Part of the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP)'s contribution to the National Day of Action Against Police Terror on March 9.

This online panel discussion analyzes the manifold ways U.S. police forces terrorize African/Black and oppressed communities in U.S. domestic colonies, as well as strategies for organizing against this brutality. During the first hour, panelists will examine a range of issues, including the deadly exchange programs with the Israel Defense Forces, the U.S. Department of Defense 1033 programs, SWAT teams, special units, fusion centers, and the attempted construction of a $90 million police-training facility in Atlanta that activists have dubbed "Cop City." During the second hour, discussants will lead breakout sessions to go further in depth and engage attendees in a discussion about these topics. This is a timely and urgent conversation, given the waves of deadly violence erupting from Memphis to Palestine.


  • Dartricia Rollins, BAP-Atlanta

  • Tongo Eisen-Martin, Bay-BAP (San Francisco)

  • coco, BAP Research and Political Education Team

  • Arlene Eisen

  • Dana Alserjani

Michael Alexander, BAP Research and Political Education Team

Pre-discussion reading:

This discussion will not be livestreamed, but a recording will be made available on BAP's platforms within a week. Register here: