the efforts of the Haitian people to assert their sovereignty and reclaim their country.

We also remind all peoples and organizations of our hemisphere about the Community of Latin America and Caribbean States’ (CELAC) 2014 declaration of Latin America and the Caribbean as a ‘Zone of Peace.’ We recognize the recent CELAC statement by President Pro-Tempore Xiomara Castro, who declared that any “military action that violates the Principle of Non-Intervention and the Respect of Popular Self-Determination” in Haiti must be rejected, and we urge the CELAC “Troika” of Honduras, St. Vincent & The Grenadines, and Colombia to stand firm against imperialist aggression and intervention. It is clear that guaranteeing a true Zone of Peace in Our Americas requires a rejection of imperialist intervention in Haiti and all of our nations. This also requires a recognition of the human dignity of the people of Haiti and refusal to succumb to sensationalist western media and politicians that dehumanize Haitians and disregard the longstanding, organized popular mobilizations against imperialist aggression. 

In addition to rejecting imperialist interventions and militarism, the call for a Zone of Peace in Our Americas means prioritizing People(s)-Centered Human Rights (PCHRs) in the Americas by observing the principles of national sovereignty, equal rights and self-determination of peoples. These are principles that must be defended through popular struggle. We, thus, support the statement of our comrades in MOLEGHAF, calling for organization and unity of revolutionary forces in Haiti against imperialist machinations.

Finally, we recognize and appreciate the forceful words of solidarity by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro during and after the most recent CELAC meeting, which recognized that the current crisis is the result of western intervention and imperialist violence. President Maduro also called for “comprehensive economic and social support” and solidarity, instead of an intervention that will only cause more bloodshed.

As organizations of the Zone of Peace Campaign, we recently gathered in Bogota, Colombia, and agreed on the urgent need to support the people of Haiti and their popular mobilizations against ongoing imperialist violence. We call on all progressive, radical, and revolutionary movements and organizations across the Americas to support the Haitian people’s popular sovereignty and self-determination, to reject the “Multinational Security Support” mission, and to struggle for a peoples-centered Zone of Peace in Haiti and in all of Our Americas. 

Hands Off Haiti!


Organizations of the Zone of Peace Campaign:

  • Black Alliance for Peace

  • Caribbean Movement for Peace and Integration

  • Caribbean Organisation for People’s Empowerment 

  • Consejo por la Emancipación Plurinacional de Perú

  • Diaspora Pa’lante Collective

  • Friends of the ATC (Asociación de Trabajadores del Campo)

  • Movimiento Evita

  • Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition

  • Observatorio de los Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos

  • Proceso de Comunidades Negras – PCN

  • Red de Organizaciones AfroVenezolanas

  • Soli Puerto Rico

  • World Beyond War

Llamamos por el Respeto de la Soberanía Popular Haitiana y al Fin de la Intervención Imperialista Occidental

Declaración de la Campaña Zona de Paz en Solidaridad con el Pueblo Haitiano

BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA. 15 de marzo de 2024 – Denunciamos los continuos intentos de los imperialistas occidentales de imponer una intervención armada y otro gobierno ilegítimo al pueblo haitiano, tal como la colaboración de instituciones regionales en esta intervención.

Después de meses de los Estados Unidos, el ‘Core Group’ y otros colaboradores imperialistas trabajando para llevar a cabo una intervención armada en Haití que ahora llaman "Servicio de Seguridad Multinacional" (MSS), el ex primer ministro de facto Ariel Henry ha renunciado a su cargo ilegítimamente sostenido. Esos países que piden la intervención militar – los Estados Unidos, Francia, Canadá – han creado las condiciones que hacen que la intervención militar parezca necesaria e inevitable. Ahora, esta misma camarilla imperialista quiere nombrar un "gobierno de transición" favorable, sin el consentimiento del pueblo haitiano.

Como organizaciones de la Campaña Zona de Paz, también denunciamos el papel de la Comunidad del Caribe (CARICOM) trabajando en colaboración con los imperialistas occidentales para negar al pueblo haitiano su soberanía nacional y su autodeterminación colectiva. CARICOM ha continuado traicionando al pueblo haitiano – en su apoyo a la intervención occidental, a través de la elección de estados selectos para enviar tropas a Haití, y al incluir a los imperialistas occidentales en "negociaciones" a las que no fueron invitados los movimientos y organizaciones populares haitianas. CARICOM debe revertir su posición a una que se oponga a la intervención armada en Haití, y apoye los esfuerzos del pueblo haitiano para afirmar su soberanía y recuperar su país.

También recordamos a todos los pueblos y organizaciones de nuestro hemisferio la declaración de 2014 de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC) de América Latina y el Caribe como una ‘Zona de Paz’. Reconocemos la reciente declaración de la CELAC por parte de la Presidenta Pro Tempore Xiomara Castro, quien declaró que cualquier "acción militar que viole el principio de No Intervención y el Respeto a la Autodeterminación de los Pueblos" en Haití debe ser rechazada, y urgimos a la "Troika" de la CELAC de Honduras, San Vicente y las Granadinas, y Colombia a mantenerse firmes contra la agresión e intervención imperialista. Garantizar una verdadera Zona de Paz en Nuestra América requiere el rechazo de la intervención imperialista en Haití y en todas nuestras naciones. Esto también requiere el reconocimiento de la dignidad humana del pueblo de Haití y la negativa a sucumbir a los medios de comunicación occidentales sensacionalistas y a los políticos que deshumanizan a los haitianos y desprecian las movilizaciones populares organizadas de larga data contra la agresión imperialista.

Además de rechazar las intervenciones imperialistas y el militarismo, el llamado por una Zona de Paz en Nuestra América significa priorizar los Derechos Humanos Centrados en las Personas (PCHR por sus letras en inglés) en las Américas observando los principios de soberanía nacional, igualdad de derechos y autodeterminación de los pueblos. Estos son principios que deben ser defendidos a través de la lucha popular. Por lo tanto, apoyamos la declaración de nuestros compañeros en MOLEGHAF, quienes llaman por la organización y unidad de las fuerzas revolucionarias en Haití, contra las maquinaciones imperialistas.

Finalmente, reconocemos y apreciamos las palabras poderosas de solidaridad del Presidente venezolano Nicolás Maduro durante y después de la reunión más reciente de la CELAC, lo que reconoció que la crisis actual es el resultado de la intervención occidental y la violencia imperialista. El Presidente Maduro también llamó por un "apoyo económico y social integral" y por la solidaridad, en lugar de una intervención que sólo causará más derramamiento de sangre.

Como organizaciones de la Campaña Zona de Paz, nos reunimos recientemente en Bogotá, Colombia, y acordamos la urgente necesidad de apoyar al pueblo haitiano y sus movilizaciones populares contra la violencia imperialista en curso. Instamos a todos los movimientos y organizaciones progresistas, radicales y revolucionarios de las Américas a apoyar la soberanía popular y la autodeterminación del pueblo haitiano, rechazar la misión del MSS y luchar por una Zona de Paz centrada en los pueblos de Haití y de toda Nuestra América.

¡Fuera de Haití! ¡Hands Off Haiti!


Organizaciones de la Campaña Zona de Paz:

  • Black Alliance for Peace

  • Caribbean Movement for Peace and Integration

  • Caribbean Organisation for People’s Empowerment 

  • Consejo por la Emancipación Plurinacional de Perú

  • Diaspora Pa’lante Collective

  • Friends of the ATC (Asociación de Trabajadores del Campo)

  • Movimiento Evita

  • Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition

  • Observatorio de los Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos

  • Proceso de Comunidades Negras – PCN

  • Red de Organizaciones AfroVenezolanas

  • Soli Puerto Rico

  • World Beyond War

We Denounce UN Security Council's Approval to Send a Kenya-led Mission to Haiti

We Denounce UN Security Council's Approval to Send a Kenya-led Mission to Haiti



We, the undersigned, strongly condemn the decision by the United States and its allies to deploy a foreign military force to Haiti. We are adamant that a U.S./UN-led armed foreign intervention in Haiti is not only illegitimate, but illegal. And we support Haitian people and civil society organizations who have been consistent in their opposition to foreign armed military intervention – and who have argued that the problems of Haiti are a direct result of the persistent and long-term meddling of the United States, the United Nations, and the Core Group.

On Monday, October 2nd, 2023, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) voted on a resolution for a Multinational Security Support Mission authorizing the deployment of a foreign  military and police intervention into the Republic of Haiti. Although the vote did not receive unanimous approval as it saw abstentions from two permanent UNSC members, 13 other permanent and non-permanent members voted in support, including 3 African countries (Gabon, Ghana and Mozambique). This is a particularly egregious betrayal of Haiti, which has been for Africans and Black people around the world, a beacon in the fight against slavery, colonialism and imperialism. Yet the U.S. administration, the corporate media, alongside figures such as Linda Thomas-Greenfield, have hailed the vote as a victory. We note, also, that the U.S. has tapped Kenya, another African country, to lead a multinational force of “volunteer” nations to occupy Haiti, leaving their own troops at home while offering at leas t$100 million in support.

There is a long history here. For more than two years now, the U.S. has been pushing for a build-up of the military presence in Haiti to protect the puppet government of the unelected and unpopular Ariel Henry. Yet the U.S. is not willing to put its own boots on the ground, turning instead, first to Canada, then Brazil, then the CELAC and CARICOM countries–all of whom were reluctant to lead the mission, even if they supported the call for military intervention. The Kenyan government leapt at the opportunity to lead the intervention, bought off by a bag of silver and an approving pat on their neoliberal heads. Haiti will now be invaded by the U.S., but with the Black face of Kenya as cover. Kenya erroneously claims this is “Pan-Africanism;” it is, in fact, neocolonialism.

We are told that the interest of the U.S. in Haiti is humanitarian, that the U.S wants to protect the Haitian people from “criminal gangs.” Yet U.S. weapons have flooded Haiti, and the U.S. has consistently rejected calls to effectively enforce the UNSC resolution for an arms embargo against the Haitian and U.S. elite who import guns into the country. Moreover, when we speak of “gangs,” we must recognize that the most powerful gangs in the country are subsidiaries of the U.S. itself: the United Nations Integrated Office (BINUH) and the Core Group, the two colonial entities who have effectively ruled the country since the U.S./France/Canada-backed coup d’etat of 2004. Haiti has no sovereignty and has long been under foreign occupation. The current de facto “Prime Minister” was installed by the Core Group and whatever calls for military intervention are being made by those already occupying Haiti.

We hold in contempt the neocolonial governments that are taking part in this mission to further oppress Haitian people and deny them sovereignty. We denounce the governments of Kenya and the CARICOM nations, such as Bahamas, Jamaica, and Antigua and Barbuda, which have  failed Haiti and have violated the notion of the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace.

Furthermore, we demand that:

  1. The U.S. and the UN must end their interference in Haiti and the Core Group must be disbanded.

  2. The U.S. must stop its criminal gangster actions against Haiti and stop propping up the illegitimate government they installed.

  3. Kenya must end its support for a racist and imperialist intervention in Haiti

  4. The governments of the U.S. and the Dominican Republic stop dumping arms and ammunition into the country and for the de facto Prime Minister to stop arming paramilitaries in the country. 

  5. The United Nations pay restitution for the devastating 2010 cholera outbreak by rebuilding Haiti’s water, sanitation, health, and educational infrastructure.

  6. That fuel subsidies for Haiti are reinstated and the minimum wage increased.

  7. The CARICOM countries, alongside other regional nations, normalize pathways for work visas and citizenship for Haitian nationals.

We vow to stand on the side of the Haitian people against imperialism! 


718 Coalition

Acción Afro-Dominicana, RD

ADDI Caribbean

Al-Awda, the Palestinian Right to Return Coalition 

All African People’s Revolutionary Party

Alliance for Global Justice

Anti Displacement NYC

Aquelarre RD

Ban Killer Drones

Black Alliance for Peace, Haiti/Americas Team

Canadian Peace Congress

Caribbean Movement for Peace and Integration

Caribbean Organisation for Peoples Empowerment

Caribbean Solidarity Network

Chicago Antiwar Coalition (CAWC)


Comité Dominicano de Derechos Humanos -CDDH-, RD

Committee of Anti-Imperialists in Solidarity with Iran

Communist Party of Kenya

Community Movement Builders

Consejo de Organizaciones Sociales y Populares del Paraguay

Consejo por la Emancipación Plurinacional Peruana

Cooperation Jackson

COPLAC-Confederación Palestina Latinoamericana y del Caribe

Dar al Janub - Verein für antirassistische und Friedenspolitische Initiative

Decolonial Feminist Collective

Diaspora Pa’lante Collective

Dr. Alejandro Rusconi – Movimiento Evita

Durham Beyond Policing

Frente Patriótico Manuel Rodríguez


Haiti Action

Haiti Action Committee

Haiti Liberté

Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice

International Action Center

International Manifesto Group/New Cold War

La Articulación Regional Afrodescendiente de las Américas y el Caribe (ARAAC)

League of Young Communists USA

Left Alliance for National Democracy and Socialism - Jamaica LANDS

Malcolm X Center for Self Determination

Massachusetts Peace Action

Memphis 4 Revolutionary Socialism

Michigan General Defense Committee

Midwestern Marx Institute

MOLEGHAF (Mouvman Libèté, Egalite sou chimen Fratènite tout Ayisyen)

Montreal pour un Monde sans Guerre (World BEYOND War)

Movement for People's Democracy

Movimiento Argentino de Solidaridad con Cuba (Mascuba)

Movimiento Caamañista -MC-, RD

Movimiento Popular Dominicano -MPD-, RD

Movimiento por la Paz, la Soberanía y la Solidaridad entre los Pueblos (MOPASSOL)

Movimiento Rebelde -MR-, RD

Movimiento Reconocido

NJ State Industrial Union Council

Observatorio de Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos

Orinoco Tribune

Palestinian Youth Movement - Detroit Chapter

Pan-African Community Action (PACA)

Partido Comunista del Trabajo -PCT-, RD

Partido Movimiento del Socialismo Allendista de Chile

Partido Nuevo Encuentro – Argentina

Partido Socialista de Peru

Peace Action, Network of Lancaster, Pennsylvania

People's Power Assembly

Pro Derechos Humanos Bolivia (PRODEHBOL)

Rasanbleman Pou Ayiti

Reparations United

Rethink New Orleans

Rochester (NY) Committee on Latin America

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Socialist Unity Party

Socialist Workers League-Nigeria

Socialist Workers' Movement of the Dominican Republic (MST)

SOLI Puerto Rico

Solidaridad Dominicana Con Haití, Rep. Dominicana

Solidarity Committee of the Americas, Minnesota 

The African Diaspora Foundation (Barbados)

The Barbados Sovereignty Party

The Global Pan African Movement (GPAM) North American Chapter

The Global Sovereign Peoples Movement

The International Black Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Party of Communists USA

The People’s Forum

The Red Nation

The Regional Coordination Committee of the Pan Afrikan and Indigenous Movement of the Caribbean

The Ubuntu Reading Group

Troika Collective

Ubuntu Freedom

Ujima People’s Progress Party

UNAC (United Antiwar Coalition)

US Palestinian Community Network

Women Against Military Madness

Workers World Party

World BEYOND War

Zimbabwe Movement of Pan African Socialists



Nosotros, los firmantes, condenamos enérgicamente la decisión de Estados Unidos y sus aliados de desplegar una fuerza militar extranjera en Haití. Sostenemos firmemente que una intervención armada extranjera liderada por Estados Unidos y la ONU en Haití no sólo es ilegítima, sino también ilegal. Apoyamos al pueblo haitiano y a las organizaciones de la sociedad civil que han sido coherentes en su oposición a la intervención militar extranjera armada y que han argumentado que los problemas de Haití son resultado directo de la persistente e intervención a largo plazo de Estados Unidos, la ONU y el ‘Core Group’ (Grupo Principal).

El lunes 2 de octubre de 2023, el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU votó sobre una resolución para una Misión de Apoyo de Seguridad Multinacional que autoriza el despliegue de una intervención militar y policial extranjera en la República de Haití. Aunque la votación no recibió la aprobación unánime, ya que se registraron abstenciones de dos miembros permanentes del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, otros 13 miembros permanentes y no permanentes votaron a favor, incluyendo a 3 países africanos (Gabón, Ghana y Mozambique). Esto representa una traición especialmente grave hacia Haití, que ha sido un faro en la lucha contra la esclavitud, el colonialismo y el imperialismo para los africanos y las personas negras de todo el mundo. Sin embargo, la administración de Estados Unidos, los medios corporativos, junto con figuras como Linda Thomas-Greenfield, han celebrado la votación como una victoria. También observamos que Estados Unidos ha designado a Kenia, otro país africano, para liderar una fuerza multinacional de naciones "voluntarias" para ocupar Haití, dejando a sus propias tropas en casa y ofreciendo al menos $100 millones en apoyo.

Hay una larga historia aquí. Durante más de dos años, Estados Unidos ha estado presionando para aumentar la presencia militar en Haití para proteger al gobierno títere del impopular e ilegítimo Ariel Henry. Sin embargo, Estados Unidos no está dispuesto a poner sus propias botas en el terreno, recurriendo en su lugar primero a Canadá, luego a Brasil, y luego a los países de CELAC y CARICOM, todos los cuales se mostraron renuentes a liderar la misión, incluso si apoyaban la llamada a la intervención militar. El gobierno de Kenia se lanzó a la oportunidad de liderar la intervención, comprado con una bolsa de plata y una aprobación en sus cabezas neoliberales. Haití será invadido por Estados Unidos, pero con la cara negra de Kenia como fachada. Kenia afirma erróneamente que esto es "panafricanismo"; de hecho, es neocolonialismo.

Se nos dice que el interés de Estados Unidos en Haití es humanitario, que Estados Unidos quiere proteger al pueblo haitiano de las "bandas criminales". Sin embargo, las armas estadounidenses han inundado Haití, y Estados Unidos ha rechazado constantemente las llamadas para hacer cumplir efectivamente la resolución del CSNU para un embargo de armas contra la élite haitiana y estadounidense que importa armas al país. Además, cuando hablamos de "bandas", debemos reconocer que las bandas más poderosas en el país son subsidiarias de Estados Unidos mismo: la Oficina Integrada de las Naciones Unidas (BINUH) y el Core Group, las dos entidades coloniales que han gobernado efectivamente el país desde el golpe de Estado respaldado por Estados Unidos/Francia/Canadá de 2004. Haití no tiene soberanía y ha estado bajo ocupación extranjera durante mucho tiempo. El actual "Primer Ministro de facto" fue instalado por el Core Group, y cualquier llamado a la intervención militar proviene de aquellos que ya están ocupando Haití.

Despreciamos a los gobiernos neocoloniales que participan en esta misión para oprimir aún más al pueblo haitiano y negarles su soberanía. Denunciamos a los gobiernos de Kenia y las naciones del CARICOM, como Bahamas, Jamaica y Antigua y Barbuda, que han fallado a Haití y han violado el concepto del Caribe como una zona de paz.

Además, exigimos que:

  1. Estados Unidos y la ONU pongan fin a su interferencia en Haití y que se disuelva el ‘Core Group’.

  2. Estados Unidos debe poner fin a sus acciones criminales de gánster contra Haití y dejar de sostener al gobierno ilegítimo que instaló.

  3. Kenia debe poner fin a su apoyo a una intervención racista e imperialista en Haití.

  4. Los gobiernos de Estados Unidos y la República Dominicana dejen de arrojar armas y municiones al país, y el Primer Ministro de facto deje de armar a los paramilitares en el país.

  5. La ONU indemniza por el devastador brote de cólera de 2010 reconstruyendo la infraestructura de agua, saneamiento, salud y educación de Haití.

  6. Se restablezcan los subsidios a los combustibles en Haití y se aumente el salario mínimo.

  7. Los países del CARICOM, junto con otras naciones de la región, normalizan los caminos para visas de trabajo y ciudadanía para los nacionales haitianos.

  8. Nos comprometemos a estar del lado del pueblo haitiano contra el imperialismo.


718 Coalition

Acción Afro-Dominicana, RD

ADDI Caribbean

Al-Awda, the Palestinian Right to Return Coalition 

All African People’s Revolutionary Party

Alliance for Global Justice

Anti Displacement NYC

Aquelarre RD

Ban Killer Drones

Black Alliance for Peace, Haiti/Americas Team

Canadian Peace Congress

Caribbean Movement for Peace and Integration

Caribbean Organisation for Peoples Empowerment

Caribbean Solidarity Network

Chicago Antiwar Coalition (CAWC)


Comité Dominicano de Derechos Humanos -CDDH-, RD

Committee of Anti-Imperialists in Solidarity with Iran

Communist Party of Kenya

Community Movement Builders

Consejo de Organizaciones Sociales y Populares del Paraguay

Consejo por la Emancipación Plurinacional Peruana

Cooperation Jackson

COPLAC-Confederación Palestina Latinoamericana y del Caribe

Dar al Janub - Verein für antirassistische und Friedenspolitische Initiative

Decolonial Feminist Collective

Diaspora Pa’lante Collective

Dr. Alejandro Rusconi – Movimiento Evita

Durham Beyond Policing

Frente Patriótico Manuel Rodríguez


Haiti Action

Haiti Action Committee

Haiti Liberté

Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice

International Action Center

International Manifesto Group/New Cold War

La Articulación Regional Afrodescendiente de las Américas y el Caribe (ARAAC)

League of Young Communists USA

Left Alliance for National Democracy and Socialism - Jamaica LANDS

Malcolm X Center for Self Determination

Massachusetts Peace Action

Memphis 4 Revolutionary Socialism

Michigan General Defense Committee

Midwestern Marx Institute

MOLEGHAF (Mouvman Libèté, Egalite sou chimen Fratènite tout Ayisyen)

Montreal pour un Monde sans Guerre (World BEYOND War)

Movement for People's Democracy

Movimiento Argentino de Solidaridad con Cuba (Mascuba)

Movimiento Caamañista -MC-, RD

Movimiento Popular Dominicano -MPD-, RD

Movimiento por la Paz, la Soberanía y la Solidaridad entre los Pueblos (MOPASSOL)

Movimiento Rebelde -MR-, RD

Movimiento Reconocido

NJ State Industrial Union Council

Observatorio de Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos

Orinoco Tribune

Palestinian Youth Movement - Detroit Chapter

Pan-African Community Action (PACA)

Partido Comunista del Trabajo -PCT-, RD

Partido Movimiento del Socialismo Allendista de Chile

Partido Nuevo Encuentro – Argentina

Partido Socialista de Peru

Peace Action, Network of Lancaster, Pennsylvania

People's Power Assembly

Pro Derechos Humanos Bolivia (PRODEHBOL)

Rasanbleman Pou Ayiti

Reparations United

Rethink New Orleans

Rochester (NY) Committee on Latin America

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Socialist Unity Party

Socialist Workers League-Nigeria

Socialist Workers' Movement of the Dominican Republic (MST)

SOLI Puerto Rico

Solidaridad Dominicana Con Haití, Rep. Dominicana

Solidarity Committee of the Americas, Minnesota 

The African Diaspora Foundation (Barbados)

The Barbados Sovereignty Party

The Global Pan African Movement (GPAM) North American Chapter

The Global Sovereign Peoples Movement

The International Black Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Party of Communists USA

The People’s Forum

The Red Nation

The Regional Coordination Committee of the Pan Afrikan and Indigenous Movement of the Caribbean

The Ubuntu Reading Group

Troika Collective

Ubuntu Freedom

Ujima People’s Progress Party

UNAC (United Antiwar Coalition)

US Palestinian Community Network

Women Against Military Madness

Workers World Party

World BEYOND War

Zimbabwe Movement of Pan African Socialists

Banner art and flier: by Okra Sanyika

No to Blackface imperialism. Yes to Haitian Sovereignty

No to Blackface imperialism. Yes to Haitian Sovereignty


No to Blackface imperialism. Yes to Haitian Sovereignty.

On August 1, 2023, the United States stated it would “put forward a U.N. Security Council resolution that will authorize Kenya to lead a multinational police force to help combat gangs in Haiti.” While Kenya has offered to deploy a contingent of 1,000 police officers to help train and assist Haitian police, ostensibly to “restore order” in the Caribbean republic,” their proposal is nothing more than military occupation by another name. An occupation of Haiti by an African country is not Pan-Africanism, but Western imperialism in Black face. By agreeing to send troops into Haiti, the Kenyan government is assisting in undermining the sovereignty and self-determination of Haitian people, while serving the neocolonial interests of the United States, the Core Group, and the United Nations.

For the last two years, these imperialist forces have been pushing for further armed intervention into Haiti to forcefully uphold the illegitimate “government” they have installed to maintain their control. The occupying entities of the US, United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), and the Core Group have been desperately searching for any multilateral institution to lead this intervention, be it the UN Security Council, Caribbean Community (CARICOM), the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), and others. The goal is the continued denial of Haitian sovereignty.  

Haiti’s occupiers, the Core Group and BINUH, along with their puppet government, are incapable of ensuring healthcare, food, security, and access to basic needs for the people. We are told that the interest of the U.S. is humanitarian, that it wants to protect the Haitian people from “gang violence.” But we know that Haiti’s imperial occupiers have created the crisis and have fueled the violence against Haitian people.

The Black Alliance for Peace stands in solidarity with the Haitian’s people’s constant call for disbanding the Core Group, for an arms embargo against the Haitian and U.S. elite who import guns into the country, for the end of support for Haiti’s installed puppet government, and for the reinstatement of the fuel subsidies removed by order of the IMF.  It is curious that the Core Group and US/UN are calling for military intervention while not making calls to build either hospitals or schools, or to build the infrastructure for power and clean water. Yet, BINUH and the Core Group cooperate with the oligarchs who establish monopolistic domination through intimidation and force.

The ongoing occupation of Haiti and calls for increased foreign military presence in Haiti have been justified as the only solution to political or economic crises. Yet, the true ongoing crisis in Haiti is a crisis of imperialism. The country's economic and social situation has reached a critical stage, allowing for  increased political instability.

BAP demands that Kenya rescind their proposal to send 1,000 police to Haiti, and calls on the Kenyan people to join the Haitian masses and radical voices worldwide in condemning the continued occupation and governance of Haiti by the Core Group and the UN.

BAP calls on individuals and organizations in the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean and Central and Latin America, especially those member states of CELAC and CARICOM, to demand that their elected representatives SAY NO to any resolution at present or in the future to militarily intervene in Haiti.

BAP calls on individuals and organizations on the continent of Africa, particularly Pan-African organizations, to denounce African governments participation in present or future armed intervention into Haiti, and demand leaders of their countries seek true Pan-African alliances with the people and grassroots organizations of Haiti, in support of their sovereignty and self-determination – in line with demands of 60+ Haitian civic and social organizations in their letter to the African Union, dated 6 August 2023  (English | Francés).

BAP calls for popular movements in the Americas in support of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) 2014 call to make the Americas region a Zone of Peace.


Call, tweet, and email these demands to: 

Kenya: Ambassador William Ruto 

(202) 387-6101

Email: or

Twitter: @KenyaembassyDC or@ForeignOfficeKE or @StateHouseKenya

Jamaica: Ambassador Audrey Patrice Marks

(202) 452-0660


Twitter: @USEmbassyJA

The Bahamas: Ambassador Wendall K. Jones

(202) 319-2660


Twitter: @bahamasembassy


Turkeyen Georgetown, Guyana

Email or 

 +1(592) 222-0001

Twitter: @CARICOMorg

UN: UN Secretary-General António Guterres 

(212) 963-7160

Twitter: @antonioguterres

No to occupation. No to foreign intervention. No to Blackface imperialism. 

Yes to sovereignty. Yes to a true Pan-African alliance between the people of Haiti and Kenya.  


Banner photo: Painting of French colonizing soldier being hung from trees by Haitian rebels. (courtesy PBS Documentary - Egalite for All: Toussaint Louverture & The Haitian Revolution)

In Haiti, Kenya Chooses Imperialist Servitude Over Pan-African Solidarity

In Haiti, Kenya Chooses Imperialist Servitude Over Pan-African Solidarity


In Haiti, Kenya Chooses Imperialist Servitude Over Pan-African Solidarity

For Immediate Release

Media Contact:

(201) 292-4591

AUGUST 3, 2023—The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) condemns in the strongest possible terms Kenya’s proposal to lead what amounts to a foreign armed intervention in Haiti. 

Kenya has offered to deploy a contingent of 1,000 police officers to help train and assist Haitian police, ostensibly to “restore order” in the Caribbean republic. Yet, their proposal is nothing more than military occupation by another name; an occupation of Haiti by an African country is not Pan-Africanism, but Western imperialism in Black face. By agreeing to send troops into Haiti, the Kenyan government is assisting in undermining the sovereignty and self-determination of Haitian people, while serving the neocolonial interests of the United States, the Core Group, and the United Nations.

There is an urgent need for clarity on the issue of occupation in Haiti. As described in a recent statement on Haiti and Colonialism, Haiti is under ongoing occupation. No call for foreign intervention into Haiti from the administration of appointed Prime Minister Ariel Henry can be considered legitimate, because the Henry administration itself is illegitimate. BAP has repeatedly pointed out that Haiti’s crisis is a crisis of imperialism. Haiti’s current unpopular and unelected government is propped up only by Haiti’s de facto imperial rulers: the unseemly confederacy of the Core Group countries and organizations, as well as BINUH (the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti), and a loose alliance of foreign corporations and local elites. 

Henry and the UN have made a mockery of sovereignty by mouthing the slogan “Haitian solutions to Haitian problems,” yet finding the only solution in violence through foreign military intervention. After repeated failed attempts to organize an occupying force to protect their interests and impose their will on the Haitian people (including appeals to the multinational organization, the Caribbean Community [CARICOM] for troops), they have now found a willing accomplice in Kenya, an east African country with its own set of internal problems. 

As Austin Cole, co-coordinator of the BAP Haiti/Americas Team, argues: “At best, Kenya is allowing itself to be used in a violent line of neocolonial puppetry that will inevitably result in more death and imperial plunder for the masses of Haitians. At worst, Kenya sees this as an easy opportunity to serve the colonial ‘masters’ and win favor for political and financial needs.” 

Indeed, what’s in it for Kenya? An opportunity to both train and enhance the salaries of local police forces and garner a patina of prestige, or at least bootlicking approval, from the West. And for Haiti? White blows from a Black hand and a further erosion of their sovereignty.

BAP demands that Kenya rescind their proposal to send 1,000 police to Haiti, while calling on the Kenyan people to join the Haitian masses and radical voices worldwide in condemning the continued occupation and governance of Haiti by the Core Group and the UN. 

No to occupation. No to foreign intervention. No to Black face imperialism. Yes to sovereignty. Yes to a true Pan-African alliance between the people of Haiti and Kenya.

Banner photo: Police officers patrol a street in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince (courtesy Marvens Compère/Haitian Times)

En Español

En Haití, Kenia Prefiere la Servidumbre Imperialista a la Solidaridad PanAfricana

Para Publicación Inmediata

Contacto de Prensa:
(201) 292-4591

3 de AGOSTO de 2023—La Alianza Negra por la Paz (BAP) condena en los términos más enérgicos posibles la propuesta de Kenia de liderar lo que equivale a una intervención armada extranjera en Haití.

Kenia ha ofrecido desplegar un contingente de 1.000 policías para ayudar a capacitar y ayudar a la policía haitiana, supuestamente para "restaurar el orden" en la república caribeña. Sin embargo, su propuesta no es más que una ocupación militar con otro nombre; una ocupación de Haití por un país africano no es panafricanismo, sino imperialismo occidental de rostro negro. Al aceptar enviar tropas a Haití, el gobierno keniano está contribuyendo a socavar la soberanía y la autodeterminación del pueblo haitiano, al tiempo que sirve a los intereses neocoloniales de Estados Unidos, el ‘Core Group’ y las Naciones Unidas.

Urge aclarar la cuestión de la ocupación en Haití. Como se describe en una reciente declaración sobre Haití y el colonialismo, Haití está bajo una ocupación continua. Ningún llamado a la intervención extranjera en Haití por parte de la administración del nombrado Primer Ministro Ariel Henry puede considerarse legítimo, porque la propia administración Henry es ilegítima. BAP ha señalado en repetidas ocasiones que la crisis de Haití es una crisis del imperialismo. El actual gobierno de Haití, impopular y no electo, solo es sostenido por los gobernantes imperiales de facto de Haití: la indecorosa confederación de países y organizaciones del ‘Core Group’, así como la BINUH (Oficina Integrada de las Naciones Unidas en Haití), y una vaga alianza de corporaciones extranjeras y élites locales.

Henry y la ONU han hecho un desprecio a la soberanía al repetir el eslogan "soluciones haitianas para problemas haitianos", pero encontrando la única solución en la violencia a través de la intervención militar extranjera. Después de repetidos intentos fallidos de organizar una fuerza de ocupación para proteger sus intereses e imponer su voluntad sobre el pueblo haitiano (incluidos llamados a la organización multinacional, la Comunidad del Caribe [CARICOM], para enviar tropas), ahora han encontrado un cómplice dispuesto en Kenia, un país de África Oriental con sus propios problemas internos.

Como argumenta Austin Cole, co-coordinador del Equipo Haití/Américas de BAP: "En el mejor de los casos, Kenia se está dejando utilizar en una violenta línea de títeres neocolonial que inevitablemente resultará en más muertes y saqueo imperial para las masas de haitianos. En el peor de los casos, Kenia ve la intervención como una oportunidad fácil para servir a los 'amos' coloniales y obtener favor político y financiero."

¿Qué gana Kenia con ello? Una oportunidad para formar y mejorar los salarios de las fuerzas policiales locales y obtener una pátina de prestigio, o al menos la aprobación de Occidente. ¿Y para Haití? Golpes blancos de una mano negra y una mayor erosión de su soberanía.

BAP exige que Kenia rescinda su propuesta de enviar 1.000 policías a Haití, mientras hace un llamado al pueblo keniano para que se una a las masas haitianas y a las voces radicales de todo el mundo en la condena de la continua ocupación y gobernación de Haití por parte del Core Group y la ONU.

No a la ocupación. No a la intervención extranjera. No al imperialismo con rostro negro. Sí a la soberanía. Sí a una verdadera alianza panafricana entre el pueblo de Haití y Kenia.

Fotografía del encabezamiento: Agentes de policía patrullan una calle de Puerto Príncipe, la capital haitiana (cortesía de Marvens Compère/Haitian Times)

BAP Haiti/Americas Team Opposes Apparent CELAC Support for Foreign Military Intervention Into Haiti

BAP Haiti/Americas Team Opposes Apparent CELAC Support for Foreign Military Intervention Into Haiti

Black Alliance for Peace’s Haiti/Americas Team Opposes the Apparent Support of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) for Foreign Military Intervention Into Haiti

Peace and Solidarity In the Region Cannot Be Achieved at the Expense of Haitian Sovereignty

For Immediate Release    

Media Contact

(202) 643-1136

FEBRUARY 1, 2023—The Haiti/Americas Team of the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) vehemently protests CELAC’s (Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños / Community of Latin American and Caribbean States) apparent support for multinational military intervention into Haiti, and strongly opposes CELAC including unelected Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry in its recent summit in Buenos Aires. We deem such acts as betrayals of the Haitian people as well as the democratic and anti-colonial forces in the region. 

Founded in 2011, CELAC is a bloc of 33 Caribbean and Latin American countries. It has stated its mission as promoting regional integration and providing an alternative to U.S. power in the region, especially as that power is channeled through the multi-state entity, Organization of American States (OAS). 

At the conclusion of the summit, CELAC members released the Buenos Aires Declaration, a 28-page, 111-point document covering environmental cooperation, post-pandemic economic recovery, food and energy security. Included in that document was CELAC’s endorsement of the development of the region as a Zone of Peace, free of nuclear weapons and committed to non-militaristic solutions to intra-regional problems. 

Yet, CELAC’s commitments to peace as well as to other principles, such as “democracy; the promotion, protection and respect of Human Rights, international cooperation, the Rule of Law, multilateralism, respect for territorial integrity, non-intervention in the internal affairs of States, and defense of sovereignty,” are all directly undermined by its stance on Haiti. By inviting Henry, CELAC has legitimized an unpopular, Core Group-installed, de facto prime minister in Haiti. Henry has not only refused to hold elections, but he has presided over the departure from office of every single elected official in the country. Meanwhile, against the wishes of the Haitian masses and majority, he has begged for foreign intervention to shore up his power. 

The Haiti/Americas Team affirms the words of Ajamu Baraka, chairperson of BAP’s Coordinating Committee, who stated, “Solidarity has to be reciprocal. CELAC must commit itself to supporting the democratic struggles in Haiti against an illegitimate U.S. puppet [government]. Inviting the Haitian government to CELAC is like inviting Juan Guaidó to represent Venezuela.”

Points 101 and 102 of the Buenos Aires Declaration directly address the situation in Haiti. Point 102 endorses the September 8 letter from the UN Secretary General to the President of the Security Council encouraging the organization of a “specialized multinational force” to intervene in Haiti. Nowhere in the Declaration do they mention the role of the international community in creating the current crisis in Haiti. Nowhere do they mention that the crisis is a crisis of imperialism, brought on by the United Nations, the Core Group (an alliance of countries as well as multilateral organizations, such as the World Bank), the United States, Canada, and other so-called “friends” of Haiti in the international community. 

If CELAC supports non-intervention in the internal affairs of independent states, how can they call for foreign intervention in Haiti? If CELAC promotes a Zone of Peace, how can they demand foreign military intervention? If CELAC is for regional sovereignty, how can they support an imperialist design, driven by the United States and others? If CELAC is an advocate for the people of the Caribbean and Latin America, how can they so brazenly ignore the wishes and demands of the people of Haiti? 

BAP’s Haiti/Americas Team suggests CELAC government leaders listen to the voices of the Haitian people, and their supporters in the region, as well as CELAC Social. This new entity of more than 200 organizations issued its own declaration demanding, in part, that the “region give its own response to the Haitian question, respecting the principle of non-intervention and the right of the people of Haiti to define sovereignly their destiny.” 

CELAC’s position on Haiti is ill-informed and dangerous, representing an all-too frequent, reactionary “Haiti exception” when it comes to the “progressive” governments of the Americas. Peace and solidarity in the region cannot be achieved at the expense of Haitian sovereignty. CELAC must avoid contributing to Haiti’s current crisis—the crisis of imperialism.


Para publicación inmediata


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(202) 643-1136


1 DE FEBRERO DE 2023— El Equipo Haití/Américas de la Alianza Negra por la Paz (BAP) protesta con vehemencia por el aparente apoyo de la CELAC (Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños) a la intervención militar multinacional en Haití, y se opone enérgicamente a la CELAC incluyendo al primer ministro haitiano no electo Ariel Henry en su reciente cumbre en Buenos Aires. Consideramos tales actos como traiciones al pueblo haitiano, así como a las fuerzas democráticas y anticoloniales de la región.

Fundada en 2011, la CELAC es un bloque de 33 países del Caribe y América Latina. Ha declarado que su misión es promover la integración regional y brindar una alternativa al poder estadounidense en la región, especialmente porque ese poder se canaliza a través de la entidad multiestatal, la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA).

Al concluir la cumbre, los miembros de la CELAC publicaron la Declaración de Buenos Aires, un documento de 28 páginas y 111 puntos que cubre la cooperación ambiental, la recuperación económica pospandemia, la seguridad alimentaria y energética. Incluido en ese documento estaba el respaldo de la CELAC al desarrollo de la región como una Zona de Paz, libre de armas nucleares y comprometida con soluciones no militaristas a los problemas intrarregionales.

Sin embargo, los compromisos de la CELAC con la paz, así como con otros principios, como “democracia; la promoción, protección y respeto de los Derechos Humanos, la cooperación internacional, el Estado de Derecho, el multilateralismo, el respeto a la integridad territorial, la no intervención en los asuntos internos de los Estados y la defensa de la soberanía”, son directamente socavados por su postura sobre Haití . Al invitar a Henry, la CELAC ha legitimado a un impopular primer ministro de facto instalado por el Grupo Central en Haití. Henry no solo se ha negado a celebrar elecciones, sino que ha presidido la salida del cargo de todos los funcionarios electos del país. Mientras tanto, en contra de los deseos de las masas y la mayoría haitianas, ha suplicado una intervención extranjera para consolidar su poder.

El Equipo de Haití/Américas afirma las palabras de Ajamu Baraka, presidente del Comité Coordinador de BAP, quien afirmó: “La solidaridad tiene que ser recíproca. La CELAC debe comprometerse a apoyar las luchas democráticas en Haití contra un [gobierno] títere ilegítimo de los Estados Unidos. Invitar al gobierno de Haití a la CELAC es como invitar a Juan Guaidó a representar a Venezuela”.

Los puntos 101 y 102 de la Declaración de Buenos Aires abordan directamente la situación en Haití. El punto 102 refrenda la carta del 8 de septiembre del Secretario General de la ONU al Presidente del Consejo de Seguridad alentando la organización de una “fuerza multinacional especializada” para intervenir en Haití. En ninguna parte de la Declaración mencionan el papel de la comunidad internacional en la creación de la crisis actual en Haití. En ninguna parte mencionan que la crisis es una crisis del imperialismo, provocada por las Naciones Unidas, el Core Group (una alianza de países y organismos multilaterales, como el Banco Mundial), Estados Unidos, Canadá y otros. -llamados “amigos” de Haití en la comunidad internacional.

Si la CELAC apoya la no intervención en los asuntos internos de los estados independientes, ¿cómo pueden reclamar la intervención extranjera en Haití? Si la CELAC promueve una Zona de Paz, ¿cómo pueden exigir una intervención militar extranjera? Si la CELAC está por la soberanía regional, ¿cómo pueden apoyar un diseño imperialista, impulsado por Estados Unidos y otros? Si la CELAC es una defensora de los pueblos del Caribe y América Latina, ¿cómo pueden ignorar tan descaradamente los deseos y demandas del pueblo de Haití?

El Equipo de Haití/Américas de BAP sugiere que los líderes gubernamentales de la CELAC escuchen las voces del pueblo haitiano y sus seguidores en la región, así como a la CELAC Social. Esta nueva entidad de más de 200 organizaciones emitió su propia declaración exigiendo, en parte, que la “región dé su propia respuesta a la cuestión haitiana, respetando el principio de no intervención y el derecho del pueblo de Haití a definir soberanamente su destino”

La posición de la CELAC sobre Haití es mal informada y peligrosa, y representa una “excepción de Haití” reaccionaria y demasiado frecuente cuando se trata de los gobiernos “progresistas” de las Américas. La paz y la solidaridad en la región no se pueden lograr a expensas de la soberanía haitiana. La CELAC debe evitar contribuir a la crisis actual de Haití, la crisis del imperialismo.


Banner Photo: Line up of CELAC and member country flags in a conference room. (Courtesy @EmbaCubaUS on Twitter)

No to Foreign Military Intervention In Haiti! Yes, to Haitian Self-Determination!

No to Foreign Military Intervention In Haiti! Yes, to Haitian Self-Determination!



An Open Letter to the Representatives of the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation

The Black Alliance for Peace asks that the representatives of the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation vote against a United Nations-sanctioned military force to Haiti. The Haitian people view the presence of the United Nations Integrated Office (BINUH) as a foreign occupation that, since 2004, has suppressed Haiti’s independence and sovereignty. We call on your countries to respect Haitian sovereignty and to support the Haitian masses in their stand against the ongoing occupation of their country by foreign powers. 

We want to point out that the Haitian people have been engaged in nonviolent, nonstop protests for eight weeks. Despite the erroneous representation of these protests in Haiti as simply “gang violence,” the latest demonstrations are a direct result of two factors. First, they are a response to the everyday economic misery caused by rising inflation, especially through the staggering increase in the price of fuel. Second, they are part of a long history of demands for the end of foreign meddling in Haitian affairs, especially via the installation and maintenance of an unelected and illegitimate government by the Core Group, of which the United Nations is a part.  

Attempting to solve the current crisis in Haiti through the deployment of a foreign armed force to protect unelected and illegitimate Haitian “stakeholders” will only exacerbate the situation for regular Haitian people. 

We share with you the words of a coalition of Haitian grassroots organizations responding to the erroneous claims by UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterrez, that the protests in Haiti were only “gang violence:”  

“[T]hese popular protests are part of a struggle for a Haiti free from suffocating foreign interference, gangsterization, this extreme manufactured misery and an anti-national, illegitimate, criminal political regime established by the Core Group of which the UN is a member.”

Here is the Haitian people’s response to the recently passed IMF austerity measures on the country, measures which included the removal of fuel subsidies, tripling prices and raising inflation by 30%:

“This new decision, taken to the detriment of the interests of the people, has aroused his anger and also intensified a protest movement already initiated, whose objective is the recovery of our sovereignty, the recovery of Haiti's destiny by Haitians, the establishment by Haitians of a legitimate government, capable of defending the interests of the people and meeting the various challenges of the moment.”

A brief historical contextualization is in order:

The UN Mission to Haiti Is a Foreign Occupation Repressing Haitian Sovereignty

As you surely are aware, the United Nations became an occupying force in Haiti after the U.S.-France-Canada-led 2004 coup d’état against Haiti’s democratically elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. We must note that, in addition to Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, only Jamaica’s P.J. Patterson, in his capacity as leader of CARICOM, spoke up against the coup.  

Following the coup, the UN took over from U.S. forces. Under Chapter VII of the UN charter, the UN established the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (or MINUSTAH), for the tasks of military occupation under the guise of establishing peace and security. The Workers Party-led government of Brazil’s Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva then betrayed the Haitian people and undercut Haiti’s sovereignty by agreeing to lead the military wing of the UN mission in Haiti.

The history of the UN in Haiti has been a history of violence. An expensive, multi-billion dollar operation, MINUSTAH had between 6,000 and 12,000 military troops and police stationed in Haiti alongside thousands of civilian personnel. Like the first U.S. occupation (1915-1934), the UN occupation under MINUSTAH was marked by its brutality and racism towards the Haitian people. Civilians were brutally attacked and assassinated. “Peace-keepers” committed sexual crimes. UN soldiers dumped human waste into rivers used for drinking water, unleashing a cholera epidemic that killed between 10,000 and 50,000 people. The UN has still not been held accountable for this needless death.

The Core Group — an international coalition of self-proclaimed “friends” of Haiti — came together during the MINUSTAH occupation. Non-Black, un-elected, and anti-democratic, the goal of the Core Group is to oversee Haiti’s governance. Meanwhile, as with the first occupation, the United States and MINUSTAH trained and militarized Haiti’s police and security forces, often rehabilitating and reintegrating rogue members. The United States, in collusion with MINUSTAH and the Core Group, also over-rode Haitian democracy, installing both neo-Duvalierist Michel Martelly and his Haitian Tèt Kale Party (PHTK), alongside Martelly’s protege and successor, the late Jovenel Moïse.

It is claimed that this occupation officially ended in 2017 with the dissolution of MINUSTAH. But the UN has remained in Haiti under a new acronym: BINUH, the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti. BINUH has had an outsized role in Haitian internal political affairs. For example, soon after Moïse was assassinated, its representative, Helen La Lime, asserted that Claude Joseph would be installed as Haiti’s leader. Later, the “Core Group” switched gears and demanded that Ariel Henry should be president. And this is exactly what happened when a “new” Haitian government was announced on July 20, 2021, with Henry as leader. This, without any say from the Haitian people, without any pretense of a democratic process, without any concern for Haiti’s sovereignty.

UN Occupation Increases Violence and Instability

Haiti currently has an unelected, unpopular, unaccountable, and illegitimate prime minister, propped up by the United States and the western nations. Meanwhile, Haiti’s security situation has deteriorated considerably as groups, armed by the transnational Haitian and Levantine elite, continue their attacks on the Haitian people. We must emphasize that, in the eighteen years that the United Nations mission has participated in the occupation of Haiti, the Haitian people have only experienced violence and political instability. You must recognize the foreign occupation of Haiti has left it in a state of disarray and violence. 

The consequences of Foreign Meddling and Occupation

We must remind you that we are entering the ninth week of protests of the Haitian people against both the U.S.-backed puppet government of Ariel Henry and the continued occupation and meddling of the Core Group and the UN itself. With all the talk of Haitian “lawlessness,” one would never know that the other main reason for the protests was the illegitimate government’s decision, under IMF austerity dictates, to cut fuel subsidies, amid spiraling inflation and economic insecurity. 

No to Occupation. Yes to Self-Determination.

The speed at which contemporary events are moving in Haiti makes it difficult for those outside the Caribbean republic to understand its internal political dynamics. Because of this, it is easy to resort to historical cliches and short-hand analyses in an attempt to neatly package and summarize or flatten what are oftentimes complex, structural, and historical formations whose origins are as much rooted outside than inside the country. Thus to outsiders Haiti is in the middle of a crisis, a never-ending crisis marked by lawlessness and violence, by the failure of government and the collapse of the state, and by a savage populism paired with well-armed, predatory gangs. 

We believe this representation of Haiti is fueled by an ancient racism premised on the notion that Haitian people (and African people more generally) are incapable of self-government, and this notion, in turn, nurtures the rationalization for the strengthening of the current mandate for the continued international occupation of Haiti. 

We ask that you think with all seriousness about supporting this western-led military invasion of Haiti to attempt to solve a problem that western states themselves created. All nations should be able to chart their own destiny, not just some. You must know the history of the proud Haitian people whose Revolution changed the course of world history and material aid helped the liberation of the Americas from colonial rule and enslavement. Despite the continued affront to its self-determination, the people of Haiti will continue to fight for its liberation.

The Black Alliance for Peace, in alignment with the wishes of the Haitian masses and their supporters, absolutely stands against any foreign armed intervention in Haiti, and continues to demand an end to the unending meddling in Haitian affairs by the United States and Western powers. We hope that the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China will stand with the people of Haiti in its fight for liberation by voting NO on another military invasion to brutalize the long-suffering Haitian masses.


The Black Alliance for Peace, Haiti/Americas Team

Banner photo: Armored UN military vehicles with armed soldier on board drives down middle of street in Haiti, with Haitian people watching. (courtesy UN News" - The United Nations)

Open Letter to Secretary General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), on the need to Support Haitian Sovereignty

Open Letter to Secretary General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), on the need to Support Haitian Sovereignty

An Open Letter to Her Excellency, Dr. Carla Natalie Barnett Secretary General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), on the need to Support Haitian Sovereignty

Dear Dr. Barnett: 

On September 19, 2022, the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) issued a short statement expressing grave concern about worsening conditions in Haiti and pressing for “urgent and immediate attention from the international community.” In light of CARICOM’s more direct engagement in Haitian affairs in recent months, we call on your organization to respect Haitian sovereignty and to support the Haitian masses in their stand against the ongoing occupation of their country by foreign powers. Despite the erroneous representation of the current protests in Haiti as simply “gang violence,” the latest demonstrations are a direct result of two factors. First, they are a response to the everyday economic misery caused by rising inflation, especially through the staggering increase in the price of fuel. Second, they are part of a long history of demands for the end of foreign meddling in Haitian affairs, especially via the installation and maintenance of an unelected and illegitimate government by the Core Group, of which the United Nations is a part. 

We applaud your concern for Haiti. We have also noted the support your member nations have given to Caribbean and Latin American self-determination. For this reason, we would like to remind CARICOM members that the U.S., Canada, France, and other Western countries, along with the Core Group, and UN missions such as MINUSTAH, are directly responsible for the current conditions in Haiti. Attempting to solve the current crisis in Haiti through a dialogue between unelected and illegitimate Haitian “stakeholders” will not be successful. It will only serve the needs of non-Haitians.

We share with you the words of a coalition of Haitian grassroots organizations explaining the main reason for the currency protests: 

“[T]hese popular protests are part of a struggle for a Haiti free from suffocating foreign interference, gangsterization, this extreme manufactured misery and an anti-national, illegitimate, criminal political regime established by the Core Group of which the UN is a member.”

A brief historical contextualization is in order:

The UN Mission to Haiti Is a Foreign Occupation Repressing Haitian Sovereignty

As you surely are aware, the United Nations became an occupying force in Haiti after the U.S.-France-Canada-led 2004 coup d’état against Haiti’s democratically elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. We must note that, in addition to Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, only Jamaica’s P.J. Patterson, in his capacity as leader of CARICOM, spoke up against the coup.  

Following the coup, the UN took over from U.S. forces. Under Chapter VII of the UN charter, the UN established the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (or MINUSTAH), for the tasks of military occupation under the guise of establishing peace and security. The Workers Party-led government of Brazil’s Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva then betrayed the Haitian people and undercut Haiti’s sovereignty by agreeing to lead the military wing of the UN mission in Haiti.

The history of the UN in Haiti has been a history of violence. An expensive, multi-billion dollar operation, MINUSTAH had between 6,000 and 12,000 military troops and police stationed in Haiti alongside thousands of civilian personnel. Like the first U.S. occupation (1915-1934), the UN occupation under MINUSTAH was marked by its brutality and racism towards the Haitian people. Civilians were brutally attacked and assassinated. “Peace-keepers” committed sexual crimes. UN soldiers dumped human waste into rivers used for drinking water, unleashing a cholera epidemic that killed between 10,000 and 50,000 people. The UN has still not been held accountable for this needless death.

The Core Group — an international coalition of self-proclaimed “friends” of Haiti — came together during the MINUSTAH occupation. Non-Black, un-elected, and anti-democratic, the goal of the Core Group is to oversee Haiti’s governance. Meanwhile, as with the first occupation, the United States and MINUSTAH trained and militarized Haiti’s police and security forces, often rehabilitating and reintegrating rogue members. The United States, in collusion with MINUSTAH and the Core Group, also over-rode Haitian democracy, installing both neo-Duvalierist Michel Martelly and his Haitian Tèt Kale Party (PHTK), alongside Martelly’s protege and successor, the late Jovenel Moïse.

It is claimed that this occupation officially ended in 2017 with the dissolution of MINUSTAH. But the UN has remained in Haiti under a new acronym: BINUH, the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti. BINUH has had an outsized role in Haitian internal political affairs. For example, soon after Moïse was assassinated, its representative, Helen La Lime, asserted that Claude Joseph would be installed as Haiti’s leader. Later, the “Core Group” switched gears and demanded that Ariel Henry should be president. And this is exactly what happened when a “new” Haitian government was announced on July 20, 2021, with Henry as leader. This, without any say from the Haitian people, without any pretense of a democratic process, without any concern for Haiti’s sovereignty.

UN Occupation Increases Violence and Instability

Haiti currently has an unelected, unpopular, unaccountable, and illegitimate prime minister, propped up by the United States and the western nations. Meanwhile, Haiti’s security situation has deteriorated considerably as groups, armed by the transnational Haitian and Levantine elite, continue their attacks on the Haitian people. We must emphasize that, in the eighteen years that the United Nations mission has participated in the occupation of Haiti, the Haitian people have only experienced violence and political instability. You must recognize the foreign occupation of Haiti has left it in a state of disarray and violence. 

The consequences of Foreign Meddling and Occupation

We must remind you that this is the sixth week of protests of the Haitian people against both the U.S.-backed puppet government of Ariel Henry and the continued occupation and meddling of the Core Group and the UN itself. With all the talk of Haitian “lawlessness,” one would never know that the other main reason for the protests was the illegitimate government’s decision, under IMF austerity dictates, to cut fuel subsidies, amid spiraling inflation and economic insecurity. Hear the people’s words:

“This new decision, taken to the detriment of the interests of the people, has aroused his anger and also intensified a protest movement already initiated, whose objective is the recovery of our sovereignty, the recovery of Haiti's destiny by Haitians, the establishment by Haitians of a legitimate government, capable of defending the interests of the people and meeting the various challenges of the moment.”

No to Occupation. Yes to Self-Determination.

The speed at which contemporary events are moving in Haiti makes it difficult for those outside the Caribbean republic to understand its internal political dynamics. Because of this, it is easy to resort to historical cliches and short-hand analyses in an attempt to neatly package and summarize or flatten what are oftentimes complex, structural, and historical formations whose origins are as much rooted outside than inside the country. Thus to outsiders Haiti is in the middle of a crisis, a never-ending crisis marked by lawlessness and violence, by the failure of government and the collapse of the state, and by a savage populism paired with well-armed, predatory gangs. 

We believe this representation of Haiti is fueled by an ancient racism premised on the notion that Haitian people (and African people more generally) are incapable of self-government, and this notion, in turn, nurtures the rationalization for the strengthening of the current mandate for the continued international occupation of Haiti. 

We ask that you think with all seriousness about the relationships among nations in our region. All nations should be able to chart their own destiny, not just some. You must know the history of the proud Haitian people whose Revolution changed the course of world history and material aid helped the liberation of the Americas from colonial rule and enslavement. Despite the continued affront to its self-determination, the people of Haiti will continue to fight for its liberation.

The Black Alliance for Peace, in alignment with the wishes of the Haitian masses and their supporters, absolutely stands against any foreign armed intervention in Haiti, and continues to demand an end to the unending meddling in Haitian affairs by the United States and Western powers. We call for the dissolution of the imperialist Core Group, an end to Western support for the unelected and unaccountable puppet government of Ariel Henry, and for the respect of Haitian sovereignty. 


The Black Alliance for Peace, Haiti/Americas Team



Banner Photo: Protesters demanding the resignation of the President in Port-au-Prince.Credit (Courtesy Reuters by Andres Martinez Casares)

The Black Alliance for Peace Calls on Latin American and Caribbean Nations to Boycott the Summit of the Americas

The Black Alliance for Peace Calls on Latin American and Caribbean Nations to Boycott the Summit of the Americas

La traducción al español está abajo
La traduction française est ci-dessous

The failure of the U.S. to respect the sovereignty of nations in the region and its decision to exclude states from the Summit disqualifies it from being a credible host

For Immediate Release

Media Contact
202 643-1136

MAY 12, 2022—The arbitrary decision by the government of the United States to exclude Nicaragua, Cuba, and Venezuela from participation in the regional Summit of the Americas - scheduled to take place in Los Angeles, June 6 to June 10—represents another example of imperial hubris and delusion.

Mexico’s President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador recently announced that he would boycott the Summit unless all countries in the region are invited. Some member states of CARICOM and the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, including Antigua and Barbuda and St. Vincent and Grenadines, are also considering not attending the Summit. Gaston Browne, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, stated that his country “does not believe in the policy of ostracising Cuba and Venezuela.”

The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP), however, believes that even if the U.S. reverses its decision and invites all countries of the region, the aggressive, illegal, and oppressive policies of the U.S. toward the region demands that these governments take a stand and reject the invitation to attend the Summit.

The Summit of the Americas, taking place every three years, promotes “economic growth and prosperity throughout the Americas based on shared democratic values.” However, this rhetorical hypocrisy is evident with the Biden-Harris administration's subversion in Haiti and sanctions and attacks on Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Cuba. “From support for autocracy in Haiti, the embargo against Cuba, and deaths in Venezuela as a result of U.S. sanctions, the U.S. continues to prove that it has no regard or respect for the peoples and nations of our region and should not be given the honor of hosting this summit,” states Jemima Pierre, co-coordinator of BAP’s Haiti/Americas Team.

Continue Reading…

Black Alliance for Peace Condemns Increasing Human Rights Violence in Haiti and the Continued U.S./OAS/UN Support for Unconstitutional Actions by Haiti’s Illegitimate Government

Black Alliance for Peace Condemns Increasing Human Rights Violence in Haiti and the Continued U.S./OAS/UN Support for Unconstitutional Actions by Haiti’s Illegitimate Government

For Immediate Release

Media Contact:

(202) 643-1136

JULY 6, 2021—Over eight days, from June 25-30, Haiti had been subjected to increasing state-sponsored, imperial and gang violence. Massacres killed almost 60 people in Port au Prince, including in Cité Soleil, Delmas and Pétionville, as well as on on Rue Magloire Ambroise. Prominent human-rights activist Antoinette (Netty) Duclaire and journalist Diego Charles were two of the victims.

In light of this violence, the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) once again affirms its support for the Haitian people and condemns the continued US/UN/OAS backing for the illegitimate Jovenel Moïse administration. Not only do we repudiate the continued violations of human rights in Haiti, we denounce the attempts by the Moïse government and its handlers—especially the Organization of American States (OAS) and the U.S. State Department—to force legislative and presidential elections and an illegal constitutional referendum under an undemocratic voting structure.

Moïse, who has been ruling Haiti by decree since January 2020, has been attempting to pass a referendum to re-write Haiti’s 1987 constitution.

“We support the Haitian people, who have maintained that there is no chance for credible elections to be held while Jovenel Moïse is in power,” says BAP member and Haitian Chris Bernadel. “We stand in solidarity with the Haitian people against the corrupt and illegitimate regime of Jovenel Moïse, which has been enabled through the support of the U.S., OAS and the United Nations.”

Illegal, according to Haitian law, the proposed referendum has been rejected by every sector of civil society, and opposed by the majority of Haitians.

Yet, a recent OAS report on Haiti not only supports the constitutional referendum, the organization also is pushing for Moïse to single handedly appoint a new prime minister, cabinet, and Provisional Electoral Council in order to move forward with both the referendum and presidential, municipal, and local elections.

These elections will be neither credible, nor legal. The current government is illegitimate. And currently, no clear path exists for free, fair and transparent elections under these conditions.

Yet, the white overseers of Haiti—the United States, the United Nations and the OAS—continue to push for this illegal referendum and elections. The United States has continued its material, logistical and political support of Moïse’s administration. It has spent at least $12.6 million since Moïse was elected in support of dubious elections and bogus political processes. Although the United States acknowledges that thus far, preparations for the referendum “have not been sufficiently transparent or inclusive,” Joe Biden’s administration has not come out against the referendum. Instead, the Biden-Harris administration has focused on the primacy of holding elections in the fall. At the same time, the UN and the OAS also have provided support for Moïse. The OAS has helped by revising the text of the proposed constitution, apparently to remove some of the more controversial aspects from the first draft. The UN also is advising the national police on an electoral security strategy.

Since February 7, when Moïse’s mandate as president had expired, BAP has been calling for the U.S. government and the rest of the so-called “international community” to respect Haitian sovereignty and the will of the Haitian people. We have consistently condemned Western imperialist meddling in Haiti, and BAP members have rallied in Chicago, Washington, D.C. and New York to demand the Biden-Harris administration and Western entities—such as the Core Group and the OAS—end decades of interventions that have violated the right of the Haitian people to transparent democratic processes.

We continue to support the Haitian masses, and express solidarity with the Haitian peoples in their quest for sovereignty and freedom. We condemn the continued imperial violence in Haiti that has been dismissed as merely gang violence.

Banner photo: Demonstrators marched in Port-au-Prince on February 14, 2021, to protest against the government of President Jovenel Moïse. (AFP)

Black Alliance for Peace Supports African/Black Workers from Alabama to Haiti

Black Alliance for Peace Supports African/Black Workers from Alabama to Haiti

WORKING-CLASS FOUNDATION: BAP identifies the Black working class as the main social force of any reconstituted Black Liberation project.

SOUTHERN ROOTS: The South is the base of U.S. military infrastructure. It is also where 55 percent of Black people happen to live. BAP identifies this region as a priority for collective learning, organizing, and mobilizing the power and influence of Black workers and the poor to oppose militarism, war, and imperialism. —BAP’s Principles of Unity

Led predominantly by Black workers, the struggle for worker dignity and power is at a critical stage in Bessemer, Alabama. That is where Amazon workers are voting to determine if they will be represented by the Retail, Wholesale Department Store Workers Union (RWDSU) against the behemoth transnational corporation.

Understanding the power of organization, these courageous workers formed the BAmazon Union over the last few months to fight back against the failure of the company to protect the elementary human rights of workers to a safe work environment and to be free of inhumane working conditions and treatment.

In the spirit of the militant Black working class, this fight promises to be a historic turning point in the efforts to organize the U.S. South.

As we stand in support of Black workers in Haiti fighting against U.S. imperialism, we must make the connections. We are in a life-or-death fight against the ravages of a vicious global colonial/capitalist system that will use whatever means it has at its disposal to maintain the ability to extract value from the land and labor of African/Black people and all who are forced to sell their labor just to put food on their tables. 

BAmazon workers and the Haitian people currently protesting U.S.-backed Haitian dictator Jovenel Moïse share in common their African ancestry and their struggles against colonial-capitalism. We are in solidarity with the BAmazon Union and Haiti's poor and working class.

For more information, please check out the Southern Workers Assembly Home and Black Workers for Justice (BWFJ), a BAP member organization represented on BAP’s National Coordinating Committee.

In the fight for People(s)-Centered Human Rights, self-determination, and social justice there will be No Compromise, No Retreat!

Photo: Demonstrators shout slogans and hold placards during a protest at the Amazon fulfillment center in Shakopee, Minnesota, Dec. 14, 2018. (Kerem Yucel/AFP/Getty Images)