An Open Letter to His Excellency, Mr. Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), President of Mexico, on the Renewal of the UN Occupation of Haiti

An Open Letter to His Excellency, Mr. Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), President of Mexico, on the Renewal of the UN Occupation of Haiti

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An Open Letter to His Excellency, Mr. Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), President of Mexico, on the Renewal of the UN Occupation of Haiti

Dear President López Obrador,

We, the undersigned, condemn in the strongest possible terms Mexico’s spearheading of the renewal of the mandate of the United Nations Integrated Office (BINUH) in Haiti. The Haitian people view BINUH’s presence as a foreign occupation that, since 2004, has suppressed Haiti’s independence and sovereignty. We agree. We want you, President AMLO, to seriously consider your role and the role of the Mexican Republic in extending the UN’s mission and continuing the repression of the Haitian people. 

Over the years, we have seen you emerge as one of the more progressive voices in the hemisphere. We have applauded your commitments to forging new, more equitable, relations between the nations and peoples of the Americas, especially against western and northern bullying and dominance. For this reason, we believe you should not allow yourself to carry out US and Western neo-colonial policies in Haiti. Since you support self-determination for the region, all countries must be allowed to assert their independence, including Haiti. The renewal of the UN mandate is against Haitian sovereignty. We do not want you to end up on the wrong side of history.

The UN Mission to Haiti Is Foreign Occupation and Denial of Sovereignty

As you surely know, the United Nations became an occupying force in Haiti after the U.S.-France-Canada-led 2004 coup d’état against Haiti’s democratically elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Following the coup, the UN took over from U.S. forces. Under Chapter VII of the UN charter, the UN established the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (or MINUSTAH), for the tasks of military occupation under the guise of establishing peace and security. The Workers Party-led Brazilian government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva then betrayed the Haitian people and undercut Haiti’s sovereignty by agreeing to lead the military wing of the UN mission in Haiti. 

The history of the UN in Haiti has been a history of violence. An expensive, multi-billion dollar operation, MINUSTAH had between 6,000 and 12,000 military troops and police stationed in Haiti alongside thousands of civilian personnel. Like the first U.S. occupation (1915-1934), the UN occupation under MINUSTAH was marked by its brutality and racism towards the Haitian people. Civilians were brutally attacked and assassinated. “Peace-keepers” committed sexual crimes. UN soldiers dumped human waste into rivers used for drinking water, unleashing a cholera epidemic that killed between 10,000 and 50,000 people – and to which the UN has still not been held accountable.

The Core Group — an international coalition of self-proclaimed “friends” of Haiti — came together  during the MINUSTAH occupation. Non-Black, un-elected, and anti-democratic, the goal of the Core Group is to oversee Haiti’s governance. Meanwhile, as with the first occupation, the United States and MINUSTAH trained and militarized Haiti’s police and security forces, often rehabilitating and reintegrating rogue members. The United States, in collusion with MINUSTAH and the Core Group, also over-rode Haitian democracy, installing both neo-Duvalierist Michel Martelly and his Haitian Tèt Kale Party (PHTK), alongside Martelly’s protege and successor, the late Jovenel Moïse.

It is claimed that this occupation officially ended in 2017 with the dissolution of MINUSTAH. But the UN has remained in Haiti under a new acronym: BINUH, the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti. BINUH has had an outsized role in Haitian internal political affairs. For example, soon after Moïse was assassinated, its representative, Helen La Lime, asserted that Claude Joseph would be installed as Haiti’s leader. Later, the “Core Group” switched gears and demanded that Ariel Henry should be president. And this is exactly what happened when a “new” Haitian government was announced on July 20, 2021, with Henry as leader. This, without any say from the Haitian people, without any pretense of a democratic process, without any concern for Haiti’s sovereignty.

UN Occupation Increases Violence and Instability

Haiti currently has an unelected, unpopular, unaccountable, and illegitimate prime minister, propped up by the United States and the western nations. Meanwhile, Haiti’s security situation has deteriorated considerably as groups, armed by the transnational Haitian and Levantine elite, continue their attacks on the Haitian people. We must emphasize that, in the eighteen years that the United Nations mission has participated in the occupation of Haiti, the Haitian people have only experienced violence and political instability. You must recognize the foreign occupation of Haiti has left it in a state of disarray and violence. 

For this reason, we have also been disappointed in your government’s participation in the U.S. government’s racist migration policies. While we are alarmed by the stories of the poor living conditions and the violent treatment of the growing population of Haitian migrants within Mexico, Mexico has also colluded with the United States — and against the people of the Americas — by accepting payment to militarize its northern and southern borders on behalf of the United States. This has led to the further criminalization and violent treatment of all migrants, but especially Black migrants. Your government has also agreed to the United States’ “Remain in Mexico” policy, which flagrantly violates international law. 

Summit of the Americas 

We were heartened when you called for fair representation and recognition of sovereignty of all nations at the 2022 Summit of the Americas. In May, the Black Alliance for Peace called for a boycott of the Summit to protest U.S. power and policy in the hemisphere. The people of our Americas declared their opposition to it, stating clearly that one cannot be a partner and a hegemon at the same time. The United States excluded nations that they claimed were not democratic. Yet, Ariel Henry was invited, even though he was placed in power at the behest of the United States and CORE Group, and without any democratic input from the Haitian people.

In boycotting the Summit of the Americas you, Mr. President, declared:

“I believe in the need to change the policy that has been imposed for centuries, the exclusion, the desire to dominate, the lack of respect for the sovereignty of the countries and the independence of every country.”

We ask, Mr. President, what about respect for the sovereignty and independence of Haiti? Does that country not count? How do you justify your actions towards Haiti and its people, including migrants, that express the opposite?

No to Occupation. Yes to Self-Determination.

The United Nations has not respected the sovereignty of the Haitian people. The Haitian Parliament has never ratified the UN occupations. After multiple failed missions, a renewal of the BINUH mandate represents a direct attack on the Haitian people’s right to self-determination.

We ask that you think with all seriousness about the relationships among nations in our region. All nations should be able to chart their own destiny, not just some. You must know the history of the proud Haitian people whose Revolution changed the course of world history and material aid helped the liberation of the Americas from colonial rule and enslavement. Despite the continued affront to its self-determination, the people of Haiti will continue to fight for its liberation.

Mexico should contribute to the end of the occupation of Haiti, not its extension. The Americas cannot be free and sovereign unless all countries are free and sovereign. 


Black Alliance for Peace Haiti/Americas Team
Caribbean Solidarity Network
U.S. Peace Council
Family Action Network Movement (FANM)
Spirit of Mandela
KOMOKODA (Committee to Mobilize Against Dictatorship in Haiti)
Foundation Frantz Fanon
United National Anti-War Coalition
Friends of Latin America
Alliance for Global Justice
Community Movement Builders
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
Lowcountry Action Committee
Pan-African Community Action (PACA)
Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice
Socialist Unity Party
Struggle La Lucha newspaper
Workers Voice Socialist Movement
Latin America Solidarity Coalition of Western Massachusetts
Massachusetts Peace Action
Troika Kollective
Peace Action Wisconsin
Milwaukee Fair Trade Coalition
Fondasyon Mapou
Seattle Anti-War Coalition
Claudia Jones School for Political Education
Los Angeles Movement for Advancing Socialism
Party of Communists USA
Red Banner Anti-Imperialist Collective
Luqman Nation Media
Plymouth Congregational UCC Board of Social Action
Malcolm X Center for Human Rights & Self Determination
Ujima People's Progress Party
Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA)
All-African People’s Revolutionary Party
#NoMore Global Movement
Ethio-American Development Council
NY NJ Hope for Ethiopia
Unión del Barrio


Una Carta Abierta a Su Excelencia, el Sr. Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), Presidente de México, sobre la Renovación de la Ocupación de la ONU en Haití

Estimado Presidente López Obrador,

Nosotros, los abajo firmantes, condenamos en los términos más enérgicos el liderazgo de México en la renovación del mandato de la Oficina Integrada de las Naciones Unidas (BINUH) en Haití. El pueblo haitiano ve la presencia de la BINUH como una ocupación extranjera que, desde 2004, ha reprimido la independencia y la soberanía de Haití. Estamos de acuerdo. Queremos que usted, presidente AMLO, considere seriamente su papel y el papel de la República Mexicana en la extensión de la misión de la ONU y la continuación de la represión del pueblo haitiano.

A lo largo de los años, lo hemos visto emerger como una de las voces más progresistas del hemisferio. Hemos aplaudido sus compromisos de forjar relaciones nuevas y más equitativas entre las naciones y los pueblos de las Américas, especialmente contra la intimidación y el dominio de occidente y el norte. Por esta razón, creemos que no debe permitirse llevar a cabo políticas neocoloniales estadounidenses y occidentales en Haití. Dado que usted apoya la autodeterminación de la región, se debe permitir que todos los países afirmen su independencia, incluido Haití. La renovación del mandato de la ONU atenta contra la soberanía haitiana. No queremos que usted termine en el lado equivocado de la historia.

La misión de la ONU en Haití Es Ocupación Extranjera y Negación de la Soberanía

Como seguramente sabrá, las Naciones Unidas se convirtieron en una fuerza de ocupación en Haití después del golpe de Estado de 2004 liderado por los Estados Unidos, Francia y Canadá contra el presidente democráticamente electo de Haití, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Después del golpe, la ONU reemplazó a las fuerzas estadounidenses. Bajo el Capítulo VII de la carta de la ONU, la ONU estableció la Misión de Estabilización de las Naciones Unidas en Haití (o MINUSTAH), para las tareas de ocupación militar bajo el pretexto de establecer la paz y la seguridad. El gobierno brasileño de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, encabezado por el Partido de los Trabajadores, traicionó al pueblo haitiano y socavó la soberanía de Haití al aceptar encabezar el ala militar de la misión de la ONU en Haití.

La historia de la ONU en Haití ha sido una historia de violencia. Una operación costosa y multimillonaria, la MINUSTAH tenía entre 6.000 y 12.000 soldados y policías militares estacionados en Haití junto a miles de personal civil. Al igual que la primera ocupación estadounidense (1915-1934), la ocupación de la ONU bajo la MINUSTAH estuvo marcada por su brutalidad y racismo hacia el pueblo haitiano. Los civiles fueron brutalmente atacados y asesinados. Los “mantenedores de la paz” cometieron delitos sexuales. Los soldados de la ONU vertieron desechos humanos en los ríos que se utilizan para el agua potable, lo que desató una epidemia de cólera que mató a entre 10.000 y 50.000 personas, y de la que la ONU todavía no ha rendido cuentas.

El Core Group, una coalición internacional de autoproclamados “amigos” de Haití, se reunió durante la ocupación de la MINUSTAH. No negro, no electo y antidemocrático, el objetivo de The Core Group es supervisar el gobierno de Haití. Mientras tanto, al igual que con la primera ocupación, Estados Unidos y la MINUSTAH entrenaron y militarizaron a la policía y las fuerzas de seguridad de Haití, a menudo rehabilitando y reintegrando a miembros rebeldes. Los Estados Unidos, en connivencia con la MINUSTAH y el Core Group, también anuló la democracia haitiana, instalando tanto al neoduvalierista Michel Martelly como a su Partido Haitiano Tèt Kale (PHTK), junto al protegido y sucesor de Martelly, el difunto Jovenel Moïse.

Se afirma que esta ocupación terminó oficialmente en 2017 con la disolución de la MINUSTAH. Pero la ONU se ha quedado en Haití bajo un nuevo acrónimo: BINUH, la Oficina Integrada de las Naciones Unidas en Haití. BINUH ha tenido un papel descomunal en los asuntos políticos internos de Haití. Por ejemplo, poco después del asesinato de Moïse, su representante, Helen La Lime, afirmó que Claude Joseph sería instalado como líder de Haití. Más tarde, el “Grupo Central” cambió de marcha y exigió que Ariel Henry fuera presidente. Y esto es exactamente lo que sucedió cuando se anunció un “nuevo” gobierno haitiano el 20 de julio de 2021, con Henry como líder. Esto, sin ningún poder de decisión del pueblo haitiano, sin ninguna pretensión de un proceso democrático, sin ninguna preocupación por la soberanía de Haití.

La ocupación de la ONU aumenta la violencia y la inestabilidad

Haití tiene actualmente un primer ministro no electo, impopular, ilegítimo, que no rinde cuentas apoyado por los Estados Unidos y las naciones occidentales. 

Mientras tanto, la situación de seguridad de Haití se ha deteriorado considerablemente a medida que grupos, armados por la élite transnacional haitiana y levantina, continúan sus ataques contra el pueblo haitiano. Debemos enfatizar que, en los dieciocho años que la misión de las Naciones Unidas ha participado en la ocupación de Haití, el pueblo haitiano sólo ha experimentado violencia e inestabilidad política. Debe usted reconocer que la ocupación extranjera de Haití lo ha dejado en un estado de desorden y violencia.

Por esta razón, también nos ha decepcionado la participación de su gobierno en las políticas migratorias racistas del gobierno de los Estados Unidos. Si bien estamos alarmados por las historias de las malas condiciones de vida y el trato violento de la creciente población de inmigrantes haitianos en de México, México también se ha confabulado con Estados Unidos—y contra los pueblos de las Américas—al aceptar pagos para militarizar sus fronteras del norte y el sur en nombre de los Estados Unidos. Esto ha llevado a una mayor criminalización y trato violento de todos los migrantes, pero especialmente de los migrantes negros. Su gobierno también ha aceptado la política estadounidense de “Permanecer en México”, que viola flagrantemente el derecho internacional.

Cumbre de las Americas

Nos sentimos alentamos cuando usted pidió una representación justa y el reconocimiento de la soberanía de todas las naciones en la Cumbre de las Américas de 2022. En mayo, la Alianza Negra por la Paz llamó a boicotear la Cumbre para protestar contra el poder y la política de los Estados Unidos en el hemisferio. Los pueblos de nuestra América se declararon en contra, dejando claro que no se puede ser socio y hegemónico al mismo tiempo. Los Estados Unidos excluyó a las naciones que, según ellos, no eran democráticas. Sin embargo, se invitó a Ariel Henry, a pesar de que fue puesto en el poder a instancias de los Estados Unidos y del Grupo CORE, y sin ninguna aportación democrática del pueblo haitiano.

Al boicotear la Cumbre de las Américas usted, señor Presidente, declaró:

“Creo en la necesidad de cambiar la política que se ha impuesto durante siglos, la exclusión, el afán de dominación, la falta de respeto a la soberanía de los países y la independencia de cada país.”

Le preguntamos, señor Presidente, ¿qué pasa con el respeto a la soberanía e independencia de Haití? ¿Ese país no cuenta? ¿Cómo justifica sus acciones hacia Haití y su gente, incluidos los migrantes, que expresan lo contrario?

No a la Ocupación. Sí a la Autodeterminación.

Las Naciones Unidas no han respetado la soberanía del pueblo haitiano. El parlamento haitiano nunca ha ratificado las ocupaciones de la ONU. Después de múltiples misiones fallidas, la renovación del mandato de la BINUH representa un ataque directo al derecho del pueblo haitiano a la autodeterminación.

Les pedimo que piensen con toda seriedad en las relaciones entre las naciones de nuestra región. Todas las naciones deberían poder trazar su propio destino, no solo algunas. Debes conocer la historia del orgulloso pueblo haitiano cuya Revolución cambió el curso de la historia mundial y la ayuda material ayudó a la liberación de las Américas del dominio colonial y la esclavitud. A pesar de la continua afrenta a su autodeterminación, el pueblo de Haití seguirá luchando por su liberación. México debe contribuir al fin de la ocupación de Haití, no a su extensión. Las Américas no pueden ser libres y soberanas a menos que todos los países sean libres y soberanos.


Black Alliance for Peace Haiti/Americas Team
Caribbean Solidarity Network
U.S. Peace Council
Family Action Network Movement (FANM)
Spirit of Mandela
KOMOKODA (Committee to Mobilize Against Dictatorship in Haiti)
Foundation Frantz Fanon
United National Anti-War Coalition
Friends of Latin America
Alliance for Global Justice
Community Movement Builders
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
Lowcountry Action Committee
Pan-African Community Action (PACA)
Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice
Socialist Unity Party
Struggle La Lucha newspaper
Workers Voice Socialist Movement
Latin America Solidarity Coalition of Western Massachusetts
Massachusetts Peace Action
Troika Kollective
Peace Action Wisconsin
Milwaukee Fair Trade Coalition
Fondasyon Mapou
Seattle Anti-War Coalition
Claudia Jones School for Political Education
Los Angeles Movement for Advancing Socialism
Party of Communists USA
Red Banner Anti-Imperialist Collective
Luqman Nation Media
Plymouth Congregational UCC Board of Social Action
Malcolm X Center for Human Rights & Self Determination
Ujima People's Progress Party
Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA)
All-African People’s Revolutionary Party
#NoMore Global Movement
Ethio-American Development Council
NY NJ Hope for Ethiopia
Unión del Barrio

Non Pou Okipasyon!  Wi Pou Otodetèminasyon!

Yon lèt ouvè pou Andres Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) Sou renouvèlman Misyon Okipasyon Nasyonzini an Ayiti


Chè Prezidan López Obrador,

Nou menm, siyatè ki anba yo, nou kondane nan pi fò tèm posib ke Meksik ap dirije renouvèlman manda Biwo entegre Nasyonzini an (BINUH) ann Ayiti. Pèp ayisyen konsidere prezans BINUH kòm yon okipasyon etranje ki, depi 2004, te siprime endepandans ak souverènte Ayiti. Nou dakò. Nou vle ou, Prezidan AMLO, konsidere seryezman wòl ou ak wòl Repiblik Meksiken an nan pwolonje misyon Nasyonzini an ak kontinye represyon pèp ayisyen an.

Pandan ane yo, nou te wè ou parèt kòm youn nan vwa ki pi pwogresis nan emisfè a. Nou bat bravo pou angajman w yo pou nou tabli nouvo relasyon ki pi ekitab ant nasyon yo ak pèp Amerik yo, espesyalman kont entimidasyon ak dominasyon lwès ak nò yo. Pou rezon sa a, nou kwè ou pa ta dwe pèmèt tèt ou fè politik neokolonyal Etazini ak Lwès ann Ayiti. Paske ou sipòte otodetèminasyon pou rejyon an, tout peyi yo dwe gen dwa revandike endepandans yo, menm Ayiti. Renouvèlman manda Nasyonzini an se kont souverènte ayisyen an. Nou pa vle ou fini sou move bò listwa.

Misyon Nasyonzini an Ayiti se Okipasyon Etranjè ak refi souverènte

Kòm ou konnen siman, Nasyonzini te vin tounen yon fòs okipasyon ann Ayiti apre koudeta 2004 Etazini-Frans-Kanada te dirije kont prezidan Ayiti ki te eli demokratikman, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Apre koudeta a, Nasyonzini te pran pouvwa nan men fòs ameriken yo. Dapre Chapit VII konstitisyon Nasyonzini an, Nasyonzini te etabli Misyon Estabilizasyon Nasyonzini an Ayiti (MINUSTAH), pou okipasyon militè anba laparans tabli lapè ak sekirite. Gouvènman Pati Travayè Brezil la ki te dirije pa Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva answit te trayi pèp ayisyen an e li te febli souverènte Ayiti lè li te dakò pou dirije zèl militè misyon Nasyonzini an ann Ayiti. 

Istwa Nasyonzini ann Ayiti se yon istwa vyolans. Yon operasyon chè, plizyè milya dola, MINUSTAH te gen ant 6,000 ak 12,000 twoup militè ak lapolis estasyone an Ayiti ansanm ak plizyè milye pèsonèl sivil. Menm jan ak premye okipasyon ameriken an (1915-1934), okipasyon Nasyonzini an anba MINUSTAH te make pa britalite ak rasis anvè pèp ayisyen an. Sivil yo te atake ak asasinen brital. Sòlda Nasyonzini yo te komèt krim seksyèl. Sòlda Nasyonzini yo jete dlo egou nan rivyè ayisyen yo itilize pou bwè, sa ki te deklanche yon epidemi kolera ki te touye ant 10,000 ak 50,000 moun - e pou sa Nasyonzini poko responsab.

CORE Gwoup - yon kowalisyon entènasyonal ki te pwoklame "zanmi" Ayiti - te reyini pandan okipasyon MINUSTAH. Ki pa nwa, ki pa eli, ak anti-demokratik, objektif CORE Gwoup se sipèvize gouvènans Ayiti. Pandansetan, menm jan ak premye okipasyon an, Lèzetazini ak MINUSTAH te fòme e militarize lapolis ak fòs sekirite Ayiti yo, souvan reyabilite ak reentegre manm koken yo. Lèzetazini, nan konplisite ak MINUSTAH ak CORE Gwoup a, te tou pase sou demokrasi ayisyen an, enstale tou de neo-Duvalieris Michel Martelly ak Pati Ayisyen Tèt Kale li a (PHTK), ansanm ak pwoteje Martelly a ak siksesè, Jovenel Moïse.

Yo fè konnen okipasyon sa a te fini ofisyèlman an 2017 ak disolisyon MINUSTAH. Men Nasyonzini rete ann Ayiti anba yon nouvo akwonim: BINUH, Biwo entegre Nasyonzini ann Ayiti. BINUH te gen yon gwo wòl nan zafè politik entèn ayisyen an. Pa egzanp, tousuit apre yo te touye Moïse, reprezantan li a, Helen La Lime, te deklare ke Claude Joseph ta dwe enstale kòm lidè Ayiti. Apre sa, "Core Group" te mande pou Ariel Henry vin prezidan. E se egzakteman sa ki te pase lè yon "nouvo" gouvènman ayisyen te anonse nan dat 20 jiyè 2021, ak Henry kòm lidè. Sa a, san okenn di nan men pèp ayisyen an, san okenn pwosesis demokratik, san okenn enkyetid pou souverènte Ayiti. 

Okipasyon Nasyonzini Ogmante Vyolans ak Enstabilite

Kounye a, Ayiti gen yon premye minis ki pa eli, ki pa popilè, ki pa responsab e ki pa lejitim, ki te sipòte pa Etazini ak nasyon lwès yo. Pandan se tan, sitiyasyon sekirite Ayiti a vin deteryore konsiderableman pandan gwoup yo, ame pa elit transnasyonal ayisyen ak Levantin, kontinye atak yo sou pèp ayisyen an. Fòk nou di, nan dizwitan ke misyon Nasyon Zini te patisipe nan okipasyon Ayiti a, pèp ayisyen an sèlman fè eksperyans vyolans ak enstabilite politik. Ou dwe rekonèt okipasyon etranje peyi Dayiti kite l nan yon eta de dezòd ak vyolans. 

Pou rezon sa a, nou te tou desi nan patisipasyon gouvènman ou a nan politik migrasyon rasis gouvènman ameriken an. Pandan ke nou te alame pa istwa de move kondisyon lavi ak tretman vyolan imigran ayisyen yo nan peyi Meksik. Meksik te fè konplisite ak Etazini—kont pèp Amerik yo—lè li te aksepte peman pou militarize fwontyè nò ak sid li yo pou Etazini. Sa a te mennen nan plis kriminalize ak tretman vyolan pou tout imigran, men sitou imigran Nwa yo. Gouvènman w la te dakò tou ak politik "Rete nan Meksik" Etazini, ki vyole lwa entènasyonal. 

Somè Amerik yo 

Nou te ankouraje lè ou te mande pou reprezante jis ak rekonesans souverènte tout nasyon yo nan Somè Amerik yo 2022. Nan mwa me, Black Alliance for Peace te mande yon bòykote nan Somè a pou pwoteste kont pouvwa ak politik Etazini nan emisfè a. Moun ki nan Amerik nou yo te deklare opozisyon yo ak li, ki deklare klèman ke yon moun pa ka yon patnè ak yon ejemon an menm tan. Etazini te ekskli nasyon yo ke yo te deklare ke yo pa demokratik. Poutan, Ariel Henry te envite, menmsi yo te mete l sou pouvwa sou demann Etazini ak CORE Group, e san okenn opinyon demokratik pèp ayisyen an. 

Nan bòykote Somè Amerik yo, ou menm, Mesye Prezidan, te deklare: 

"Mwen kwè nan nesesite pou chanje politik ki te enpoze depi plizyè syèk, esklizyon an, dezi a domine, mank de respè pou souverènte peyi yo ak endepandans chak peyi."

Nou mande, Mesye Prezidan, e respè pou souverènte ak endepandans Ayiti? Eske peyi sa pa konte? Ki jan ou jistifye aksyon ou anvè Ayiti ak pèp li a, enkli imigran, ki eksprime opoze a? 

Non nan Okipasyon. Wi pou Otodetèminasyon

Nasyonzini pa respekte souverènte pèp ayisyen an. Palman ayisyen an pa janm ratifye okipasyon Nasyonzini yo. Apre plizyè misyon echwe, yon renouvèlman manda BINUH reprezante yon atak dirèk sou dwa pèp ayisyen an pou otodetèminasyon.

Nou mande pou w reflechi sou relasyon ki genyen ant nasyon nan rejyon nou an. Tout nasyon ta dwe kapab trase pwòp desten yo, pa sèlman kèk. Ou dwe konnen istwa pèp ayisyen fyè ki gen Revolisyon ki te chanje kou istwa lemonn ak èd materyèl ki te ede libere Amerik yo anba dominasyon kolonyal ak esklavaj. Malgre afwon kontinyèl sou otodetèminasyon li, pèp Ayiti a ap kontinye goumen pou liberasyon li.

Meksik ta dwe kontribye nan fen okipasyon Ayiti a, pa nan ekstansyon li. Amerik yo pa kapab lib e souveren sof si tout peyi yo lib e souveren.



Black Alliance for Peace Haiti/Americas Team (Ekip Ayiti/Amerik)
Caribbean Solidarity Network
U.S. Peace Council
Family Action Network Movement (FANM)
Spirit of Mandela
KOMOKODA (Committee to Mobilize Against Dictatorship in Haiti)
Foundation Frantz Fanon
United National Anti-War Coalition
Friends of Latin America
Alliance for Global Justice
Community Movement Builders
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
Lowcountry Action Committee
Pan-African Community Action (PACA)
Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice
Socialist Unity Party
Struggle La Lucha newspaper
Workers Voice Socialist Movement
Latin America Solidarity Coalition of Western Massachusetts
Massachusetts Peace Action
Troika Kollective
Peace Action Wisconsin
Milwaukee Fair Trade Coalition
Fondasyon Mapou
Seattle Anti-War Coalition
Claudia Jones School for Political Education
Los Angeles Movement for Advancing Socialism
Party of Communists USA
Red Banner Anti-Imperialist Collective
Luqman Nation Media
Plymouth Congregational UCC Board of Social Action
Malcolm X Center for Human Rights & Self Determination
Ujima People's Progress Party
Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA)
All-African People’s Revolutionary Party
#NoMore Global Movement
Ethio-American Development Council
NY NJ Hope for Ethiopia
Unión del Barrio

Photo credit: Photographer Lev Radin | Credit: Sipa USA via AP

The Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign & Black Alliance for Peace Center Opposition to War

The Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign & Black Alliance for Peace Center Opposition to War

Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign/POOR PEOPLE’S ARMY Press Release


For immediate release, June 13th, 2022

Contact: Cheri Honkala 215-869-4753,


As Groups Gather in Washington D.C. to Discuss Poverty, The Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign and Black Alliance for Peace Say that, In Spirit of Dr. King, Opposition to War Must be at Center of the Discussion

On June 16th at 10:00am EST, the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC) and the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) co-sponsored the Press Conference on "Thinking Beyond Ukraine: Their War is not our War," exposing the flawed thinking in Left Leaning and Anti-Poverty movements taking the same approach to solving problems that we’ve taken for decades with little to no results. Participants included Human Rights activists and former Green Party Vice Presidential candidates Cheri Honkala and Ajamu Baraka. Watch the press conference here!

These groups are coming together in the spirit of Martin Luther King’s famous Riverside Speech “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break the Silence” where he took a bold, visionary, and necessary stance against the Vietnam War. This stance, widely considered radical at the time, would prove historically validated and critical to both the core philosophy of the Civil Rights and Anti-war movements of the time. The basis for this correctness was the astute observation that the United States was not only investing millions and millions of dollars to “solve” problems abroad that they had not solved at home, but additionally that there was no genuine investment, honesty or effort towards actually solving those problems stateside.

In this speech, MLK states:

“A few years ago there was a shining moment in that struggle. It seemed as if there was a real promise of hope for the poor -- both black and white -- through the poverty program. There were experiments, hopes, new beginnings. Then came the buildup in Vietnam, and I watched this program broken and eviscerated, as if it were some idle political plaything of a society gone mad on war, and I knew that America would never invest the necessary funds or energies in rehabilitation of its poor so long as adventures like Vietnam continued to draw men and skills and money like some demonic destructive suction tube. So, I was increasingly compelled to see the war as an enemy of the poor and to attack it as such.”

It is in this spirit that we call for a radical break with the status quo in the development of the Poor People’s Army which embraces People(s)-Centered Human Rights (PCHRs), the Black radical human rights approach to human liberation. PCHRs are those non-oppressive rights that reflect the highest commitment to universal human dignity and social justice that individuals and collectives define and secure for themselves through social struggle. They are grounded in the recognition that the genesis of the assaults on human dignity that are at the core of human rights violations is located in relationships of oppression and that, therefore, it is only as a result of the radical restructuring of those oppressive relations that authentic human rights can be realized.

As such, we come today in the tradition of our ancestors to claim these rights. We come in the tradition of the Harriet Tubmans and the John Browns, the Malcolm Xs and the Black Panthers. We gather not to map out a ten-point policy plan that the Democratic Party will pay lip service to, mildly and softly teasing it during an election season only to immediately betray those who put them in office. We are calling for an end to these conditions: a solution that teaches people to reclaim land, housing, food, culture, education, and a humane society for all. On August 12-14, we will be hosting a national Boot Camp near Philadelphia to put in place this plan to secure our future. Register now at:

The Poor People’s Army is a nonviolent ARMY of poor and working people, led by poor people, fighting for our survival by any means necessary. For three decades, The Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC)/Poor People’s Army has been reclaiming the basic necessities of life with free food distribution and housing takeovers of abandoned properties. We try to help anyone who comes to us. We center music, arts, and culture and practice the politics of love. The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) seeks to recapture and redevelop the historic Anti-war, anti-imperialist, and pro-peace positions of the radical black movement. Through educational activities, organizing, and movement support, organizations and individuals in the Alliance work to oppose both militarized domestic state repression and the policies of de-stabilization, subversion, and the permanent war agenda of the U.S. state globally.

–Español abajo–

La Campaña de derechos humanos económicos de los pobres/ Comunicado de prensa del EJÉRCITO DE LA GENTE POBRE

Para publicación inmediata, 13 de junio de 2022

Contacto: Cheri Honkala 215-869-4753,


Mientras los grupos se reúnen en Washington D.C. para discutir la pobreza, la Campaña de Derechos Humanos Económicos de los Pobres y la Alianza Negra por la Paz dicen que, en espíritu del Dr. King, la oposición a la guerra debe estar en el centro de la discusión

 El 16 de junio a las 10:00 a. m. EST, la Campaña de Derechos Humanos Económicos de los Pobres (PPEHRC, por sus siglas en inglés) y la Alianza Negra por la Paz (BAP, por sus siglas en inglés) copatrocinaron la conferencia de prensa sobre "Pensar más allá de Ucrania: su guerra no es nuestra guerra" exponiendo el pensamiento defectuoso en Los movimientos de la izquierda y contra la pobreza adoptan el mismo enfoque para resolver problemas que hemos adoptado durante décadas con pocos o ningún resultado. Entre los participantes se encontraban activistas de derechos humanos y ex candidatos a vicepresidente del Partido Verde, Cheri Honkala y Ajamu Baraka. ¡Mira la conferencia de prensa aquí! (Solo esta en ingles)

Estos grupos se unen en el espíritu del famoso discurso de la Iglesia Riverside de Martin Luther King "Más allá de Vietnam: es hora de romper el silencio", donde tomó una postura audaz, visionaria y necesaria contra la guerra de Vietnam. Esta postura, ampliamente considerada radical en ese momento, resultaría históricamente validada y crítica tanto para la filosofía central de los movimientos por los derechos civiles como contra la guerra de la época. La base de esta corrección fue la astuta observación de que los Estados Unidos no solo estaba invirtiendo millones y millones de dólares para “resolver” problemas en el extranjero que no habían resuelto en casa, sino que además no había una inversión, honestidad y esfuerzo genuinos y, en realidad, resolver esos problemas en los Estados Unidos.

En este discurso, MLK afirmó:

“Hace unos años hubo un momento brillante en esa lucha. Parecía que había una verdadera promesa de esperanza para los pobres, tanto blancos como negros, a través del programa de pobreza. Hubo experimentos, esperanzas, nuevos comienzos. Luego vino la acumulación en Vietnam, y vi este programa roto y destripado, como si fuera un juguete político ocioso de una sociedad enloquecida por la guerra, y supe que los Estados Unidos nunca invertiría los fondos o las energías necesarios en la rehabilitación de sus pobres. mientras aventuras como Vietnam siguieran atrayendo hombres, habilidades y dinero como un tubo de succión destructivo demoníaco. Por lo tanto, me vi cada vez más obligado a ver la guerra como un enemigo de los pobres ya atacarla como tal.”

Es en este espíritu que llamamos a una ruptura radical con el statu quo en el desarrollo del Ejército de la Gente Pobre que adopta los Derechos Humanos Centrados en las Personas (PCHR, por sus siglas en inglés), el enfoque radical de los derechos humanos negros para la liberación humana. Los PCDH son aquellos derechos no opresivos que reflejan el más alto compromiso con la dignidad humana universal y la justicia social que los individuos y colectivos definen y aseguran para sí mismos a través de la lucha social. Se fundamentan en el supuesto de que la génesis de las agresiones a la dignidad humana que están en el centro de las violaciones de los derechos humanos se ubica en las relaciones de opresión y que, por tanto, es sólo como resultado de la reestructuración radical de esas relaciones opresivas. que se puedan realizar auténticos derechos humanos.

Como tal, venimos hoy en la tradición de nuestros antepasados a reclamar estos derechos. Venimos en la tradición de Harriet Tubman y John Brown, Malcolm X y los Black Panthers. Nos reunimos para no trazar un plan de política de 10 puntos en el que el Partido Demócrata se burlará de la boca para afuera solo de manera leve y suave durante una temporada electoral solo para traicionar de inmediato a quienes los pusieron en el cargo.

Estamos pidiendo el fin de estas condiciones: una que enseñe a la gente a recuperar la tierra, la vivienda, la alimentación, la cultura, la educación y la sociedad humana para todos. En agosto, organizaremos un campo de entrenamiento nacional para poner en marcha este plan para asegurar nuestro futuro.

El Ejército de la Gente Pobre es un EJÉRCITO no violento de gente pobre y trabajadora, dirigido por gente pobre, que lucha por nuestra supervivencia por todos los medios necesarios. Durante 3 décadas, la Campaña de Derechos Humanos Económicos de los Pobres (PPEHRC)/Ejército de la Gente Pobre ha estado reclamando las necesidades básicas de la vida, con la distribución gratuita de alimentos y la adquisición de viviendas en propiedades abandonadas. Tratamos de ayudar a cualquiera que venga a nosotros. Centramos la música, las artes y la cultura, y practicamos la política del amor. La Alianza Negra por la Paz (BAP) busca recuperar y desarrollar las posiciones históricas contra la guerra, antiimperialista y pro paz del movimiento negro radical. A través de actividades educativas, organización y apoyo al movimiento, las organizaciones e individuos de la Alianza trabajan para oponerse tanto a la represión militarizada del estado nacional como a las políticas de desestabilización, subversión y la agenda de guerra permanente del estado de los EE. UU. al nivel mundial.

Statement By BAP Member Organization AFRORESISTANCE

Statement By BAP Member Organization AFRORESISTANCE

For Immediate Release

For Media Contact: 

Chelsea Bailey,

Español Abajo

New York, Friday, June 10th- As key issues such as elections in Colombia and mass shootings in the United States were taking place, invitations were being sent to select heads of state, while some heads of state were being snubbed by the United States to participate in the Summit of the Americas to take place in the Los Angeles California between June 7 and ending on June 11 of the current year.  Twenty-three countries were invited, while, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela were not invited to participate at the hands of the Biden administration. 

Afroresitance is very aware of the lack of serious commitment of the United States government to deal with migrants and asylum seekers, neither within the United States nor outside of its borders. We understand that unless there is a real commitment on the part of the most powerful country on the American continent to protect and defend the human rights of all individuals, including but not limited to Black Women and girls, and all trans-identified peoples, the conditions that drive thousands of individuals, families, and communities to migrate outside of their country of origin will continue, and increase. 

One of the core principles of AfroResistance, a migration that honors Black peoples movement regardless of ‘status’, Afroresistance has an internationalist perspective on migration, where all migrants, including Black migrants, regardless of political, social, economic, or cultural migration realities and stories are honored and centered as members of society and therefore entitled and guarantee of all their human rights. 

It is imperative that the summit of the Americas, result in new policies and politics that will address the ongoing needs of all migrants for peace, development, and that center on their full, indivisible, and undenied human rights.

For more information 

Para publicación inmediata

Para contacto con los medios:

Chelsea Bailey,

Nueva York, viernes 10 de junio- Mientras se desarrollaban temas clave como las elecciones en Colombia y los tiroteos masivos en los Estados Unidos, se enviaban invitaciones para seleccionar jefes de estado, mientras que algunos jefes de estado eran rechazados por Estados Unidos para participar en la Cumbre de las Américas a realizarse en Los Ángeles California entre el 7 y el 11 de junio del presente año. Veintitrés países fueron invitados, mientras que Cuba, Nicaragua y Venezuela no fueron invitados a participar de la mano de la administración Biden.

Afroresitance es muy consciente de la falta de compromiso serio del gobierno de los Estados Unidos para tratar con los migrantes y solicitantes de asilo, ni dentro de los Estados Unidos ni fuera de sus fronteras. Entendemos que a menos que exista un compromiso real por parte del país más poderoso del continente americano para proteger y defender los derechos humanos de todas las personas, incluidas, entre otras, las mujeres y niñas negras, y todos los pueblos identificados como trans, la Las condiciones que impulsan a miles de personas, familias y comunidades a migrar fuera de su país de origen continuarán y aumentarán.

Uno de los principios fundamentales de AfroResistance, una migración que honra el movimiento de los pueblos negros independientemente de su 'estatus', Afroresistance tiene una perspectiva internacionalista sobre la migración, donde todos los migrantes, incluidos los negros, independientemente de las realidades políticas, sociales, económicas o culturales de la migración y las historias son honradas y centradas como integrantes de la sociedad y por ende titular y garantía de todos sus derechos humanos.

Es imperativo que la cumbre de las Américas resulte en nuevas políticas y políticas que aborden las necesidades actuales de todos los migrantes por la paz, el desarrollo y que se centren en sus derechos humanos plenos, indivisibles e innegables.

Regístrese en el Grupo de Trabajo de Migración Negra de AfroResistance para recibir más información sobre la migración negra.

The Black Alliance for Peace Stands in Solidarity with The People's Alternative Political Movement

The Black Alliance for Peace Stands in Solidarity with The People's Alternative Political Movement

Black Alliance for Peace Stands in Solidarity with

The People's Alternative Political Movement 

The Africa Team of the Black Alliance for Peace issued the following statement addressing the Political Summit 2022 of the The People's Alternative Political Movement 

The Black Alliance for Peace and the U.S. Out of Africa Network express our deepest solidarity with the The People's Alternative Political Movement (TPAP-M) as you hold your 2022 Political Summit as part of a broader effort  to establish a Mass Workers Party for the Socialist Transformation of Nigeria.

The struggles of the organized working people are central to the attainment of independence, termination of military rule and the ongoing struggles to deepen democratic participation and consolidation. We have a duty as working people to be part of the struggle, and BAP identifies the Black working class as the main social force of any reconstituted Black Liberation project.

We stand with you, TPAP-M in your call to #ResistHardship as the rising level of hardship and inhumane exploitation in Nigeria in particular and Africa in general are clear indicators of the urgency for organized, coordinated and collective political intervention of the left movement and allied radical progressive social forces.

We are encouraged by TPAP-M’s efforts to restate longstanding solutions that will reinstate ownership of Nigeria to the masses and address the root of the issues, which have persisted in the country too long.

The people of Nigeria, the majority of who are in the oppressed classes, want every Nigerian to be; guaranteed security of life; food, water, electricity, decent housing, health care, education, safe transportation, and living wage employment. TPAP-M’s efforts to guarantee these needs are consistent with BAP’s work to ensure People(s)-Centered Human Rights (PCHRs).

We stand in full solidarity with you as you work to mobilize the working masses of Nigeria towards political empowerment, and ending economic and social repression and imperialist domination.

Imperialist Hands off Africa!

Africa unite!

No compromise! No retreat!

A Statement on Ukraine from the Black Liberation Movement

A Statement on Ukraine from the Black Liberation Movement

Dismantle NATO Now!
Rescind the $16B US Allocations to the Ukraine War!
US Imperialism is the Main Danger to Peace, Sovereignty, and Justice for Peoples all Over The World!

The ongoing crisis and war in Ukraine threatens to pull the world into a disastrous nuclear confrontation. Disinformation, lies, and propaganda from the US and other western media are aimed at confusing millions of people inside the US and around the world to view Russia as the aggressor, while hiding the US role in the evolution of this conflict. One major example of this manipulation is that western media has not been honest about the massive role that the US played in facilitating a 2014 coup in Ukraine that overthrew the country’s democratically elected president, and funneled support to neo-Nazi forces who were favorable to US/EU interests, helping them rise to power in Ukraine.

We, the undersigned organizations and individuals of the Black Liberation Movement and the various mass organizations and movements fighting for justice inside the US, call on all peace loving, Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities to condemn and oppose US involvement in the Ukraine and across Europe through its various corporate and political interests and its military arm, The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

We, Black people living in the United States, are a people of African descent oppressed inside the United States. We have been barred from the right to housing, to food, to medicine, to clean air, healthy environments, education and livable wages. Our grandmothers make difficult decisions monthly between keeping on the lights or being able to afford insulin. As 13% of the US population, we face disproportionate levels of violent police repression and make up 40% of US prisoners. Those corporate and elite ruling class forces in the US who are making the policies to expand NATO across the 12,500 miles of Russia’s borders from Central Asia to Eastern Europe, including Ukraine, are the same ruling elites that maintain the oppressive policies inside the

US that leave our communities in the racist economic and political peril we have suffered here for hundreds of years.

We further condemn the blatant hypocrisy of the US government as a capitalist, imperialist, patriarchal predator power that has invaded and undermined numerous countries for regime change and other schemes, in order to control the politics, wealth, and natural resources of those nations. The United States is the strongest and largest imperialist power in the world and has repeatedly invaded other nations such as Grenada (1983); Afghanistan (2001); Iraq (2003); Libya (2011); and at least 21 others since 1945. The US military arm on the African continent is known as AFRICOM, a force that breeds violence and instability in maintaining US corporate interests across Africa.

In these imperialist wars, it is the Black, Brown, Indigenous, working and poor families who suffer the losses of dislocation, the deaths of loved ones, and other forms of agony. Black people in this country have fought in every US war while our families and communities continue to suffer the ravages of hatred, discrimination, poverty, disease, and death. In the Ukraine conflict, racism is showing its ugly face in the denial of immigration rights to African and other non-white people’s seeking to escape the degradation and violence of this conflict, like all others living in Ukraine.

We join with Black and Brown people in other countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and Latin America who uphold the right of all nations to sovereignty and security, including Russia, who has historically been invaded by the forces of imperialism and fascism across its borders several times in the 20th century. The Russian people lost millions of lives to defeat fascism during WWII, fighting Hitler’s Nazi invasion of the USSR in 1941. This history of invasions of Russia also lies at the root of the Russian concerns about its security and the Ukraine/NATO expansion scheme that has provoked this war.

We call upon every community and organization fighting for justice and peace to adopt and sign this statement calling for the Dismantling of NATO, an end to US Support of the War in Ukraine, and to Rescind the Billions of Dollars in military aid to Ukraine. Those military funds sent to Ukraine should be reallocated to the needs of people inside the US for universal healthcare, universal childcare, affordable housing, education, liquidation of all student loan debt, minimum incomes and other human needs.

Signed by:

A-APRP Condemns Invasion of PAIGC Central Committee Meeting by Para-Military

A-APRP Condemns Invasion of PAIGC Central Committee Meeting by Para-Military

All eyes on Guinea Bissau!

The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party stands in uncompromising support of our sister Party; the PAIGC

We condemn, in the strongest possible terms, the flagrant denial of the PAIGC’s right to conduct its affairs and pursue the People’s mandate in open fair and transparent elections. We call on all progressive, peace loving and justice minded People around the world to denounce the terrorist actions taking place.

The party of Amilcar Cabral; the African Party of Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC) is once again under attack by the illegitimate anti-constitutional government of self-proclaimed president Embalo Sissoco installed in 2019.

Yesterday, March 18th, 2022, a para-military force invaded the PAIGC National Headquarters firing tear gas (from zionist Israel) into meeting room where the PAIGC Central Committee was meeting, to approve final documents for its 10th Party Congress. The entirety of the Central Committee was forced out of the building resulting in injuries.

Some PAIGC Members were beaten; some C.C. Members were injured, while others’ phones were confiscated.

The Regional Secretary of the Amilcar Cabral African Youth (JAAC) was kidnapped by a personal security staff of Embalo Sissoco, taken to an isolated area and beaten.

Dr. Sana Conte, a lawyer activist, was kidnapped by another personal security staff of Embalo Sissoco who was in a Ford Ranger with license plate number 63-18 CG, which belongs to the Chief of Security named Tcherninho. Dr. Sana Conte has not been seen since..

There are constant threats to the physical integrity of PAIGC President, Engineer Domingos Simões Pereira.

The objective is to prevent the PAIGC from holding its mandated Congress so that they cannot contest legislative elections.

These are the same tactics that were used to disrupt the 9th PAIGC Congress in 2018. After the paramilitary invasion and beatings of PAIGC Members, the Congress was held and the PAIGC won the Legislative Elections of March 2019. Less than one year later, Sissoco Embalo self-proclaimed himself as president in a hotel and carried out a coup that dislodged the PAIGC led Government in an attempt to install a dictatorship.

It logically follows that arrests, beatings, threats and intimidation will continue.

The All- African People’s Revolutionary Party stands in uncompromising support of our sister Party; the PAIGC. We condemn, in the strongest possible terms, this flagrant denial of PAIGC the right to conduct its affairs and pursue the People’s mandate in open fair and transparent elections. We call on all progressive, peace loving and justice minded people around the world to denounce the , Sissoco Embalo self-proclaimed dictatorship.

All eyes on Guinea Bissau!

All support for the PAIGC.

Forward to One unified Socialist Africa!

(Banner Photo: Headquarters of African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde in capital and port city Bissau. / Wikiwand)

Event: Political Prisoners and Colonized Peoples: The Solidarity Imperative

Event: Political Prisoners and Colonized Peoples: The Solidarity Imperative

Register here.

Join us in solidarity as we examine Human Rights in an international context as it relates to political prisoners and colonized peoples.

About this event

Despite decades of calls for an end to all colonialism, many peoples on every continent still struggle for sovereignty and liberation. From well-recognized occupied territories like Western Sahara and Palestine, to contested lands like Puerto Rico, which officially are understood to be “non-self-governing,” freedom movements have shifted strategies over the past five years, with open dialogues about nonviolent resistance, armed struggle, and new methods appropriate to 21st century dynamics. Through it all, one thing seems clear: solidarity for the political prisoners of the rising civil resistance movements needs to become a stronger focus and much better coordinated.

This webinar, co-sponsored by a coalition of several groups, will look directly at this key organizing challenge, with updates from front line organizers and analysis from long-time activists. It will then conclude with an open exchange on potential areas for future work together.

This webinar has been organized as a collaboration of the new Occupied Peoples Forum, which brings together representatives of eight still-colonized peoples, Solidarity 2020 and Beyond, Waging Nonviolence, Resistance Studies Initiative, the International Peace Research Initiative, and the U.S.-based, Black-led, Spirit of Mandela coalition.

It is an outgrowth of the Spirit of Mandela's successful October 2021 International Tribunal on U.S. Human Rights Abuses Against Black, Brown, and Indigenous Peoples. The Tribunal examined questions of human rights in an international context and found the U.S. guilty of five counts of genocide. This online seminar continues those efforts, providing an overview of resistance campaigns focused on solidarity work with political prisoners and their freedom campaigns.


Sahar Francis, Palestinian Executive Director, Addemeer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association

Luis Rosa Perez, Puerto Rican former political prisoner; human rights activist with Casa Corretjer

Enguia Mohamed, President, NOVA Western Sahara civil resistance association

Jalil Muntaqim, Black Panther former political prisoner; Spirit of Mandela Coordinating Committee member

Moderated by:

Rosa Moiwend, West Papuan organizer and peace educator

Matt Meyer, Secretary General, International Peace Research Association; Spirit of Mandela Coordinating Committee member

Sponsored by:

Spirit of Mandela Coalition, Occupied Peoples Forum, Solidarity 2020 and BeyondWaging NonviolenceResistance Studies Initiative, and the International Peace Research Association

Register here.

Democracy Scores Another Victory Over the U.S. in Honduras

Democracy Scores Another Victory Over the U.S. in Honduras

Democracy Scores Another Victory Over the U.S. in Honduras

Black Alliance for Peace Statement on Honduran Elections

The anti-colonial, pro-human rights members of the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) welcome the resounding victory of the people of Honduras. “Again, the people of our region have registered their unwavering commitment to authentic democracy and the right to national self-determination with the victory of President-elect Xiomara Castro in Honduras,” states Jemima Pierre, coordinator of BAP’s Haiti/Americas committee. 

The people of our region and the world remember the criminal assault on democracy that took place in Honduras in 2009 as one of the first acts of the newly elected Obama/Biden Administration. But with the election of Xiomara Castro, it is clear the coup stalled but did not reverse the momentum in Honduras for national independence, despite the death and systematic repression unleased on the population by the U.S. backed fascist regime.  

“Just over the last two months, from Nicaragua to Venezuela and now Honduras, it is clear that the dogs of war and repression represented by the gringos from the North are unable to squash the spirit of the peoples of our region for People(s)-Centered Human Rights and national liberation. When we free Haiti and remove the illegal and immoral blockade against Cuba, the momentum for finally ejecting the U.S. and its antiquated fantasies of continued domination of our region and peoples will be unstoppable,” according to Ajamu Baraka, Black Alliance for Peace National Organizer. 

BAP salutes the people of Honduras for this incredible victory and pledges to fight with them to protect their hard-won victory, a victory that is really a triumph for all of us. 

No compromise, no retreat!

"The Democratic Party wants war with Russia, the Trump administration wants war with China, so it's up to the people to demand and struggle for peace against both pro-imperialist war parties."

- Ajamu Baraka, National Organizer

(Banner Photo: Supporters of Free Party presidential candidate Xiomara Castro cheer before she speaks after general elections, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Nov. 28, 2021. / Associated Press)

Guinea and the Military Coup Incubator, AFRICOM

Guinea and the Military Coup Incubator, AFRICOM

Originally published in Black Agenda Report by Netfa Freeman, who represents BAP member organization Pan-African Community Action (PACA) on BAP’s Coordinating Committee, September 8, 2021

The recent coup in Guinea exemplifies the damage done by European colonizers and the U.S. Africa Command.

West Africa has just experienced its fourth attempted coup in just over a year, and seven coups over the last 13 years were carried out by African troops trained by the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM). One was directly carried out by AFRICOM forces - Operation Odyssey Dawn against Libya in 2011, its first major military operation. 

On Sunday, September 5, 2021 soldiers detained Guinean President Alpha Condé and claimed control of the government. They suspended the constitution and closed all of the country’s borders. In a video recorded in the capital Conakry, Colonel Mamady Doumbouya of the Guinean Armed Forces (GAF) announced that the National Assembly had been dissolved.

Doumbouya, deemed the primary leader of the coup, was trained by the French military in France and, before turning against him, was called in 2018 by Condé to head a new Special Force Unit. Doumbouya and many others in the Guinean’s military also had AFRICOM training in Operation Flintlock 19. Operation Flintlock 19 occurred in early 2019 and, with participation from 34 African and other partner nations, was the largest annual exercise hosted by AFRICOM.

There should be no doubt that an indoctrination about the inherent goodness of the US-European role in Africa accompanies this military training with blindspots about the true legacy of colonialism. It is highly unlikely that a soldier could get through such brainwashing today and still have an anti-imperialist mindset intact.

Reminiscent of the coup in Mali that took place in May of this year, Guinea seems to validate AFRICOM as an incubator of military coups in Africa. Rather than embark on an agenda that addresses mass poverty and abolished austerity, comprador leadership seeks protection from the people through neo-colonial relationships with the Pan-European, capitalist patriarchy. Then their youthful and neo-colonial trained military personnel get it into their heads that, rather than serve an aged and widely unpopular dictator, they will take control themselves.

In Guinea, “the TV address featured nine unnamed soldiers, several draped in the red, gold and green national flag, who said they had taken over because of rampant corruption, mismanagement and poverty,” Yahoo News reported. Similar claims were made in Mali by Colonel turned Mali president, Assimi Goïta.

In and of itself a coup does not necessarily indicate that the action is against the people’s interest, whether the nature of the incoming government is revolutionary or neo-colonialist. Thomas Sankara, “The Upright Man ” and revolutionary leader of Burkina Faso, came to power through a coup. Hugo Chavez’s first attempt to power in Venezuela was via coup. The case of the Arab Pan-Africanist of the Libyan Jamahiriya, Muammar Gaddafi was the same.

A hugely significant factor with these leaders and those who followed them was that they were imbued with an anti-imperialist imperative. They understood that the primary contradiction was not the particular comprador leadership who held state offices. The primary contradiction is the capitalist, European imperialist global order. They knew that the only solution for the people of the Global South was to embark on a bottom up process of control over their land, resources, or economic systems.

The coup in Guinea has been widely condemned by the US, the UN, the AU, ECOWAS, and others. In contrast, news of the coup sparked celebrations in some parts of the capital, where hundreds of people applauded the soldiers.

African people face such dire circumstances at the hands of neocolonialism and neoliberalism that they welcome the remotest possibility of change. The outward faces of their oppression are the Black faces that only appear to be in charge. Too many African presidents don’t actually preside over their countries. They kowtow. 

An indication that AFRICOM incubated coups will likely not result in any fundamental change is that those leading the coups do not even make mention of the principles they are for, or that they are even against foreign domination. They make no attempts to create participatory programs of transformation that redistribute land, nationalize natural resources, or establish universal health care and education.

In our March 2021 article, Movements Not Saviors: Lessons from Bobi Wine’s Tweet for Juan Guaido, co-author Jemima Pierre and I explained that:

“The goals of African people must be more advanced than simply replacing a dictator. Imperialism is a global system that requires enforcement of certain conditions everywhere. This is precisely why autocratic leaders are supported by imperialism. These governments are the neocolonial political cover for the West’s control of the land, labor and markets of the colonized. A return to the oppressive conditions for the people will be inevitable if a dictator is removed but not the West’s ultimate control.”

A upgraded, popular Pan-Africanist movement must be rebuilt to demilitarize and depose imperialism from Africa. This will require constructing a mass based geostrategic vision that intensifies in Africa opposition to AFRICOM and other European military projects.

Netfa Freeman is an organizer in Pan-African Community Action (PACA) and on the Coordinating Committee of the Black Alliance for Peace. Netfa is also co-host/producer of the WPFW radio show and podcast Voices With Vision.

Banner photo: Members of the Seychellois Coast Guard board a patrol boat during training in Victoria, Seychelles on August 3, 2021. (Yeoman 1st Class Ann Geiman/AFRICOM)

Haiti: On Interventions and Occupations

Haiti: On Interventions and Occupations

Originally published in Black Agenda Report by BAP member Dr. Peter James Hudson and BAP Haiti/Americas Coordinator Dr. Jemima Pierre, August 4, 2021

U.S. and other foreign interventions are the cause of Haiti's ongoing crises.

The first calls for foreign intervention into Haiti came soon after the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse in Port-au-Prince on July 7th. Intervention was  justified by the claim that Moïse’s death had created a vacuum of political leadership and authority that would push Haiti into a maelstrom of chaos and anarchy -- into what the Guardian announced as a “violent new era.” Only intervention, led by the US and supported by its international partners, could save the troubled republic from an inevitable crisis.

By all accounts, the press projections of Haiti falling to barbarism after the assassination has not happened. But the calls for foreign intervention have continued. These calls have ignored two important and consequential facts. First, previous foreign interventions have been unmitigated disasters. They have led to long-term military occupations that destroyed the Haitian state and marginalized civil society while leaving tens of thousands of Haitians displaced or dead. Second, and most importantly, Haiti is already under occupation. Calls for “intervention” are not only disingenuous, but actually redundant.

The first US intervention and occupation of Haiti officially began with an echo of the present. In 1915, Haitian president Theodore Guillame Sam was murdered – dragged out of the French legation and killed in the streets – after he had imprisoned and then killed a number of his political opponents. Fearing political chaos, and with a desire to protect US interests, persons, and property, the US landed three hundred troops on July 28th, 1915, initiating a military occupation that lasted nineteen years, until 1934.

But the calls for intervention and the strategies for occupation had long preceded Sam’s murder. In the years leading up to the landing of US marines in 1915, the National City Bank of New York was becoming increasingly involved in Haiti’s financial affairs. They pushed for control of Haiti’s railroads, ports, the national bank, and the sovereign debt – and they were encouraged by the US State Department, who had adopted the well-known policy of “dollar diplomacy” throughout the Caribbean region . Bank managers served as shadow representatives of the State Department in Haiti.

CIty Bank officials had already called for US military intervention to protect their Haitian investments before 1914. In 1914, bank vice president Roger Leslie Farnham wrote a memorandum outlining a strategy for occupation, saturated with racial paternalism and ideas of Haitian inferiority, for US secretary of state William Jennings Bryan. The same year, City Bank officials sent a request for US Marines to land in Haiti to move the $500,000 gold reserve from the Banque National d’Haiti in Port-au-Prince to a Wall Street vault. They asserted the action was taken to protect their investments. Haiti’s politicians viewed it as theft, and a deliberate attack on the Republic’s sovereignty.

When intervention and occupation did occur in 1915, the bank consolidated its near-monopoly control of Haiti’s finances, banking, and industry. During the first occupation, the US rewrote the Haitian constitution and installed a puppet president, imposed press censorship and martial law, and brought Jim Crow policies and forced labor to the island. It also initiated a “pacification” campaign against those Haitian militants engaged in armed struggle to protect the republic’s sovereignty. The US military dropped bombs and burned villages, tortured and murdered peasants, and hunted rebel “bandits” for sport.

Of the stated aims of the occupation – building infrastructure, expanding education, and providing internal and regional stability – little was achieved. The longstanding result of the US occupation was the establishment and training of a local police force, the Gendarmerie d'Haïti. Years after the occupation, this police force was used to terrorize the Haitian people.

US troops withdrew in 1934 after a sustained period of protest, begun in 1929 by Haitian students and eventually joined by all classes of Haitians and Haitian allies in the international community.

The US would continue to intervene Haitian affairs, first supporting the brutal dictatorship of Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier and Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier, and then again in 1991 as the CIA bankrolled a coup d’etat against the country’s first democratically elect president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. The coup was not consolidated because of continuous resistance from the Haitian people. By 1994, US president Bill Clinton’s administration was forced to bring Aristide back to Haiti after 3 years in exile, with 20,000 troops brought in to quell Haitian resistance. But Aristide was now a hostage to US neoliberal policy. The US troops remained until 1999.

The second occupation of Haiti began in 2004 and was initiated after a coup d'etat sponsored by the U.S., France, and Canada that dethroned elected Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Aristide was kidnapped by US marines and sent to the Central African Republic. US President George W. Bush announced afterwards that he was sending US forces to Haiti to “help stabilize the country.” It is clear, as Glen Ford and Peter Gamble remind us, “George Bush didn’t invent U.S. aggression against Haiti; that’s been U.S. policy since 1804.”

The 2004 illegal coup d’état was both enforced and cleaned up with the sanction of the UN. The UN took over from US forces and established the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (or MINUSTAH) for the tasks of military occupation under the guise of establishing peace and security.

A multi-billion dollar operation, MINUSTAH had, at any given time, between 6000 and 12,000 military troops and police stationed in Haiti alongside thousands of civilian personnel. Like the first US occupation, the UN occupation under MINUSTAH was marked by its  brutality towards Haitian people. Civilians were brutally attacked and assassinated. “Peace-keepers” committed sexual crimes. UN soldiers dumped human waste into rivers used for drinking water, unleashing a cholera epidemic that killed between 10,000 and 50,000 people.

The Core Group -- an international coalition of self-proclaimed non-Black “friends” of Haiti -- emerged through the MINUSTAH occupation in 2004. Its stated goal was to oversee Haiti’s governance. Meanwhile, as with the first occupation, the US and MINUSTAH trained Haitian police forces, reintegrating many of the rogue members into these forces. The US, in collusion with MINUSTAH and the Core Group, also over-rode Haitian democracy, installing both neo-Duvalierist Michel Martelly and his PHTK party, alongside Martelly’s protege and successor, Jovenel Moïse. Moreover, it was under occupation that Haiti was devastated by the 2010 earthquake; all the pledges of humanitarian aid and assistance and the promises to “build back better” have amounted to nothing, the funds grifted by the Haitian oligarchy and comprador bourgeoisie, as well the international community.

While it is claimed that this occupation officially ended in 2017, with the dissolution of MINUSTAH, the UN has remained in Haiti through a new acronym: BINUH, the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti. BINUH has had an outsized role in Haitian internal political affairs. For example, soon after Moïse was killed, its representative, Helen La Lime, asserted that Claude Joseph would be installed as Haiti’s leader. Later on, the “Core Group” switched gears and demanded that Ariel Henry should be president. And this is exactly what happened when a “new” Haitian government was announced on July 20, 2021, with Henry as leader. This without any say from the Haitian people.

It would seem that the goal, and perhaps success, of this occupation has been to not only permanently quell the last vestiges of the mass movement that emerged through the fall of the Duvalier dictatorship and culminated in the 1990 election of Jean Bertrand Aristide. The objective was to also completely and fatally destroy the Haitian state. And with that, the turning of Haiti into a permanent vassal state. In this, the self-hating comprador bourgeoisie, the poodles for white supremacy, have played a significant role. It is noteworthy that, in the wake of Moïse’s assassination, the comprador bourgeois lapdogs (such as Claude Joseph, Joseph Lambert, Ariel Henry) as well as the nonBlack oligarchs (such as Reginal Boulos) rushed first to get the blessings of their white overlords, representatives of the UN occupation force, the Core Group and the U.S. State Department.

For Haiti, both the first occupation, in 1915, and the second, in 2004, were unmitigated disasters. Both were premised on the idea that not only was Haiti falling into chaos and anarchy, but with the deeply racist notion that Haitians are unable to govern themselves. Be it under watch of US Marines, a multinational UN force, or an international cohort of technocratic experts in security and democracy, it seems likely that the ongoing second occupation will be intensified by a formal foreign military intervention.

The occupation will only end with the complete withdrawal of the imperial powers from Haiti.

Peter James Hudson is a writer, editor, and historian who teaches Black Studies at UCLA. He is the author of Bankers and Empire: How Wall Street Colonized the Caribbean.

Jemima Pierre is a contributor to Black Agenda Report, the Haiti/Americas Coordinator for the Black Alliance for Peace, and a Black Studies and anthropology professor at UCLA.

Banner photo: UN troops in Haiti. (Swoan Parker/Reuters)

BAP-Philly Member's Statement at July 26 Rally Commemorating Cuban Revolution

BAP-Philly Member's Statement at July 26 Rally Commemorating Cuban Revolution

BAP-Philly member Deandra Jefferson read aloud the following statement at a July 26, 2021, rally held in Philadelphia to commemorate the start of the Cuban revolution on July 26, 1953.

BAP-Philly member Deandra Jefferson reading the following statement at the U.S. Hands off Cuba rally at Philadelphia City Hall. (Joe Piette/Workers World Party)

BAP-Philly member Deandra Jefferson reading the following statement at the U.S. Hands off Cuba rally at Philadelphia City Hall. (Joe Piette/Workers World Party)


Good afternoon, my name is Deandra, and I am a member of the Philadelphia chapter of Black Alliance for Peace. We are a Black led African diaspora wide organization dedicated to advancing the anti imperial struggle throughout the world. BAP is here today standing in solidarity with the people of Cuba and the continued project of the Cuban Revolution. We demand that the U.S. end the embargo against Cuba immediately.

Cubans have made it clear; they are perfectly capable of deciding their own fate, with no intervention necessary from false friends such as the United States. The U.S. has a vested interest in seeing the Cuban Revolution fail, and has since the very beginning. Cuba continues to show the world, in spite of the embargo, that the struggle against capitalism is possible. The U.S. knows that given more resources, there would be no question to people around the world that capitalism is not viable, but socialism is. This is why they do their best through the embargo to keep these resources away, so they can continue to engineer scarcity and call it a failure of a socialist state, rather than a creation of capitalism fighting to preserve itself.

Just as the U.S. fights to suppress self determination in Cuba, they do the same in other majority Black islands in the Caribbean. Another nation that the U.S. has relentlessly tormented is the island nation of Haiti. Haiti has faced repression from imperialist forces since their successful slave revolt. The United States has been a major part of that repression throughout history. Because of the abuse of the U.S. and other colonial powers, Haiti has long had issues of scarcity of resources, similar to Cuba. Most recently, the president of Haiti was assassinated by forces acting on behalf of U.S. interests, causing further turmoil within the country. But in the case of Haiti, the highlight of these issues would only serve to implicate capitalism and the intervention of the U.S. as the culprit. The times when the U.S. has turned their attention to the issues in Haiti, they have only done so to solidify their stranglehold on the island and their unwarranted involvement in Haitian politics. Nonetheless, Cuba understands the importance of standing in true solidarity with Haiti. They have demonstrated their support for years. They have consistently provided medical care in times of crisis, such as the earthquake of 2010, and even during the current pandemic. Cuba understands the power of help with no strings attached, and putting people before profit and conquest. We must answer that call for Haiti and for Cuba.

We know that when we support the self determination of the Caribbean and the Global South, we chip away at the stranglehold of colonialism and continue to gain ground in the fight against capitalism. In the case of Cuba, the Cuban people have been asking folks in the U.S. to stand in solidarity by ending the embargo. It is the very least we can do.

Today is the anniversary of the beginning of the Cuban Revolution. Folks are out here today because we know that revolution is still alive and strong. We also know that the continued success of that revolution is crucial to the freedom and safety of those on the island, as well as the project to end capitalism and colonialism worldwide. Therefore, just as Cuba stands in solidarity with other nations facing the failings and exploitation of colonialism, we stand with them now. Viva Fidel, Viva La Revolucion!

Banner photo: Protesters gathered in solidarity with Cuba and commemorating the Cuban Revolution in front of City Hall in Philadelphia on July 26. (Joe Piette/Workers World Party)

Statement of the International Delegation to Nicaragua, July 18-25 2021

Statement of the International Delegation to Nicaragua, July 18-25 2021

Netfa Freeman, who represents BAP member organization Pan-African Community Action (PACA) on BAP’s Coordinating Committee, represented BAP and PACA on an international delegation to Nicaragua July 18-25, 2021. Below is a statement the delegation released to the Nicaraguan press on July 23. Video of the press conference can be viewed here.

Below is English, español, français and portuguens.

The international delegation to Nicaragua at a press conference on July 23, 2021. Netfa Freeman, who represented the Black Alliance for Peace and Pan-African Community Action, is seated, third from left. (courtesy: TN8)

The international delegation to Nicaragua at a press conference on July 23, 2021. Netfa Freeman, who represented the Black Alliance for Peace and Pan-African Community Action, is seated, third from left. (courtesy: TN8)

Statement of the International Delegation to Nicaragua, July 18-25 2021

We have come to Nicaragua this week to see for ourselves the lived reality of the Nicaraguan people. We are here from the United States, Brazil, Canada, and Mexico. From July 18 to July 25 our delegation, organized by the Nicaragua Network, had the opportunity to visit Managua, Granada, Estelí and Masaya. We have seen the beauty of this country and its people—a people struggling mightily to live in peace and prosperity despite constant U.S. aggression and brutal sanctions.

We heard from health care providers, teachers and vocational instructors in Estelí who are working to make sure that working class people and campesinos have access to medical attention and education—in addition to access to housing, employment and income promotion programs also offered by the Sandinista government. As one teacher explained, the current system under Sandinista leadership is one of “inclusion” as opposed to the policies of “exclusion” of the neoliberal governments of 1991 to 2007.

In contrast to the countries of the global north, Nicaragua has managed to contain one of the most serious pandemics of the last decades with a free universal public health system, with personalized attention and follow-up for infected patients, and with a model that seeks to adjust to the particular characteristics of each region, including the needs of indigenous and Afro-Indigenous communities.

In Masaya, we heard from those who lived during the U.S.-backed terror of the coup attempt of 2018. We heard from city security forces who were kidnapped and tortured by opposition forces who took over the city. The U.S. mass media - aligned with U.S. political, economic and military interests—led the false, unsubstantiated narrative of a repressive government. We heard direct testimonies of victims of the 2018 violence and saw massive destruction of
infrastructure that the city has yet to fully recover from.

One individual lost his arm during the torture he suffered. The burning of the mayor’s offices; the destruction of the city works building along with sanitation and street-paving trucks; and the burning down of the historic Masaya market, was proof to us that the instigators engaged in outright terrorism. At the same time, we saw the heroic efforts of the security workers and government and people of Masaya to rebuild and to continue providing vital services to the

In Granada, we heard similar testimonies, including of the opposition’s torching of the centuries-old municipal building which William Walker did not manage to destroy during his burning down of that city in the 1850s. We also heard how the historic combatants who defeated Somoza came out during the 2018 coup attempt to confront the opposition violence and, along with the police, to restore order and peace.

What’s more, we witnessed the daily lives of the Nicaraguan people who get up early every morning to take a bus or walk long distances to work. These are the vast majority of the Nicaraguan people, and it is they, as we witnessed for ourselves, who came to the Plaza de Fe in huge numbers on July 19 to celebrate the Sandinista victory over the U.S.-backed dictator Somoza. The scenes we saw in the Plaza—of working class families regaling in their red and black of the FSLN—were not covered by the U.S. press, for they resoundingly contradict the U.S. narrative of a people being repressed by a tyrannical government.

The tyrannical government—that of Anastasio Somoza—is now gone despite the backing of the U.S., which tried to reinstall Somoza’s National Guard in the form of the Contras in the 1980’s. That the U.S. now claims to care about Nicaraguan democracy is a cruel joke.

The U.S.’s constant attempts to undermine the peace and prosperity of the Nicaraguan people; to sow divisions which exploded into violence in 2018; and to undermine the sovereignty of Nicaragua are unacceptable. We denounce these attempts as immoral and illegal, just as the International Court of Justice found these efforts to be unlawful in its 1986 decision in the case of Nicaragua versus the U.S.

We call upon the U.S. government and allied NGOs to halt their interference in and sanctions against this country and to let Nicaragua live in peace as a sovereign nation just as the UN Charter unequivocally requires. Recent polling by M&R Consulting demonstrates massive opposition to such foreign interference, 85%, amongst the Nicaraguan people.

We thank the Nicaraguan people for opening up their hearts to us during our trip to this country of lakes and volcanoes, and we stand with you against all U.S. meddling, sanctions and provocations.

In solidarity,
Nicaragua Network - Alliance for Global Justice / Answer Coalition / Black Alliance for Peace /
Jornalistas Livres / Comitê Antiimperialista General Abreu e Lima / TV Cidade Livre (TVComDF) / Jornal Brasil Popular / Observatorio de Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos / Pan-African Community Action (PACA) / Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) / “Voices with Vision” program of WPFW Radio

* In an effort to call on the U.S. to stop interfering in the lives and future of Nicaraguans, we invite individuals from all over the world to support the Hands Off Nicaragua sign on letter.

Declaración de la Delegación Internacional a Nicaragua, 18-25 de julio 2021

Hemos venido a Nicaragua esta semana para conocer la realidad vivida por el pueblo nicaragüense. Venimos de Estados Unidos, Brasil, Canadá y México. Del 18 al 25 de julio nuestra delegación, organizada por Nicaragua Network, ha tenido la oportunidad de visitar Managua, Granada, Estelí y Masaya. Hemos visto la belleza de este país y de su gente, un pueblo que lucha valientemente por vivir en paz y prosperidad a pesar de las constantes agresiones y brutales sanciones de los Estados Unidos.

Escuchamos a los proveedores de atención médica, profesores e instructores de formación profesional de Estelí, quienes trabajan para garantizar que la clase trabajadora y los campesinos tengan acceso a servicios de atención médica y a la educación, además del acceso a la vivienda, el empleo y los programas de promoción de ingresos también ofrecidos por el gobierno sandinista. Como explicó un profesor con el que conversamos, el sistema actual bajo el liderazgo sandinista es de "inclusión", en contraposición a las políticas de "exclusión" de los gobiernos neoliberales de 1991 a 2007.

A diferencia de los países del norte global, Nicaragua ha logrado contener una de las pandemias más graves de las últimas décadas con un sistema de salud público universal y gratuito, con atención y seguimiento personalizado a los pacientes infectados, y con un modelo que busca ajustarse a las características particulares de cada región, incluyendo las necesidades de las comunidades indígenas y afro-indígenas.

En Masaya, escuchamos a quienes vivieron el terror respaldado por los Estados Unidos durante el intento de golpe de estado de 2018. Escuchamos a agentes de las fuerzas de seguridad de la ciudad que fueron secuestrados y torturados por las fuerzas de la oposición que tomaron la ciudad. Los medios de comunicación estadounidenses -alineados con los intereses políticos, económicos y militares de Estados Unidos- dirigieron la narrativa falsa y sin fundamento de que en Nicaragua existe un gobierno represivo. Escuchamos testimonios directos de víctimas de la violencia de 2018 y vimos la destrucción masiva de infraestructuras de la que la ciudad aún no se ha recuperado del todo.

Un agente perdió su brazo como consecuencia de la tortura que sufrió. La quema de las oficinas de la alcaldía; la destrucción del edificio de obras de la ciudad junto con los camiones de saneamiento y pavimentación de calles; y la quema del histórico mercado de Masaya, fue para nosotros una prueba de que los instigadores se dedicaron al terrorismo descarado. Al mismo tiempo, vimos los heroicos esfuerzos de los trabajadores de seguridad y del gobierno y el pueblo de Masaya para reconstruir y seguir prestando servicios vitales a la ciudadanía.

En Granada escuchamos testimonios similares, incluso del incendio - por parte de la oposición - del centenario edificio municipal que William Walker no logró destruir durante su quema de esa ciudad en la década de 1850. También escuchamos cómo los combatientes históricos que derrotaron a Somoza salieron durante la intentona golpista de 2018 para enfrentar la violencia opositora y, junto con la policía desarmada, restablecer el orden y la paz.

Además, fuimos testigos de la vida cotidiana de los nicaragüenses que cada mañana se levantan temprano para tomar un autobús o caminar largas distancias para ir a trabajar. Son la inmensa mayoría del pueblo nicaragüense y son ellos, como pudimos comprobar, los que acudieron en masa a la Plaza de Fe el 19 de julio para celebrar la victoria sandinista sobre el dictador Somoza, apoyado por Estados Unidos. Las escenas que vimos en la Plaza -de las familias de la clase trabajadora que se vestían de rojo y negro con el FSLN- no fueron cubiertas por la prensa estadounidense ya que contradicen rotundamente la narrativa estadounidense de un pueblo reprimido por un gobierno tiránico.

El gobierno tiránico -el de Anastasio Somoza- ya no existe, a pesar del apoyo de Estados Unidos que intentó reinstalar la Guardia Nacional de Somoza en la forma de los Contras en la década de 1980. Que Estados Unidos diga ahora que se preocupa por la democracia nicaragüense es una broma cruel.

Los constantes intentos de Estados Unidos de socavar la paz y la prosperidad del pueblo nicaragüense; de sembrar divisiones que derivaron en violencia en 2018; y de socavar la soberanía de Nicaragua son inaceptables. Denunciamos estos intentos como inmorales e ilegales, al igual que la Corte Internacional de Justicia determinó que estos esfuerzos eran ilegales en su decisión de 1986 en el caso de Nicaragua contra los Estados Unidos. Hacemos un llamado al gobierno de Estados Unidos y a las ONGs aliadas con sus intereses para que cesen su injerencia y sanciones contra este país. Dejen que Nicaragua viva en paz comon una nación soberana, tal y como exige inequívocamente la Carta de la ONU. Recientes encuestas de M&R Consulting demuestran una oposición masiva: 85% del pueblo nicaragüense se opone a dicha injerencia.

Agradecemos al pueblo nicaragüense que nos haya abierto su corazón durante nuestro viaje a este país de lagos y volcanes, y nos posicionamos con ustedes en contra de todas las injerencias, sanciones y provocaciones de los Estados Unidos.

En solidaridad,

Nicaragua Network - Alliance for Global Justice / Answer Coalition / Black Alliance for Peace / Jornalistas Livres / Comitê Antiimperialista General Abreu e Lima / TV Cidade Livre (TVComDF) / Jornal Brasil Popular / Observatorio de Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos / Pan-African Community Action / PSL Party for socialism and liberation / Voices with vision, WPFW Radio

En un esfuerzo por pedir a Estados Unidos que deje de interferir en las vidas y el futuro de los nicaragüenses, invitamos a personas de todo el mundo a apoyar la campaña de firmas Manos Fuera de Nicaragua.


Déclaration de la délégation internationale au Nicaragua, 18-25 juillet 2021

Nous sommes venus au Nicaragua cette semaine pour découvrir la réalité vécue par le peuple nicaraguayen. Nous venons des États-Unis, du Brésil, du Canada, et du Mexique. Du 18 au 25 juillet, notre délégation, organisée par le réseau du Nicaragua, a eu l'occasion de visiter Managua, Granada, Esteli et Masaya. Nous avons vu la beauté de ce pays et de son peuple, un peuple qui lutte vaillamment pour vivre dans la paix et la prospérité malgré l'agression constante et les sanctions brutales des États-Unis.

Nous avons entendu des prestataires de soins de santé, des enseignants et des instructeurs de formation professionnelle à Estelí, qui s'efforcent de faire en sorte que la classe ouvrière et les paysans aient accès aux services de soins de santé et à l'éducation, en plus de l'accès aux programmes de logement, d'emploi et de promotion des revenus également proposés par le gouvernement sandiniste. Comme l'a expliqué un professeur à qui nous avons parlé, le système actuel sous la direction des Sandinistes est un système d'inclusion, par opposition aux politiques d'exclusion des gouvernements néolibéraux de 1991 à 2007.

Contrairement aux pays du Nord, le Nicaragua a réussi à contenir l'une des pandémies les plus graves de ces dernières décennies grâce à un système de santé publique universel et gratuit, à des soins et un suivi personnalisés des patients infectés, et à un modèle qui cherche à s'adapter aux caractéristiques particulières de chaque région, y compris aux besoins des communautés indigènes et afro-indigènes.

À Masaya, nous avons entendu ceux qui ont vécu la terreur soutenue par les États-Unis lors de la tentative de coup d'État de 2018. Nous avons entendu des agents des forces de sécurité de la ville qui ont été enlevés et torturés par les forces d'opposition qui ont pris le contrôle de la ville. Les médias américains - alignés sur les intérêts politiques, économiques et militaires des États-Unis - ont diffusé un récit faux et sans fondement selon lequel un gouvernement répressif existe au Nicaragua. Nous avons entendu des témoignages de première main de victimes des violences de 2018 et vu la destruction massive des infrastructures dont la ville ne s'est pas encore totalement remise.

Un officier a perdu son bras à la suite des tortures qu'il a subies. L'incendie des bureaux du maire, la destruction du bâtiment des travaux publics de la ville, ainsi que des camions d'assainissement et de pavage des rues, et l'incendie du marché historique de Masaya, ont été pour nous la preuve que les instigateurs se livraient à un terrorisme pur et simple. Dans le même temps, nous avons vu les efforts héroïques des agents de sécurité, du gouvernement et de la population de Masaya pour reconstruire et continuer à fournir des services vitaux aux citoyens.

À Grenade, nous avons entendu des témoignages similaires, notamment celui de l'incendie - par l'opposition - du bâtiment municipal centenaire que William Walker n'avait pas réussi à détruire lors de l'incendie de cette ville dans les années 1850. Nous avons également entendu comment les combattants historiques qui ont vaincu Somoza sont sortis lors de la tentative de coup d'État de 2018 pour faire face à la violence de l'opposition et, avec la police non armée, rétablir 'ordre et la paix.

En outre, nous avons été témoins de la vie quotidienne des Nicaraguayens qui se lèvent tôt chaque matin pour prendre un bus ou parcourir de longues distances à pied pour aller travailler. Ils constituent la grande majorité du peuple nicaraguayen et ce sont eux, comme nous l'avons vu, qui ont afflué sur la Plaza de Fe le 19 juillet pour célébrer la victoire des sandinistes sur le dictateur Somoza soutenu par les États-Unis. Les scènes que nous avons vues sur la Plaza - des familles de la classe ouvrière portant le rouge et le noir avec le FSLN - n'ont pas été couvertes par la presse américaine car elles contredisaient totalement le récit américain d'un peuple réprimé par un gouvernement tyrannique.

Le gouvernement tyrannique - celui d'Anastasio Somoza - n'existe plus, malgré le soutien américain qui a tenté de rétablir la garde nationale de Somoza sous la forme des Contras dans les années 1980. Le fait que les États-Unis prétendent maintenant se soucier de la démocratie nicaraguayenne est une blague cruelle. Les tentatives continues des États-Unis de saper la paix et la prospérité du peuple nicaraguayen, de semer les divisions qui ont conduit à la violence en 2018 et de porter atteinte à la souveraineté du Nicaragua sont inacceptables. Nous dénonçons ces tentatives comme immorales et illégales, tout comme la Cour internationale de justice les a jugées illégales dans sa décision de 1986 dans l'affaire Nicaragua contre États-Unis.

Nous demandons au gouvernement américain et aux ONG alliées à ses intérêts de cesser leur ingérence et leurs sanctions contre ce pays. Laissez le Nicaragua vivre en paix en tant que nation souveraine, comme l'exige sans équivoque la Charte des Nations unies. Des sondages récents réalisés par M&R Consulting montrent une opposition massive : 85% du peuple nicaraguayen s'oppose à cette ingérence.

Nous remercions le peuple nicaraguayen de nous avoir ouvert son cœur lors de notre voyage dans ce pays de lacs et de volcans, et nous sommes à vos côtés contre toutes les ingérences, sanctions et provocations des États-Unis.

En solidarité,

Nicaragua Network - Alliance for Global Justice / Answer Coalition / Black Alliance for Peace / Jornalistas Livres / Comitê Antiimperialista General Abreu e Lima / TV Cidade Livre (TVComDF) / Jornal Brasil Popular / Observatorio de Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos / Pan-African Community Action / PSL Party for socialism and liberation / Voices with vision, WPFW Radio

Afin de demander aux États-Unis de cesser de s'ingérer dans la vie et l'avenir des Nicaraguayens, nous invitons les personnes du monde entier à soutenir la campagne de signature Hands Off Nicaragua.


Declaração da Delegação Internacional na Nicarágua, 18 a 25 de julho de 2021

Viemos à Nicarágua esta semana para ver por nós mesmos a realidade vivida pelo povo nicaraguense. Estamos aqui vindos dos Estados Unidos, Brasil, Canadá e México. De 18 a 25 de julho nossa delegação, organizada pela Nicaragua Network, teve a oportunidade de visitar Manágua, Granada, Estelí e Masaya. Vimos a beleza deste país e de seu povo - um povo que luta fortemente para viver em paz e prosperidade, apesar das constantes agressões dos EUA e de sanções brutais.

Ouvimos profissionais de saúde, professores e instrutores vocacionais em Estelí que estão trabalhando para garantir que as pessoas da classe trabalhadora e camponeses tenham acesso a atendimento médico e educação - além do acesso a programas de moradia, emprego e promoção de renda também oferecidos pelo governo sandinista. Como explicou um professor, o sistema atual sob a liderança sandinista é de “inclusão” em oposição às políticas de “exclusão” dos governos neoliberais de 1991 a 2007.

Ao contrário dos países do norte global, a Nicarágua conseguiu conter uma das pandemias mais graves das últimas décadas com um sistema público de saúde universal gratuito, com atendimento personalizado e acompanhamento de pacientes infectados, e com um modelo que busca adequar-se às particularidades de cada região, incluindo as necessidades de comunidades indígenas e afro-indígenas.

Em Masaya, ouvimos aqueles que viveram o terror apoiado pelos EUA na tentativa de golpe de 2018. Ouvimos das forças de segurança da cidade que foram sequestradas e torturadas por forças da oposição que tomaram a cidade. Os meios de comunicação de massa dos EUA - alinhados com os interesses políticos, econômicos e militares dos EUA - lideraram a narrativa falsa e infundada de um governo repressivo. Ouvimos depoimentos diretos de vítimas da violência de 2018 e vimos a destruição massiva da infraestrutura da qual a cidade ainda não se recuperou totalmente.

Um indivíduo perdeu o braço durante a tortura que sofreu. O incêndio dos escritórios da prefeitura; a destruição do prédio e depósito de obras da cidade junto com caminhões de saneamento e pavimentação de ruas; e o incêndio do histórico mercado de Masaya é a prova de que os instigadores se envolveram em terrorismo absoluto. Ao mesmo tempo, vimos os esforços heróicos dos trabalhadores de segurança, do governo e do povo de Masaya para reconstruir e continuar a fornecer serviços vitais aos cidadãos.

Em Granada, ouvimos testemunhos semelhantes, incluindo o incêndio da oposição ao edifício municipal centenário que William Walker não conseguiu destruir durante o incêndio daquela cidade na década de 1850. Também ouvimos como os combatentes históricos que derrotaram Somoza saíram durante a tentativa de golpe de 2018 para enfrentar a violência da oposição e, junto com a polícia, restaurar a ordem e a paz.

Além disso, testemunhamos o cotidiano do povo nicaraguense que se levanta cedo todas as manhãs para pegar um ônibus ou caminhar longas distâncias para o trabalho. Esta é a grande maioria do povo nicaraguense, e foram eles, como testemunhamos por nós mesmos, que vieram à Plaza de Fe em grande número em 19 de julho para celebrar a vitória sandinista sobre o ditador Somoza, apoiado pelos EUA. As cenas que vimos na Plaza - de famílias da classe trabalhadora vestidas com o tradicional vermelho e preto do FSLN - não foram cobertas pela imprensa dos EUA, já que elas contradizem retumbantemente a narrativa dos EUA de um povo sendo reprimido por um governo tirânico.

O governo tirânico - o de Anastasio Somoza - se foi, apesar do apoio dos EUA, que tentou reinstalar a Guarda Nacional de Somoza na forma dos Contras na década de 1980. Que os EUA agora afirmem se preocupar com a democracia da Nicarágua é uma piada cruel. As constantes tentativas dos EUA de minar a paz e a prosperidade do povo da Nicarágua; para semear divisões que explodiram na violência de 2018; e minar a soberania da Nicarágua são inaceitáveis. Denunciamos essas tentativas como imorais e ilegais, assim como a Corte Internacional de Justiça considerou esses esforços como totalmente ilegais em sua decisão de 1986 no caso ‘Nicarágua versus EUA’.

Apelamos ao governo dos Estados Unidos e ONGs aliadas a interromper sua interferência e sanções contra este país e a deixar que a Nicarágua viva em paz como uma nação soberana, assim como a Carta das Nações Unidas inequivocamente exige. Uma pesquisa recente da M&R Consulting demonstra uma oposição massiva a tal interferência estrangeira, 85%, entre o povo da Nicarágua.

Agradecemos ao povo da Nicarágua por abrir o coração para nós durante nossa viagem e a este país de lagos e vulcões, e estamos com vocês contra todas as intromissões, sanções e provocações dos EUA.

Em solidariedade,

Nicaragua Network - Alliance for Global Justice / Answer Coalition / Black Alliance for Peace / Jornalistas Livres / Comitê Antiimperialista General Abreu e Lima / TV Cidade Livre (TVComDF) / Jornal Brasil Popular / Observatorio de Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos / Pan-African Community Action / PSL Party for socialism and liberation / Voices with Vision, WPFW Radio

* Em um esforço para pedir aos EUA que parem de interferir na vida e no futuro dos nicaraguenses, convidamos pessoas de todo o mundo a apoiar a carta de adesão do Hands Off Nicarágua.

Banner photo: The international delegation to Nicaragua at a press conference on July 23, 2021. (courtesy: TN8)

Report to IACHR on Human Rights Violations Against Afro-Colombians During the National Strike

Report to IACHR on Human Rights Violations Against Afro-Colombians During the National Strike

An update on Colombia from Charo Mina Rojas of BAP affiliate organization Proceso de Comunidades Negras (PCN, or Black Communities’ Process):

We would like to share the report presented to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) delegation by several organizations during its working visit to Colombia, to collect information on the human rights abuses by state forces during the repression of the National Strike that initiated on April, 28th, 2021. Although there have been some agreements and national and international pressure brought the Commission to Colombia, repression hasn't stopped. During the delegation, police and ESMAD the anti-riot force continued attacking the demonstrators. Yesterday two other people were killed and apparently several police injured.

The immediate step to follow up the IACHR visit is to make this report to reach the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and encourage the Commissioner to include the information in the report she has to present to the UN HR Council in the context of the Resolución A/HRC/RES/43/1 this month. We expect to count with your support.

Thank you.


You can read the report here.

Banner photo: Afro-Colombians meeting with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) delegation which arrived in Cali. Acts of gender-based violence, racism & repression by the Colombian state during the National Strike were denounced. (Proceso de Comunidades Negras - PCN, or Black Communities’ Process)

Talks to end protests and uprisings in Colombia suspended

Talks to end protests and uprisings in Colombia suspended

Originally published in Colombia Reports by Adriaan Alsema, May 31, 2021

Talks to end protests and uprisings against Colombia’s far-right president Ivan Duque were suspended on Sunday after the government backed out of previously made agreement.

The suspension of the talks further deepen the crisis and increase the risk of more violence that has killed dozens of protesters, two policemen and one prosecution official since April 28.

The National Strike Committee, which has organized peaceful protests, said the government refused to sign off on a previous draft agreement to end the violent repression of protest.

The social organizations reiterated they will continue to be available for talks to end the protests and uprisings that have expanded and become more chaotic in response to extreme police brutality.

The government said in a press release that it wanted the National Strike Committee to lift roadblocks that have been spontaneously been put up by people throughout the country without the knowledge of the social leaders.

Ahead of the talks, Duque ordered the militarization of eight Colombia’s 32 provinces where these often illegal roadblocks are seriously affecting the transport of food supplies or the free movement of ambulances.

In its statement, the social organizations demanded the withdrawal of the presidential decree ordering to expand the militarization contrary to the previously made agreement.

The National Strike Committee called for “huge peaceful demonstrations in the entire country” for Wednesday in another attempt to break the latest deadlock.

According to analyst Elizabeth Dickinson of the International Crisis Group, “nascent trust” between the protest organizers and the government was “shattered” after the breakdown of talks.

The social organizations said they agreed to resume talks on Tuesday. Contrary to evidence, the government said it “has been and will be fully motivated to sit down and seek agreements,” but didn’t confirm whether it would resume talks on Tuesday.

Instead, the government said “we hope that the community leaders accept out invitation to… talk, but without strike or blockages.”

Banner photo: Leaders of the National Strike Committee (Twitter)

Review of BAP Webinar on Afro-Colombians' Role During National Strike

Review of BAP Webinar on Afro-Colombians' Role During National Strike

Write-up by Sarah Soanirina Ohmer, Lehman Envision Anti-Racism Collective, CUNY Lehman College, Bronx, New York. 

Luchar por la vida: Voces Afro-Colombianas sobre el Paro Nacional


“Death is the only space that we are given in this country. The state defends paramilitaries, it’s very clear who has a right to live in this nation. We are fighting for a life of joy! Much more than the “reforms” proposed! This is about the blood running in our veins. This is about the joy beating in our hearts.”   

Vicenta Moreno, Casa Cultural del Chontaduro 

Event description: “Colombia is a country striving to reach peace for more than 50 years. Despite the signing of the Peace Accord with FARC-EP in 2016, during the last three years, under right-wing president Ivan Duque, hundreds of social leaders and human rights defenders have been killed, violence against women has increased 20%, massacres and armed confrontations in ancestral territories are generating new internal displacement. Social and economic disparities have exacerbated. Since April 28 Black people have mobilized in the National Strike demanding social and economic change, peace and respect for their collective rights. The Colombian government met the strike with brutal violence killing 47 people, 35 from the city of Cali, in neighborhoods that were primarily Black, poor, and working class. While the strike is not completely called off and now armed civilians supporting Duque’s government are also shooting the protesters, how is this affecting and will affect Black/Afrodescendant people?”

On Wednesday April 12 2021, 7:30pm, I logged onto Zoom to catch up and check in with comrades in Cali, Colombia. Black Communities Process in Colombia (PCN), Afroresistance, and Black Alliance for Peace. 

Colombian rap came on as we all entered the online conference room, bobbing our heads as we expressed gratitude in the chat - we were clearly grateful for the opportunity to commune, gather, touch base, virtually, as a global Black community. #elpueblonoserindecarajo, Props to BAP, and a family vibe came through the chat to everyone, as familiar faces got ready to address us from the webinar stage. 


As the second song ended, Executive Director Janvieve welcomed the community with a reminder of the importance of language justice. For Black Alliance for Peace, linguistic access to all participants of African descent is central to building international solidarity and global equity. The entire event offered live interpreting from Spanish to English, by Flor and Argelis. 

As I sit here reflecting on the event, I find that the panelists left us with three crucial points:

  1. we need to educate our Black masses quickly on the current situation in Colombia from intersectional perspectives, 

  2. in order to present facts on our siblings in Colombia, our comrades have to create their own collection of data, reframe all of the articles and reports from the perspective of Black Colombians, and hunt down missing pieces of information, since everything related to Black Colombians is either silenced, filtered through white supremacist media, or absent. 

  3. The comprehensive presentations also zoomed into the most consequential impacts of the police repression onto Black Colombians and specific needs for solidarity and international support: the brutal repression, the hundreds of disappeareds, and the absolute invisibility of the victimization of Black mothers and their resistance. 

Each speaker made it very clear that the most vital participants in the strike were young Black Colombians, and they were the hardest affected by the violence. We also learned that the violence came from police and military out of uniform, working as militia, targeting specific individuals of African descent in the peaceful protests, committing homicides and assassinations.

Before introducing the first speaker, Charo Mina Rojas spoke from the locus of enunciation of African Diasporic religions, anchoring the gathering to the spiritual activism of our ancestors, the strengths of our orixás, especially Obatalá. A moment of reflection and prayer connected us with our foremothers and forefathers, to our loved ones who have disappeared, asking our orixás for help that they return to us, and recognition to all of the young people who have been fighting in the streets for our freedoms. 165 people were in the room, plus more on Facebook live, from Canada, Colombia, Brazil, the United States, and other parts of the world, listening to the Yoruba Nigerian language of resistance and Candomblé from Bahia, communing with the orixás offering us strength so that we may continue to resist, and live, engaging so that the orí of our young brothers and sisters be protected, asking Obatalá that we may have peace and land that is ours, not a capitalist land. 

Out of 47 people who had died already, 35 were from Cali (Indepez), the majority of whom were young adults and 4 of whom were minors.

Of 1,876 acts of violence, there had been 12 cases of sexual violence, and 28 eye injuries reported by Wednesday, along with 963 arbitrary detentions, 548 forced disappearances, 7 Indigenous injured by paramilitary in Cali, and 7 Afro-Colombians killed in Cali.

Harrinson Cuero presented the context of the national strike for people of African descent in Colombia. The explosive cocktail, he explained, made it so that the streets and the government became more dangerous than the virus: structural racism and social alienation, extractivism and inequality, pandemic and death, unemployment, poverty, along with the tax reform. The order of the items on the list, with structural racism at the top, underlined the explosive contents of the cocktail from the most impactful and urgent need to address, to the least. He went on to present each ingredient in the cocktail, to offer the Black Alliance for Peace audience a clear image of the factors that have led to the social unrest of Afro-Colombians from May 5 through the current day. 


Cuero listed the facts and the statistics to counter the stigmatized disinformation in mainstream media in Colombia and international news outlets. First, the Black population on the census is about 10% of the population who actually identifies as Black - he showed a map of the census representation in contrast to the actual presence of Black Colombians. Later in the event, Esther Ojulari presented a parallel between the concentration of Black Colombians in Cali, and the points of highest occurrences of police brutality in the past week. Both highlighted the racialization at work over the course of the 20th and 21st century, including in the dire state of affairs in Colombia.


To offer further examples of systemic racism in Colombia, Cuero presented the data of the Black population in Colombia in terms of the age of the Black population from 2005 to 2018 (major decrease in the 0-14 age), the unequal levels of education between Black Colombians and national averages (considerable difference in upper school), and poverty (considerable difference between Black Colombians versus national). He showed us, in numbers, the ingredients of the explosive cocktail.


Esther Ojulari’s presentation focused on the localization of the national statistics: the racialization of Cali and how racial segregation instructed police bruality during the strike in Cali. She traced the segregation back to the nineteenth century forced displacement of “free Blacks” to Cali, followed by the forced displacements during the civil war and the “peace treaty.” The connections to the previous centuries also showed the consistent use of stigmatizing discourse to justify the dehumanization and deaths of young Black people, and to displace the blame of the government and authorities towards young Black people. 


The protests and repression, she showed, were happening in the Black neighborhoods of East Cali. “The use of force occurs based on the racialization of the city and on the ethnicity of the protesters,” she noted. Piecing together photos taken by civilians and shared on social media, newspapers, reports, and the cover of the Q’Hubo newspaper which showed the faces of the victims, Ojulari confirmed that out of 36 people who died in the past week, 11 were visibly Black, 1 Indigenous, 6 Mestizo, and 17 were unidentified. “This,” she emphasized, “is an issue. We cannot report the state of affairs and the extent to which it actually affects our people, because no one is tracking the ethnoracial data.” There is an absolute lack of access of data across institutions which needs to be addressed immediately. 

Equally indispensable and urgent: an immediate report and follow-up on the inordinate amount of civilians who have disappeared, and an immediate stop to the unjustified kidnappings: 187 as reported from Buscarles hasta encontrarles. More than half of the disappeared from come from areas of Cali that are half to majority Black neighborhoods. 

Arleison focused on the police brutality in Cali. He underlined that the police was directly involved in the assassinations of young Black people, children, and women in Cali. 35 out of 47 who have died in the strike, died in Cali. “Two students from our school were injured while making art in their neighborhood.” He went on to list the names of the eight young Black men murdered by the police and their accomplices. The mayor shows no consideration or concern to address the deaths and disorder. The “Primera Línea” and the students are not the ones creating the disorder. The right-wing is directly related to the vandalisms. The dialogues are not effective, as there is no assembly to engage the community’s voices. Arleison underlined the sexual torture as a weapon used against civilians of African descent: “Women are raped in our streets,” Arleison emphasized: “This is the worst human rights crisis in Santiago de Cali.” 

Vicenta Moreno, founding member of the Cultural House of Chontaduro in the district of Aguablanca, Cali, spoke on the impact of police repression in 2020 through May 2021 on the lives of Black women. “400 of our children have died this past year! Why haven’t we talked about this?? Tell me. We marched yesterday to demand to bring our children home, and to stop killing them in the streets, when all they are doing are protecting our basic rights. Have you heard about this? Do you know why not? Us, Black mothers of East Cali, we are tired of seeing our children’s blood in the streets.” 

70% of the Black population in Cali lives around the Cultural House of Chontaduro. Of the thirty five years that Vicenta has lived in this district, this past year is by far, and remember, she is referencing three decades of known violence in the history of Colombia, this past year is by far the worst in the history of Aguablanca. The district of 23 neighborhoods in East Cali is witnessing excessive numbers of premature death and massive deaths in the area. More so than they have ever witnessed. 407 assassinations of young people in one year.

“Why such silence? No one talks about this genocide?! Just us, hugging each other and embracing each other. We march, we strike, against the tax reform, health reform, pension reform, that we live from a state of precarity. We have already died, for centuries we die due to these policies and to the precarity, the neglect, and the militarization. We are witnessing this on the daily in Aguablanca. Premature death is permanent in our existence. So we march.” 

Moreno echoes Cuero and Ojulari on the absolute lack of a focused analysis in Colombia. She adds that the lack of focus is systematically keeping Black women out of he picture: “we march and it’s not seen - as if we aren’t a part of this? Our reality is much deeper, and so we march.” And, she adds, they analyzing the situation for themselves, as a situation lived daily, a state of permanent social death: “Death is the only space that we are given in this country. The state defends paramilitaries, it’s very clear who has a right to live in this nation. We are fighting for a life of joy! Much more than the “reforms” proposed! This is about the blood running in our veins. This is about the joy beating in our hearts.”   

For more information on femicide and global accumulation:

Towards the end of the question and answer, we concluded that alliances across ethnicities have always existed, that we share experiences and have many moments of working together, and that the establishment knows this, which is why they make sure to divide us and hide our solidarities, for example with Cauca and land rights, and by negating one ethnic group’s rights over the other. But we understand this. We have examples of alliances in our own version of history, we can remember this and continue this. Harrison Cuero offered the last words: Political control, economics, and education. These are the three axes we can develop in order to strengthen and empower people of color. Boycotts won’t resolve this - let’s strengthen ourselves. 

To support current efforts of solidarity and help young Black people and Black women, send your contributions to the following: 


Account #82900011573

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Swift code: COLOCOMBCL1



make your donation here:

– solidarity with community assemblies and Guardia
Cimarrona – make your donation here:

Colombia’s Military Allegedly Aiding Armed Civilians and Vandals

Colombia’s Military Allegedly Aiding Armed Civilians and Vandals

Originally published in Colombia Reports by Adriaan Alsema, May 19, 2021

Evidence indicating that Colombia’s military is taking part in violence and vandalism to justify violent crackdowns on anti-government protests is further isolating President Ivan Duque.

A video showing soldiers with armed civilians in the city of Yumbo, where protests turned violent on Sunday, was met with indignation from Valle del Cauca Governor Clara Luz Roldan.

Yumbo Mayor John Jairo Santamaria expressed fury with the government of President Ivan Duque on Sunday after he was forced to flee his own city.

The violence in Yumbo left at least one person dead and dozens injured, and incinerated the city hall, a local petrol plant and at least two gas stations.

Embattled Defense Minister Diego Molano said anti-government protesters were behind the deadly violence, but was contradicted by locals who said police were responsible for incinerating the plant.

The video of the military colluding with rioters adds credibility to the locals’ claim and further eroded the credibility of Molano, who was already facing a motion of no confidence.

Tengo mucha, pero mucha indignación al ver este video

¿Por qué hay hombres armados al lado de miembros de @Col_Ejercito en #Yumbo?

!!Por qué razón estos soldados no protegen a los ciudadanos y a la Alcaldía de Yumbo!!

— Clara Luz Roldán González (@ClaraLuzRoldan) May 18, 2021

According to the opposition, the defense minister is responsible for more than 2,000 alleged cases of police brutality and the deaths of more than 50 people during three weeks of protests.

The police chief of Cali resigned on Monday after evidence that police aided armed civilians who opened fire on native Colombians protesters who were on their way to the capital of Valle del Cauca.

The president has come under international criticism over his response to national strikes and the subsequent protests that have largely been peaceful.

Duque, Molano and the commanders of the National Police and the National Army were charged with crimes against humanity before the International Criminal Court last week.

Ignoring calls for talks, the president ordered the “maximum deployment” of the security forces, claiming that “criminal interests” were behind roadblocks that have been set up throughout Colombia.

Strike leaders called for a new national strike for Wednesday, a week after protesters virtually took control over all Colombia’s major cities in rejection of police brutality.

Photo credit: Twitter

Ajamu Baraka + Charo Mina Rojas on Colombia Struggle

Ajamu Baraka + Charo Mina Rojas on Colombia Struggle

Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) National Organizer Ajamu Baraka and Afro-Colombian human-rights defender Charo Mina Rojas, a leader in BAP affiliate organization Proceso de Comunidades Negras (PCN, or Black Communities Process), lay the background for and discuss the contradictions in the Colombia struggle, how the corporate media covers it, and how Global North leftists should relate to it.

Learn more about BAP's work on Colombia.

The United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) organized this webinar on May 8, 2021. Watch the whole webinar here.

AfroResistance Stands in Solidarity with the Black Community of Colombia

AfroResistance Stands in Solidarity with the Black Community of Colombia

For Immediate Release
Para publicación inmediata
Para divulgação imediata

Elida De Aquino (Coordinadora de Comunicaciones)

AfroResistance Stands in Solidarity with the Black Community of Colombia
AfroResistance se solidariza con la Comunidad Negra de Colombia
AfroResistance se solidariza com a Comunidade Negra da Colômbia

May 4, 2021—After a mass strike and mass mobilizations that began on April 28th due to a proposed tax reform, the Colombian government has lashed out with a military styled repression against the millions of protestors currently in the streets. The intention of the repression is simple, to drown and silence the collective demands. This criminal action has led to at least 37 murdered people by armed forces, over one thousand injured including life-altering eye injuries, and at least 10 reported gender based violence, including sexual violence. It also included over 500 detained and multiple aggressions against human rights defenders and observers and journalists. According to reports from Campaña Defender la Libertad Asunto de Todas.

“These manifestations are a just and collective response that many groups including Black groups throughout Colombia have been for decades organizing around, including structural racism, economic injustice, gender inequality, and environmental racism to name a few issues. These issues did not start on April 28th, or during the still existing COVID-19 pandemic. These issues are historical and have been exacerbated due to the pandemic” Says Janvieve Williams Comrie, Executive Director of AfroResistance.

The government has been militarizing several cities in the country, turning the main streets, where women, children and families frequent, into highly dangerous war zones. The deployment of the Mobile Anti-Riot Squad (ESMAD), which is the riot control unit of the Colombian National Police specialized in preventing and/or controlling riots, has resulted in a series of deaths, injuries and disappearances. The Colombian military mechanism has publicly received the support of state officials, where, in the name of defending their integrity and material goods, they use their weapons against protesters, thereby justifying the abuse of force. For this reason, we urge the international community and other human rights organizations to take immediate action to defend the human rights of the people in Colombia and prevent the number of victims from continuing to increase; We also demand that the respective investigations of the various cases that have been presented be carried out in a transparent and immediate manner, avoiding impunity and demanding guarantees for the exercise of social protest in a peaceful and safe manner.

It is important to highlight the role that Black Colombian women have historically played in the struggle against oppression, death and extermination in Colombia. In Colombia, gender violence, is one of the most visible and least heard problems by the government. The rights of Women and Girls have been violated both inside and outside the protests, in urban areas, but also in peripheral (rural) areas where many cases have remained anonymous or have simply become a number. In Colombia, according to the organization, Somos Defensores, during the first quarter of the current year, 26% of the attacks by the security forces occurred against women, many of these cases have not yet been clarified. From AfroResistance, we reiterate once again our support for all Black Women and Girls and the call to respect and preserve their rights.

AfroResistance stands in solidarity with Colombian Black, Women, Trans, Youth, Indigenous, Human Rights and all Social Justice organizations in their call for international organizations and International Human Rights Mechanisms to accompany their demand to mobilize, to protect their lives and preserve their rights and dignity.

It is important to also add that 2012, Colombia signed a bilateral agreement with Haiti to help train and professionalize Haitian police officers.

The mission statement for AfroResistance, is to educate and organize for human rights, democracy and racial justice throughout the Americas.

AfroResistance is a Black Alliance for Peace member organization.



AfroResistencia se solidariza con la comunidad negra en Colombia

4 de Mayo 2021. Luego de las movilizaciones masivas que comenzaron el pasado 28 de abril en Colombia, debido a una propuesta de reforma tributaria, el gobierno colombiano ha arremetido con una represión de estilo militar contra los millones de manifestantes que se concentran actualmente en las calles. La intención de la represión es clara, ahogar, atemorizar y silenciar las demandas colectivas. Esta acción criminal ha provocado al menos 37 personas asesinadas por las fuerzas armadas, más de mil heridos, incluidas lesiones oculares con alteraciones de por vida, y al menos 10 denunciados de violencia de género, incluida la violencia sexual. También incluye más de 500 detenidos y múltiples agresiones contra defensores y observadores de derechos humanos y periodistas. Según informes de la Campaña Defender la Libertad Asunto de Todas.

“Estas manifestaciones son una respuesta justa y colectiva en torno a la cual muchos grupos en Colombia, incluidos los negros, se han estado organizando durante décadas visibilizando problematicas incluido el racismo estructural, la injusticia económica, la desigualdad de género y el racismo ambiental, por nombrar algunas. Estos problemas no comenzaron el 28 de abril ni durante la pandemia de COVID-19 aún existente; son históricos y se han agravado debido a la pandemia ”, dice Janvieve Williams Comrie, directora ejecutiva de AfroResistance.

El gobierno ha venido militarizando varias ciudades del país, convirtiendo las principales calles, donde las mujeres, los niños y las familias frecuentan, en zonas de guerra de alta peligrosidad.

El despliegue del Escuadrón Móvil Antidisturbios (ESMAD), que es la unidad de control de disturbios de la Policía Nacional de Colombia especializada en prevenir y / o controlar disturbios, ha dejado como resultado una serie de muertes, personas heridas y desapariciones.

El mecanismo militar ha recibido públicamente el apoyo de funcionarios del estado, donde en nombre de la defensa de su integridad y los bienes materiales, hagan uso de sus armas contra manifestantes justificando con esto el abuso de la fuerza. Por esto instamos a la comunidad internacional y demás organismos de derechos humanos a tomar acciones inmediatas para defender los derechos humanos de la gente en Colombia y evitar que las cifras de víctimas continúen en aumento; así como también exigimos se adelanten de manera transparente e inmediata las respectivas investigaciones de los diversos casos que se han presentado, evitando la impunidad y exigiendo garantías para el ejercicio de la protesta social de manera pacífica y segura.

Es importante destacar el papel que históricamente ha venido desempeñando la mujer de manera activa, en sus luchas contra las fuerzas de la opresión, la muerte y el exterminio, siendo esta, otra de las razones de la marcha, ya que la violencia de género, es uno de los problemas más visibles y menos escuchados por parte del gobierno. Los derechos Mujeres y niñas vienen siendo vulnerados dentro y fuera de las protestas, en áreas urbanas pero también en áreas periféricas (rurales) donde muchos casos han quedado en el anonimato o simplemente pasan a ser una cifra más. De acuerdo con la organización, Somos Defensores, en Colombia durante el primer trimestre del año en curso, el 26% de las agresiones por parte de la fuerza pública ocurrió contra mujeres, y muchos de esos casos aún no han sido esclarecidos. Desde AfroResistencia, reiteramos una vez más nuestro apoyo a nuestras hermanas y el llamado a respetar y preservar sus derechos.

AfroResistance se solidariza con las organizaciones Negras, organizaciones de Mujeres, organizaciones Trans, organizaciones juveniles, Indígenas, organizaciones de Derechos Humanos y de justicia social Colombianas en su llamado a que las organizaciones internacionales y de Mecanismos Internacionales de Derechos Humanos acompañen su demanda de movilizarse, proteger sus vidas y preservar sus derechos y dignidad.

Es importante agregar también que en 2012 Colombia firmó un acuerdo bilateral con Haití para ayudar a capacitar y profesionalizar a los policías haitianos.

La misión de AfroResistance es educar y organizar por los derechos humanos, la democracia y la justicia racial en las Américas.



AfroResistencia se solidariza com a comunidade negra da Colômbia

4 de maio. Após as massivas mobilizações iniciadas devido a uma proposta de reforma tributária em 28 de abril na Colômbia, o governo colombiano atacou com repressão militar milhões de manifestantes que atualmente estão concentrados nas ruas. A intenção da repressão é clara: afogar, amedrontar e silenciar as demandas coletivas. Esta ação criminal já causou pelo menos 37 pessoas mortas pelas forças armadas, mais de mil feridos, incluindo ferimentos nos olhos com impactos para o resto da vida e pelo menos 10 denúncias de violência de gênero, incluindo violência sexual. Também inclui mais de 500 detidos e vários ataques contra defensores de direitos humanos, observadores e jornalistas. De acordo com relatórios da Campaign Defend Liberty Affair of All.

“Essas manifestações são uma resposta justa e coletiva em torno do qual muitos grupos, incluindo pessoas negras na Colômbia, vem se organizando durante décadas, incluindo o racismo estrutural, a injustiça econômica, a desigualdade de gênero e o racismo ambiental, para mencionar alguns problemas. Esses problemas não começaram no dia 28 de abril ou durante a pandemia de COVID-19 ainda existente. Esses problemas são históricos e foram agravados pela pandemia”, disse Janvieve Williams Comrie, Diretora Executiva da AfroResistance.

O governo tem militarizado várias cidades do país, transformando as principais ruas, frequentadas por mulheres, crianças e famílias, em zonas de guerra altamente perigosas. A implantação do Esquadrão Móvel Antimotim (ESMAD), unidade de controle de distúrbios da Polícia Nacional da Colômbia especializada na prevenção e/ou controle de rebeliões, resultou em uma série de mortes, feridos e desaparecimentos.

O mecanismo militar recebeu publicamente o apoio de funcionários do Estado, onde em nome da defesa de sua integridade e bens materiais, usam suas armas contra os manifestantes, justificando o uso excessivo da força. Por isso, pedimos à comunidade internacional e outras organizações de direitos humanos que tomem medidas imediatas para defender os direitos humanos do povo na Colômbia e evitar que o número de vítimas continue a aumentar. Exigimos também que as respectivas investigações dos diversos casos apresentados sejam efetuadas de forma transparente e imediata, evitando a impunidade e exigindo garantias para o exercício do protesto social de forma pacífica e segura.

É importante destacar o papel que as mulheres historicamente vêm desempenhando ativamente em suas lutas contra as forças de opressão, morte e extermínio, sendo este mais um motivo da marcha, já que a violência de gênero é um dos problemas mais visíveis e menos ouvidos pelo governo. Os direitos de nossas mulheres e meninas foram violados dentro e fora dos protestos, em áreas urbanas, mas também em áreas periféricas (rurais) onde muitos casos permaneceram anônimos ou simplesmente se tornaram mais uma estatística. Segundo a organização Somos Defensores, na Colômbia durante o primeiro trimestre deste ano, 26% dos ataques das forças de segurança ocorreram contra mulheres e muitos desses casos ainda não foram esclarecidos. Nos da AfroResistencia, reiteramos mais uma vez nosso apoio a todas as mulheres e meninas negras e nosso apelo ao respeito e preservação de seus direitos.

AfroResistance se solidariza com organizações negras, organizações femininas, organizações trans, organizações juvenis, povos indígenas e organizações colombianas de direitos humanos e justiça social em seu apelo para que as organizações internacionais e os mecanismos internacionais de direitos humanos acompanhem sua demanda de mobilização, proteção e preservação seus direitos e dignidade.

Também é importante acrescentar que em 2012 a Colômbia assinou um acordo bilateral com o Haiti para ajudar a treinar e profissionalizar os policiais haitianos.

A missão do AfroResistance é educar e organizar os direitos humanos, a democracia e a justiça racial em todos os países das Américas.

Banner photo: Proceso Comunidades de Negras (PCN or Black Communities Process, an African organization in Colombia)

Joint Press Release: Demand the Biden Administration End Its Support for the Brutal Moïse Regime in Haiti

Joint Press Release: Demand the Biden Administration End Its Support for the Brutal Moïse Regime in Haiti

For immediate release


Ajamu Baraka Black Alliance for Peace, 202-643-1136.

Margaret Flowers – Popular Resistance,, 410-591-0892.

Photo: Click here for photos by Professor Danny Shaw who is currently in Haiti.

Nearly 800 Organizations and Individuals in the United States Demand the Biden Administration End Its Support for the Brutal Moïse Regime in Haiti.

United States - Today, February 24, 72 organizations and 700 individuals published an open letter calling for the Biden administration to end its illegal and destructive intervention in Haiti. While Joe Biden and the Democrats condemned the Trump forces for not respecting the results of the U.S. election, they are supporting Jovenel Moïse’s refusal to leave office after his term as president ended on February 7, 2021. Moïse has unleashed violent gangs, the police and the military against protesters who are demanding that he respect the Constitution and step down.

“President Biden claims to care about racial equity but his actions in Haiti show the emptiness of that rhetoric,” said Ajamu Baraka of the Black Alliance for Peace. “For centuries now, the United States has employed force to dominate Haiti, the first Black Republic that was established in 1804 after the defeat of French and Spanish colonizers. President Biden has an opportunity to demonstrate his commitment to democracy and Black self-determination by ending support for the Moïse regime and denouncing the current violence.”

The past two presidents of Haiti, Michel Martelly and Jovenel Moïse, were hand-picked and forced into office by the United States during the Obama administration against the will of the Haitian people. Moïse is currently ruling by decree after dismissing most of the legislators and refusing to hold elections. With the backing of the Core Group, composed of the United States, Canada, Brazil, France, Germany, Spain, the European Union and the United Nations, Moïse is trying to push a new constitution through using a referendum in April. The new constitution being written by members of the Core Group and without any real participation of the Haitian people would grant greater power to the executive office.

Since February 7, the rogue Moïse government has launched a brutal crackdown on all dissent resulting in home invasions, arrests, the firing of Supreme Court judges and a police inspector general, attacks on the media and the use of chemical agents and live ammunition to disperse protests, as documented by the U. S. Human Rights Clinics.

"The current situation in Haiti is critical," stated Marleine Bastien, the Executive Director of FANM In Action and a leading voice in South Florida's Haitian community. "The Superior Council of Haiti's Judiciary, The Haitian Bar Federation, and credible civil society organizations inside Haiti and their diaspora allies agree that President Moise’s term has in fact ended.  It is time for President Biden to keep his promise and respect the democratic rights and  self-determination of the Haitian people."

Here is the open letter:

On February 7, 2021, Jovenel Moïse’s term as president of Haiti ended - but with the support of the Biden administration he is refusing to leave office. This has created an urgent crisis in the country. A mass movement, reminiscent of the 1986 popular movement that overthrew the brutal U.S.-sponsored dictatorship of Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier, is demanding Moïse step down. We are alarmed by the abundance of evidence of severe human rights violations by the Moïse regime to quell the protests.

One of the main calls from the mobilizations of hundreds of thousands in the streets of Port-au-Prince and across Haiti has been for the United States, United Nations and the Organization of American States to stop their interference. These bodies, as part of the “Core Group” of imperialist nations and institutions targeting Haiti, are currently pushing their rewrite of the Haitian Constitution through a referendum on April 25.

These organizations have a long history of neocolonial intervention in Haiti and the region. Ever since the democratically elected president Jean Bertrand Aristide was overthrown for a second time by a U.S.-sponsored coup in 2004, Haiti has been occupied by a United Nations force that, at its height, deployed 14,000 troops and personnel. This occupation has changed form over the years (from MINUSTAH to BINUH), but it is ongoing.

The U.S. government has consistently stood as a barrier to popular democracy in the Americas. The 2009 coup in Honduras; the 2019 coup in Bolivia; and the ongoing blockades of Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela are but several examples of the U.S.’s poor record on human rights and lack of respect for sovereignty in the region. By its own admission, the State Department “works closely with the OAS, UN, the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), and individual countries to advance its policy goals in Haiti.” Under the guise of fighting drug trafficking, the U.S. continues to train and fund the Haitian National Police.

The U.S. establishment spin doctors seemingly live in an alternate universe, claiming, "The remarkable lack of popular response to calls for mass protests in recent weeks indicates that Haitian people are tired of endless lockdowns and squabbling over power." The reality is quite the opposite: the Haitian people are united in their call for a peaceful transition to democracy.

We express our solidarity with the Haitian people and our support for their rights to democracy and self-determination. We join our voices to the demands of the Haitian people who are calling for the following:

We demand that Jovenel Moïse

  • Immediately step down.

We demand that the Biden Administration:

  • Withdraw financial support for the illegal constitutional referendum and Moïse dictatorship;

  • Respect the will of the vast majority of the people demanding democracy and Haitian self-determination

  • Reaffirm support for the right to peaceful protest;

  • Immediately cease all U.S. financial and military support to Haiti's security forces

  • Condemn the recent violence against protesters and journalists; and

  • Demand the immediate dismantlement of all paramilitary forces in Haiti and the disarmament of gangs carrying out wanton violence against the popular movement.

The whole world is watching!



Black Alliance for Peace
Popular Resistance
Alliance for Global Justice
Black Alliance for Peace Solidarity Network
Council on Hemispheric Affairs
International Action Center
National Lawyers Guild
United National Antiwar Coalition

US Peace Council
Veterans For Peace
World Beyond War
Acción Afro-Dominicana
Agenda Solidaridad, Repùblica Dominicana
Australia Solidarity with Latin America
Baltimore Peace Action
Big Apple Coffee Party
Chicago ALBA Solidarity
Coalición de Derechos Humanos
Diáspora en Acción
Dorothy Day Catholic Worker
Ekta Collective
Environmentalists Against War
Forum of Sao Paulo DC/MD/VA
Friends of Latin America
FURIE - Feminist Uprising to Resist Inequality and Exploitation
Global Coalition for Peace
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
Hilton Head for Peace
International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity
Latin America Solidarity Coalition of Western Massachusetts
Maine War Tax Resistance Resource Center
MLK Coalition of Greater Los Angeles
Micronesian Political Journal
Mississippi Workers’ Center for Human Rights
New Abolitionist Movement
NJ State Industrial Union Council
New Progressive Alliance
Northern Virginians for Peace and Justice
NYC Jericho Movement
Occupy Bergen County
Ode to Earth/Echoes of Silence
Pacifica Peace People
Pan Left Productions
PARC | Politics Art Roots Culture
Peace Task Force
Priority Africa Network
Protect Our Activists
Pueblo Sin Fronteras
Roots Action
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Seattle Anti-War Coalition
Show Up! America
Troika Collective
US Hands Off Cuba and Venezuela South Florida
Veterans For Peace Chapter 92 Seattle, President
Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality
White Rabbit Grove RDNA
Women Against Military Madness
Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press
Yoga For Peace, Justice, Harmony With the Planet
Broome Tioga Green Party
Democratic World Federalists
Green Party of Monmouth County, NJ
Green Party of New Jersey
Workers World Party - Bay Area
Young Ecosocialists of the Green Party of the United State


Ajamu Baraka, National Organizer, Black Alliance for Peace
Margaret Flowers, MD, Director, Popular Resistance
Bahman Azad, General Secretary, US Peace Council

Leah Bolger, World Beyond War
Renate Bridenthal, Professor
Layla Brown, Professor
Charisse Burden-Stelly, Black Alliance for Peace
Brian E. Concannon, Human Rights Lawyer
Gerry Condon, Veterans For Peace
Dr. Edwin E. Daniel, Professor Emeritus
Nicolas J S Davies, Journalist
Jackie DiSalvo, Professor
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Author
Yves Engler, Journalist
Eunice Mina Escobar, Alliance for Global Justice
Leonardo Flores, CODEPINK Latin America Campaign Coordinator
Al Glatkowski, Peace and anti-imperialist activist
Anthony Gronowicz, Professor
Chris Hedges, Author
Madelyn Hoffman, former candidate for US Senate (NJ)
Nicholas J. S. Davies, Journalist
Rev. John Long
Abby Martin, The Empire Files
Patrick McCann, Veterans For Peace
Nan McCurdy, United Methodist Missionary
Tom Neilson, Ed D
Rael Nidess, MD
Anthony O’Brien, Professor (retired)
Eve Ottenberg, Writer
George L. Pauk, MD
David Paul, Embassy Protector
Mike Prysner, The Empire Files
Victor M. Rodriguez, Emeritus Professor
Sr. Claudette Schiratti, RSM
Danny Shaw, Professor
Cindy Sheehan, Peace and Social Justice Activist
Maj. (ret.) Danny Sjursen
David Swanson, World Beyond War
Rev. James L. Swarts
Roger Waters, Musician/Activist
Colonel Ann Wright, Veterans For Peace

Sarah A.
Usama Abbas
Judith anne Ackerman
L. Adams
Liz Aaronsohn
Fran Aguirre
Elizabeth Ahrens
Nia Aisha
Diane Ake
Phyllis T. Albritton
Peter Alexeas
Claire Alexander
Ellan Allen
Matthew Almonte
Wes Alvarez
Luci Amani
Louise Amyot
Ashley Anderson
Glen Anderson
Joshua Angelus
JL Angell
Tina Ann
Merriam Ansara
Ikenna Anumba
Cary Appenzeller
Phyllis Arist
B. Ross Ashley
Mohammad Amir Askari
Nzingha Assata
Kevin Atkins
Vichina Austin
Art B.
Stephen Bailey
Jean Bails
Kirk Bails
Rhamier Shaka Balagoon
Zeke Baker
Lon H Ball
Enzo Bard
Mara Bard
Karyn Barry
SandraKanela Barton
Michael Bass
Sue Bastian
MJ Baumann
Keith Bavin
Patricia Becker
Jim Becklund
Gerhard Bedding
JoAnne Beemon
Petros Bein
Lily Benavides
Christian Benjamin
Bara Berg
Steven Berge
Sister Deanna Rose von Bargen RSCJ
Nancy Bernstein
Brianna Berry
Michael Betz
J. Beverly
Barbara Biira
Jonah Blaustein
Diana Block
Elizabeth Block
Joy Bo
Pamela Bond
Michael Boone
Patrick D Bosold
Raquel Brac
Joe Nathan Bradley
Joshua Bradley
Chris Brentlinger
Tomas Bribriesco
Edward Briody
Yolanda Stern Broad, PhD
Wolfgang Bronner
David Brookbank
Francine Brown
Layla Brown
Ronald and Deidre Brown
B. Keith Brumley
John Burnett
Martha W D Bushnell
Charles Byrne
C. A.
C. S.
Gloria A Caballero
Robert Cable
Erica Caines
Chico Callman
Benita J. Campbell
Mark Cappetta
Michael Carano
Suzanne Carlson
Marilyn Carlisle
Mike Casey
Mary Cato
Yhamir Chabur
Susan Chakmakian
Stacie Charlebois
Lela Charney
Claudia Chaufan
Erica Chavez
Courtney Childs
Aimi Chinen
Jane Chischilly
Saheli Chowdhury
Jordan Cisneros
Celeste Clamage
Craig Clark
Joan Clark
Robert Clark
Jill Clark-Gollub
Joseph Clifford
David Coe
Rosemary K Coffey
Merrill Cole
Henry Cooper
Anneke Corbett
Ralph Corbo
Françoise Corgier
Megan Cornish
Gérard Couchoud
Nancy L Cowger
Caryn Cowin
Paul Cox
Michael Craig
Rose Crayton
Nellie Crick
Lauren Croom
Lawrence Crowley
Connie Curtis
Lawrence Cwik
Toni Dang
Dr. Edwin E. Daniel
Linda Day
Gwendolyn Debrow
Klef de Gregorio
Buddy Delegal
Jean Delma
Karen Deora
Marie DesJarlais
Susan Detato
Marylyn F Devlin
Carol Devoss
Maude Dews
Dorothea DiCecco
Grace Diehl
Eric Dietrich
Jackie DiSalvo
Steve Ditore
Paul Dix
Nancy Dollard
John & Sara L Donnelly
Ada Donno
Howard Druan
Lucy Duff
Helen Duffy
Luce Duguay
Joseph Dumas
Neil Dunaetz
Greg Dunkel
Chelsey Dyer
Wendy Ebersberger
Elisabeth Ecker
Ashley Edgette
Iris Edinger
Neo Ekwueme
Yoav Elinevsky
Vincent Emanuele
Ingvar Enghardt
Jared Eno
Gary Edward Erb
William Erickson
Phill Esdaille
Bernadette Evangelist
Michael W Evans
Scott T Eversole
Claudia Eyzaguirre
Michael Leslie Falk
Donald B. Fanning
Ka’ila Farrell-Smith
Mark Farris
Anjolaoluwa Fashanu
Wendy Fast
Lisa B. Feldberg
Tracy S Feldman
Priscilla Felia
Helga I. Fellay
Corey Ferguson
Linda Ferland
Doug Ferrari
Matthew Flannery
Anna Louise Fontaine
MarayAnna Foskett
Stephen Fournier
Maryann Fox
Travis Frampton
Parlo Francois
Hannah Franz
Beth Jane Freeman
Sunil Freeman
Deb Friedman
Pat Fry
Andrew Funaro
Sherrill Futrell
Lois Gagnon
Wesson Gaige
Dáigo Galvez
Joan Gannon
Elijah Gardner
Penelope Gardner
Robert Gardiner
Brendhan Garland
Jose Garza II
Ira Gerard-DiBenedetto
Mark M Giese
Laurent Gilbert, Sr.
S. Gilbertsen
Daniel Gilman
Robert Gilman
Jill Godmilow
Frances A Goff
Donald Goldhamer
Rebecca Maria Goldschmidt
Adrian Gonzalez
Guadalupe Gonzalez
Marcy Gordon
Bob Gorringe
Mark Gotvald
Jeannette Graulau
Caryn Graves
Michael Green
Linda Greene
David Greenberg
Sarah Grey
Gustavus D Griffin
Pablo Grigera
Michael Grish
Dirk Groenenberg
William Grosh
Gloria Guillo
Maya Guttman-Slater
Helgaleena H
Nolan H.
Chase Halsne
Dee Halzack
James E. Hamilton
H. Hardouf
Aliya Harris
Ian Harris
Sue Harris
Laura Hart
Nancy Hatfield
Savannah Hawkins
Ken Hayes
Navjot Heer
Maxwell Hellmann
Louis R Hellwig
Jay Henderson
Gene B. Herman
Suzanne Hesh
Elaine Hickman
Arlene Hickory
Hollis Higgins
Monica Hill
Lauri Hoagland
Sally Hobson
Virginia Hollins-Davidson
Bill Holt
Alana Horowitz Friedman
Carl A Howard
Cynthia Howard
John Huber
Lois L. Guthrie
Johnathan Huddleston
Barbara Humphrey
Gui In de Betouw
Linda Geier Ingersoll
Ital Kofi Ital
Carolyn Jackson
Bill Jacobson
Monica James
KE Jarvis
Patrick Jean-Pierre
Stephanie Jed
Tim Jeffries
Dominic Jermano
Mauricio Jimenez
Arnold Melvin Johnson
Charles Johnson
David Johnson
Gretchen Johnson
Lorraine D. Johnson
Stephen G Johnson
Gregory Jones
Jordan Jones
Lois Jordan
Mary Lou Jorgensen-Bacher
Nakita Joseph
Robert Curtis Joy
Ana Juarbe
M. Adaline Jyurovat
Chris Kaihatsu
Michael Kaufman
Seymour Kellerman
John Kilcher
Harold Kimpel
Glenn Kissack
Cathy Klein
Jacqueline Knable
Susan Knotek
Chris Koston
Michael Kowalchuk
Cheryl Kozanitas
Dawn Kramer
Stefan Kreft
Gwen Krueget
Julie Kuberski
Ausra Kubilius
Miriam Kurland
Danielle Kwon
Raymond Lambert
Laura Lance
Linette Landa
Bill Lankford
Elisa Larson
Sarina Larson
Tori Lassman
Philip Latka
Kaye Lattimore
Barbara Laxon
Nydia Leaf
Stephen Leberstein
Jaci Leavitt
Kenneth Lederman
Lennon Lederman
Peter Leeftink
Kiki Legrand
Gil Leib
Dorothea Leicher
Albert Lerner
Mary Lester
Claudia Leung
Elana Levy
Loren Lewandowski
Rena Lewis
Judith Lienhard
Tami Linder
Jennifer Lipka
Christopher Lish
Stephen Liss
Guy Liston
Jonothan Logan
Dave Logsdon
Kristin Loken
Leslie Singer Lomas
Ned Long
Mark Looney
Stephanie Losse
Josephine Lowrey
Thomas Luce
Martha Lujan
Marta Lulewicz
Nancy Lyles
Priscilla Lynch
Denise Lytle
Yvonnre M.
Calli Madrone
Marc J Mancini
Melissa Mandel
Lisa Manon
Sarah Curtis Martin
Gabriel Martinez Saldivar
Ant Massaro
Max Mastellone
Rik Masterson
Ursula Mathern
Milo Matthews
Camilo Maya
Mark Mayer
Natasha Mayers
Elise McCaffrey
Madeline B McClure
Joshua Ezra McCoy
Tynesha McCullers
Sam McFadzean
Steven McGiffen
Jo Ann McGreevy
Laura McHenry
Kevin McKaig
Alan McThredder
John Mejia
Ms. Kathryn Melton
Bob Meola
Nancy Meredith
Fran Merker
Maya Messinger
Jill Michels
James Miller
Kerby Miller
Larry Miller
Michael Miller
Gerry Milliken
Eric Mills
Virginia Mills
Mirna Miranda
Kurt Miron
Susan Mirsky
Jonathan Mitchell
Kristin Mitchell
Feroze Mithiborwala
Zabrina Mohamed
David Monsees
Jean Mont-Eton
Hugh Moore
Eileen Moran
Kent Mori
Gilda Morkert
Samuel Morningstar
Ulises Moscoso
Gail S. Mott
Michael J. Motta
Dr. Thomas Muhr
Harriet Mullaney
Lauren Murdock
Luci Murphy
Margaret Murphy
Randolph Murray
Jonathan T. Nack
Russell Nadel
Adam Nation
Wayne Nealis
Nancy Wallace Nelson
Victor Nepomnyashchy
Immanuel Ness
John Nettleton
Steve Neubeck
Jesse Neumann
Elizabeth Neuse
Marcia Newfield
David Nichols
Joan Nicholson
Kathy Nickodemus
Kris Niznik
June Noble
Adam P Nolan
Brian Noyes Pulling, M.Div.
Maribel Núñez
Sheena O.
David Oberweiser Jr
Sinéad O'Brien
Meaveen O'Connor
Stefan Olhede
Corey E. Olsen
Jon D. Olsen
Cyril Joseph O'Reilly
Elizabeth Orem
Edward O'Rourke, Jr
Tunde Osazua
Lucy Pagoada
Lorna Paisley
Timothea Papas
Alan Papscun
Rashid Patch
Shirley Pate
Richard Pathak
Lesley Patton
Jill Paulus
Sven Erik Pedersen
Andrea Perdue
Mary Anne Perrone
JoAnn Peters
Annie Petrokubi
Terry Phelan
Letty Phillips
Barbara Phinney
Felton Pierre
Joe Piette
Mike Pincus Paige
Cecile Pineda
Catherine Podojil
Mary Prophet
George Prudent
Pete Puma
Luis I. Quiñones
Aliyah R
Kamal Rajapakse
Peter Ranis
Keegan Rasmussen
Jim Rauner
Linda Ray
John Re
Robert Ream
Judith Reed
Joseph Reilly
Oscar Revilla
Brian Reynolds
Maxim K. Rice
Hilda Richey
Kyle Riness
Cyndi Roberts
Norma V Rodriguez
Victor M. Rodriguez
Gordon Rogoff
David Rohrlich
Jelica Roland
Denise Romesburg
Marianne Roncoli
David Rose
Sean G Rosenstock
Cathy Rowan
Ellen Rubin
Kenneth Ruby
Kathleen Ruff
Ko Ruijter
Phil Runkel
Raymond Ruthenberg
Bert Sacks
Malcolm Sacks
Andrew Saladino
Joe Salazar
Libre XAssata Sankara
Michael-David Sasson
Rosemarie G Sawdon
Sr. Claudette Schiratti, RSM
Einar Schlereth
John Schmittauer
Pete Schoonmaker
Eli Schotz
Leslie Schultz
Arlene Schutz
Diana Scott
Tyler Scott
Maro Sevastopoulos
Nancy Sharp
Maureen Sheahan
Nadia Shebaro
Susan Sheinfeld
Charles Sherrouse
Audrey Shipp
Heide Shrouder
Robert Siegel
Anna Siftar
Carmen Agoyo Silva
Dana Silvernale
Leslie Singer
Julie Skelton
William and Ursula Slavick
Harry Smaller
Adia Smith
Brandon Smith
Brandy Smith
Brenda Lee Smith
J.T. Smith
Mark Smith
Mark Smith
Newland F Smith
William Snavely
Nicole Sohn
Lomas Lisa Sparaco
Alexa Spiegel
Lana Spilsbury
Mari Stachenfeld
Bill Stansbery
Barrie Stebbings
Burton Steck
Mele Stokesberry
Roger Stoll
Connie Stomper
Jack Strasburg
Anne Streeter
Lucinda Stroud
Stevie Sugarman
Meryl Sundove
Selina Sweet
Christian Sweningsen
Cynthia Sypher-Lopez
Daniel Tagbo
Linda Tate
Gary Thaler
Leslie Thatcher
Alan Thomas
Jan Thompson
Brian Tierney
Ann Tiffany
Carol Tileston
Konstantinos Tillis
Fern Tishman
Alexandra Topping
Amanda Torres
Eleanor Toth
Erline Towner =
Grace Trapnell
Con Trowbridge
Chris Tuch
Paul Turner
Ralph Tuscher
Gene Ulmer
Natalie Van Leekwijck
Marcelo Vazquez
Kenny Vieth
Gerardo Veliz Carrillo
Dr. Bethy Victorin
Pierre-Paul Villafafila
Dana Visalli
Peter von Christierson
Mary Vorpahl
Siamak Vossoughi
Ronald Waddell
Raymond Wager
Trudi Wallace
James M Wallrabenstein
Terrence Ward
Rev Ruby Warren
Joseph Wasserman
Elizabeth Watts
Stephen E. Weil
Vivian Weinstein
Allan Widmeyer
Paki Wieland
Lois Wilcken
William Williams
Susan Willis
Thomas J Windberg
Dallas Windham
Doug Wingeier
Steve Wise
Lisa Witham
Tom Wojcik
Nancy Woolley
Nancy Wright
Randall Wyatt
Jim Yarbrough
Jane A Yater
Sahand Yazdanyar
Nancy York
Zhun Xu
Carlos Zepeda
Denise Zwahlen

BAP Member Jemima Pierre Discusses U.S./UN Intervention Fueling the Haiti Crisis

BAP Member Jemima Pierre Discusses U.S./UN Intervention Fueling the Haiti Crisis

This week's episode of WPFW’s “Voices With Vision” features a discussion on Haiti. The Haitian people are showing that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. So “Voices With Vision”’s Netfa Freeman, who represents Pan-African Community Action on BAP’s Coordinating Committee, and co-host Craig Hall, interviewed BAP member Dr. Jemima Pierre, a Haitian-born Associate Professor of Black Studies at the University of California Los Angeles. Dr. Pierre tells it like it really is in a way you won't hear in the U.S. capitalist press. Anchored by the background beat, “Midnight” by Tribe Called Quest, she explains how the United States has overseen Haiti’s politics and economy, while Haiti’s sovereignty has been supplanted by brutal United Nations (UN) “peace-keeping missions” and “stabilization forces.” After political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal's commentary on the Trump impeachment verdict, they open the show with a clip of comedian Paul Mooney.

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WARNING: This show is not for the politically faint of heart 😎

Graphic credit: Netfa Freeman