National Day of Action Against Police Terror: Stop Cop City, Defeat the War Against African People in the U.S. and Abroad

We Are an African People and We Are at War!

#StopCopCity, end the 1033 Program and end U.S. sanctions against progressive governments. We are asking everybody to organize one or more of the following actions:

  • Marches

  • Rallies

  • Civil disobedience actions

  • Direct actions

  • Banner drops

  • Teach-ins

  • Petition drives 

In addition, we want to flood social media with the hashtag #STOPCOPCITY.


  • Atlanta GA, Thursday, March 9th, rally and march assembling 6pm at King Center. More info.

  • Washington DC, Thursday, March 9th, The Bowser-Contee Police State & Federal Greenlight of Repression; A Teach-in, 6:00pm – 9:00pm at Black Workers & Wellness Center, Southeast DC. Registration requested. Followed by a banner drop on March 10th.

  • California, Bay Area, Thursday, March 9th, Community Dialogue on Police Terror, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM PST. Location TBA. Please register.

  • Online panel discussion, Thursday, March 9th, “Countering Colonial Policing in the U.S. Domestic Colonies”, 7:00pm – 9:15pm. Get more info and register.

  • New Orleans, Friday, March 10th, Stop Cop City Benefit Concert, 7:00pm – 9:00pm. Minimum of $3 in order to enter. More info.

  • Greensboro NC, Saturday, March 11, Day of Action Teach-in, 2:00pm – 5:00pm at Greenwood Library. More info.

Find an action near you.

Use BAP’s resources on the 1033 program to hold a teach-in.

Banner photo: Police attack protesters in Chicago during a demonstration against police violence and racism (courtesy Jim Vondruska/NurPhoto/Getty Images)