"The managers of the colonial/capitalist world understand the terms of struggle, and so should we. It must be clear to us that for the survival of collective humanity and the planet we cannot allow uncontested power to remain in the hands of the global 1%. The painful truth for some is that if global humanity is to live, the Pan-European white supremacist colonial/capitalist project must die." -Ajamu Baraka, Black Alliance for Peace National Organizer

Like Indigenous people throughout the world, the Palestinian people demand a life of dignity, sovereignty and self-determination.

What prevents Palestinian national self-expression is the constructed state of Israel. The United Kingdom helped settle the first Zionists in Palestine in 1922 after the Balfour Declaration. Later, a brutal Nakba took place when the U.K. aided the newly created state of Israel's settler-colonization. Meanwhile, the United States has armed and funded Israel for years. But lately, that support has come at a cost of $3.8 billion per year, plus an additional $8 billion in loan guarantees.

The Israeli settler-colonial project, which major human-rights groups have now characterized as “apartheid,” is still supported by most European nations, with France recently even forbidding Palestinian protests. However, the French people ignored this blatant authoritarianism and marched in the thousands. Similarly sized crowds were seen throughout the world and in the belly of the U.S. empire. It appears the Western, decades-long misinformation campaign that has generated blind support for Israel—at least in the United States—is no longer working on a new generation of activists.

As Black internationalists, we will always be in solidarity with the Palestinian people as they struggle against U.S. imperialism and Zionist settler-colonialism. We understand that there will be no freedom for Palestine or for any of the nations and peoples of the world still oppressed by the Pan-European colonial-capitalist project without the development of a powerful movement at the center of that project here in the United States. That is why our folks have been in the streets over the past week at Palestine rallies, raising the connection between African liberation and Palestinian liberation. Some, like members YahNé Ndgo and Bilal Mafundi Ali, were able to take the mic.

FINAL Palestine Protest Nakba 73 5.15.2021.png

But we also say solidarity must be consistent. African/Black people in places like Colombia and Haiti also are struggling against U.S. imperialism. They, too, are demanding their sovereignty be respected. To learn about these recent struggles, read our statement on Colombia and watch Colombia webinars on this page.

We would ask where the support is for our people. But we don't dwell too much on this question because we are independently organized, which allows us to raise up issues the U.S. left normally does not spend much, if any, time on. That is why we are organizing an African Liberation Day webinar that casts the lens on our people in the so-called "Americas," connecting those struggles to the broader struggle for the liberation of the global African nation and the global anti-colonial, anti-imperialist fight.

Just as we were in the streets last month demanding the release of our dear brother, Mumia Abu Jamal, we will be in the streets for Colombia, Haiti, Palestine and all other colonized nations.

The people's struggle is escalating as neoliberal capitalism resorts to repression in the face of an unsustainable system. That is why we ask you to continue to circulate these newsletters among your networks and organize yourselves, so you are better prepared to be in solidarity with us.


On the May 4 episode of "Voices With Vision," Qiana Johnson of Life After Release, an organization empowering formerly incarcerated women to manage their re-entry into the community, spoke to co-hosts Craig Hall and Netfa Freeman—representing BAP member organization Pan-African Community Action (PACA)—about this year’s “Black Mama Bailout” events on Mother’s Day. Erica Caines of the Black Alliance for Peace, BAP member organization Ujima People’s Progress Party and Liberation Through Reading, shares a commentary about "The Class Collaboration of 'Justice.'” In the second half, Tunde Osazua, coordinator of BAP’s “U.S. Out of Africa Network,” took a look at the Biden-Harris administration’s work on behalf of imperialism in the latest developments in Africa. The show started with a commentary on if political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal was able to get out, a revolutionary May Day reminder and solidarity message to the people of Berlin. This episode featured the song, “Rainforest,” by BAP member and recording artist Noname.

The May 11 episode of "Voices With Vision" featured BAP Coordinating Committee member Margaret Kimberley explaining why no more excuses can be made for Democratic “progressives,” who steadfastly refuse to fight for what they know to be right. The show summarized Prison Radio's Noelle Hanrahan’s in-person visit to Mumia. The bulk of this episode featured an excerpt from a 2009 episode because of its relevance for today's movement moments and the U.S. police state. It included insights from Mumia and Dhoruba Bin Wahad before Mumia's death sentence was commuted and before Trayvon Martin was murdered.

Janine Jackson of independent media watchdog organization FAIR cited "Voices With Vision" in its May 1 article, "If Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Case Is a ‘Non-Issue,’ Why Have Media Gone to Such Lengths to Silence Him?"

In light of news that the remains of MOVE children who died in a 1985 Philadelphia city-sanctioned bombing, BAP Haiti/Americas Committee Coordinator Dr. Jemima Pierre interviewed Dr. Michael Blakey for Black Agenda Review.

Consortium News interviewed Margaret on racism in the United States, Democratic Party capture, corporate media censorship and police brutality. Margaret also appeared on The Vanguard here and here to discuss the Green Party's prospects and alternative U.S. politics in general.

BAP member Nicholas Richard-Thompson spoke with F-in Vote and the Daily Prophet podcast on connecting local activism to anti-imperialism.

Margaret and BAP National Organizer Ajamu Baraka appeared 58 minutes into Radio Sputnik's "The Critical Hour" to discuss Palestine, Colombia, low-wage work, ineffectual "progressive" Democrats and the contradictions of capitalism.

Broad sectors of Colombian society continue a national strike against the U.S.-backed regime’s attempt to impose harsh austerity measures. “What we have seen is a very strong unification between the many sectors—health, labor, women, Indigenous, African descendants. All of them are protesting this criminal government,” human-rights defender Charo Mina-Rojas of BAP affiliate organization Proceso de Comunidades Negras (PCN, or Black Communities Process) told Black Agenda Radio. Police and paramilitaries have killed scores of young Black protesters in Colombia's coastal cities. Charo and Ajamu provide background and an update on Colombia on Black Power Media's "iMixWhatiLike," hosted by BAP member Dr. Jared Ball. Charo and Ajamu also spoke on the United National Antiwar Coalition's webinar, "Rebellion in Colombia." Then Ajamu wrote a piece titled, From Palestine to Colombia: The End of the World White Colonial/Capitalist Project?

Netfa appeared on Press TV about the Zionist assault on Gaza. Meanwhile, BAP-NYC member Rhamier Shaka Balagoon spoke 38:40 minutes into this video of a Palestine rally held in Brooklyn, New York.

1919 Radio interviewed Jemima on the ongoing colonial and manufactured political, social and economic crisis in Haiti, shaped by European imperialism and U.S. imperialism and militarism.

Netfa discussed the current work, positions and synergies of BAP and PACA, particularly around U.S. police, Africa and Haiti 33:43 minutes into NNV News.

BAP member Mark P. Fancher wrote, The USA—Immoral, Illegal, Irredeemable and Irrelevant to Global Africa’s Liberation Struggle," for Black Agenda Report.

The Max Weber Programme of the European University Institute interviewed Jemima during a webinar titled, "Anthropology of White Supremacy."


May 22: Register for BAP's African Liberation Day (ALD) webinar, "African Liberation in the Americas: A Webinar on Haiti, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela."

May 22-29: BAP member organization All-African People's Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) will be hosting events throughout the week in honor of ALD. Check their website for details.

May 26: BAP member and Cooperation Jackson Co-Founder & Co-Director Kali Akuno will participate in the National Lawyers Guild-San Francisco Bay Area chapter's webinar, "Root Causes of Forced Migration: Climate Change, Food Production and Environmental Disaster."


  • Sign BAP petitions calling for an end to the 1033 program and peace in Afghanistan.

  • Dedan Waciuri, who represents Black Workers for Justice on BAP’s Coordinating Committee, is being charged for inciting a riot and damaging government property. Sign this petition to demand charges be dropped.

  • The Black Latina Girls and Women Fund was created by BAP member organization AfroResistance, a Black Latina women-led organization in the service of Black Latinx women in the Americas. This fund offers financial support by giving money directly to Black Latin womxn, girls and femmes who are experiencing severe financial need across the region, especially due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether in Brazil, Colombia, United States or Panama, Black Latina girls, women, and femmes are organizing in their local communities in the fight against several forms of state violence. You can donate here and people are encouraged to use the hashtag #BlackLatinaGWFund.

  • Sign up to join BAP’s U.S. Out of Africa Network to receive the bi-weekly AFRICOM Watch Bulletin in your inbox.

  • Make sure you keep up with us throughout the week by subscribing to our YouTube channel, liking us on Facebook, and following us on Instagram and Twitter.

No Compromise, No Retreat!

Struggle to win,
Ajamu, Charisse, Dedan, Erica, Jaribu, Margaret, Netfa, Nnamdi, Paul, Rafiki

P.S. Freedom isn’t free. Consider giving today.

Banner photo: Thousands of people on May 15, 2021, took to the streets across the United States and throughout the world in solidarity with Palestine. Pictured above is BAP member Bilal Mafundi Ali at a San Francisco rally.