In 2009, China overtook the U.S. as the African continent’s largest trading partner, destroying the West’s monopoly over export markets and investment finance. China’s $208 billion in trade with the African continent in 2019 dwarfed the United States’ $39 billion in 2017. The response from the West to this development has been a military one.

The U.S. Africa Command, or AFRICOM, puts most African states under the effective military control of the United States. The Indo-Pacific Command is the counterpart to AFRICOM in the Asia Pacific and is being used to direct military aggression towards China.

Join BAP's US Out of Africa Network for this virtual symposium about the connection between the expansion of AFRICOM and the growing U.S. military presence in the Asia-Pacific and the work to shut down AFRICOM, and defund, and abolish US militarism world-wide.

Get tickets here:

Aziz Fall, Group for Research and Initiative for the Liberation of Africa (GRILA)
Bahman Azad, Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases
Danny Haiphong, No Cold War (China)
Affiong L. Affiong, Moyo Pan-Afrikan Solidarity Centre

MODERATOR: Margaret Kimberley, BAP Coordinating Committee

Dominance complète du spectre: de l'AFRICOM au commandement indo-pacifique

Rejoignez le réseau “US dégage ! » (US out of Africa) de l’Alliance Noire pour la Paix (Black Alliance for Peace) pour ce symposium virtuel sur le lien entre l’expansion d’AFRICOM et la présence militaire croissante des États Unis dans la région Asie-pacifique et sur le travail dont les objectifs sont : la cessation les activités d’AFRICOM, la cessation du financement militaire et enfin l’abolition du militarisme américain partout dans le monde.