The Pan-African Revolutionary Socialist Party (PRSP) and Africans on the Move (AOM) welcome you to a new school year.  We hope everyone is off to a positive and progressive start this year.  We are happy that you have shown an interest in our free weekend school, Watoto Uhuru Shule, for children ages 2 to 18 years old.  (Watoto Uhuru Shule are Swahili words that mean “Children’s Freedom School”.)

As with last year, this year’s Watoto Uhuru Shule is being held virtually.  We are asking parents/guardians to join us on Sunday, September 25, 2022, at 11 a.m. for a 30 minute orientation session. Please see the link below.

We think that you agree with Malcolm X’s statement above.  Today, many of us have no choice but to send our children to schools that promote the culture and values of capitalism.  However, we know that our children must be engaged in an educational forum such as Watoto Uhuru Shule which helps them to analyze the world in general and African people’s place in the world in particular.  Although math, reading, geography, and science skills are reinforced in Watoto Uhuru Shule, they are reinforced through the study of African history and culture as well as current events that affect African people.  This type of study is essential, especially since our youths today are being educated more by capitalist mass media, including social media (that glorifies individualism, glamorizes violence, and pushes sex) than by their own teachers and parents.

Our study at Watoto Uhuru Shule reinforces our traditional African values of treating each other the way we wish to be treated (i.e., humanism), of working in a group and doing our share for the benefit of the group (i.e., collectivism), and of giving each—female and male, abled and disabled—an equal opportunity to develop to their fullest (i.e., egalitarianism).  African youths are our future.  If we don’t guide them to embrace their identity and history, to struggle for our people and against the negative forces that exploit and oppress us, their future is bleak.

Beginning on Sunday, October 9, 2022, Watoto Uhuru Shule will meet bi-weekly and virtually for thirty to forty minutes via the ZOOM social media platform. (See the link below.) These sessions will include the following:

  1. An Opening (10-15 minutes),

  2. Breakout rooms for teaching lessons by age groups (15-20 minutes) and

  3. A closing (5 minutes).

(The schedule for the school meetings is below.)

We hope that you will join us for a progressive year of learning for our children.  Remember, Watoto Uhuru Shule is free!

Participate in the school via Zoom here.