This week's episode of WPFW’s “Voices With Vision” features a discussion on Haiti. The Haitian people are showing that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. So “Voices With Vision”’s Netfa Freeman, who represents Pan-African Community Action on BAP’s Coordinating Committee, and co-host Craig Hall, interviewed BAP member Dr. Jemima Pierre, a Haitian-born Associate Professor of Black Studies at the University of California Los Angeles. Dr. Pierre tells it like it really is in a way you won't hear in the U.S. capitalist press. Anchored by the background beat, “Midnight” by Tribe Called Quest, she explains how the United States has overseen Haiti’s politics and economy, while Haiti’s sovereignty has been supplanted by brutal United Nations (UN) “peace-keeping missions” and “stabilization forces.” After political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal's commentary on the Trump impeachment verdict, they open the show with a clip of comedian Paul Mooney.
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WARNING: This show is not for the politically faint of heart 😎
Graphic credit: Netfa Freeman