The U.S. plan to draw Russia into a proxy war in the Ukraine has turned out to be a monumental debacle, exposing the United States’ cynical plans as well as the limits of U.S. imperial power.

The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) has consistently analyzed the conflict as manufactured, one that could have been avoided with a real commitment to peace in that part of the world.

But the Biden administration decided war was the method. It needed to suppress Germany and disconnect the Russian economy from the Western European economy.

In May, we called for states to boycott the Summit of the Americas, an event through which the United States has attempted to maintain hegemony through manipulation. The people of our region declared opposition to it, saying one cannot be a partner and a hegemon at the same time. As long as the United States sees our region as its backyard—or its front yard—we will struggle against it.

All of these are indications we are witnessing the development of a new world, in which the possibility of equality, peace, development and stability can be achieved. But it’s quite clear it can only be achieved with collective humanity putting a break on the U.S./EU/NATO axis of domination. 

We are proud that BAP has become an integral force in dismantling the U.S. empire. In this issue of our newsletter, you will see some of the political work BAP has been involved in, both in the media and on the ground.

We hope to continue with your support to bring about peace and justice in this world.


BAP issued a statement on African Liberation Day. We pulled off a webinar in May to introduce our SOUTHCOM campaign. Then we did another webinar in June about the connection between health and People(s)-Centered Human Rights. Meanwhile, the Ukraine resources page has been updated. Check out the latest AFRICOM Watch Bulletin, featuring an interview with BAP member organization All-African People’s Revolutionary Party member Ahjamu Umi. Plus, keep up with what’s happening in Afghanistan with the Afghanistan News Update


BAP members took action throughout one week to counter the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles. The United States hosted the summit this year and excluded Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. That prompted left forces in the United States and around the world to organize counter events. 

Independent U.S. publication Toward Freedom published a summation of these events. 

Bolivian outlet Kawsachun News also covered our members at the anti-imperialist rally. Then it interviewed John Parker, Erica Caines, Austin Cole and Dedan Waciuri. Plus, Kawsachun tweeted a portion of Salifu Sesay Mack’s talk on Cuba’s decolonial project.

Dedan also made a popular public-service announcement inviting the public to join us. 

Last week, BAP released a video that highlights all of our panel discussions, the anti-imperialist rally, and the YouTube conversation between BAP Solidarity Network member Ramiro Sebastián Fúnez and BAP members Erica and Salifu. Watch it on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

For helping us pull off these actions, we thank the Haiti/Americas Team for providing leadership; the BAP-SoCal crew for on-the-ground support; several members from BAP-West, BAP-South, BAP Mid-Atlantic and BAP-Northeast, as well as Solidarity Network Co-Coordinator Julie Varughese, for showing up; Rebecca Bonhomme, Haiti/Americas Team liaison, for working with the Outreach Team's Jelani Umoja to help produce the SOUTHCOM video that debuted at the June 5 panel; the Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice for providing a space for the panel; as well as the Operations Team for the support that allowed members to travel to Los Angeles, hold panels with materials, rally in the streets, table at the People's Summit and publicize our actions!

BAP Mid-Atlantic Region (encompassing Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C.) was out at the junction of several events, including near the Poor People's Campaign’s “Moral Assembly,” on Saturday in Washington, D.C. BAP members spoke to the public about BAP’s opposition to the $54 billion that the United States has allocated for the Ukrainian state’s conflict with Russia, saying that money should be used to address the people’s needs. Along the way, JuicTV interviewed Mid-Atlantic Region Co-Coordinator Jacqueline Luqman for an upcoming YouTube episode about U.S. inflation, during which she connected the war and corporate greed to jacked-up prices. BAP has joined forces with the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign to expand their Poor People’s Army across the United States. Learn about how to get involved. Check out photos from our picket line on Facebook, Instagram and on Twitter.

BAP Coordinating Committee member Erica Caines spoke at the African Liberation Day celebration in Baltimore on May 29. She connected the war on African/Black people abroad with the actions of AFRICOM on the African continent & domestically with the police in our communities.


JUNE 25: BAP-Baltimore is hosting the “Militarization of Baltimore Conference.” It will take place 2-5 p.m., at BeMoreGreen, 2036 North Avenue in Baltimore, Maryland. African/Black-led organizations will collectively design actions with the community against the government’s assault on our human rights. RSVP here.


  • Bry Reed (Greene Clothe Collective)

  • Gassoh G (BAP-Baltimore)

  • Brandon Walker (Ujima People’s Progress Party)

  • Rob Ferrell (Organizing Black)

  • Lisa Snowden (Baltimore BEAT)

  • Roger Evans (Ujima People’s Progress Party)

No Compromise, No Retreat!

Struggle to win,
Ajamu, Charisse, Dedan, Erica, Jaribu, Margaret, Netfa, Nnamdi, Paul and Rafiki
Coordinating Committee

P.S. Freedom isn’t free. Consider giving today.

Banner photo: U.S. President Joe Biden meets with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and combatant commanders at the White House in Washington on April 20. (Win McNamee/Getty images)