How do we prevent ourselves from perpetuating injustices that we ourselves are fighting against? Do we even know we are perpetuating them? These are questions that many times we are not asking ourselves and that in these times we absolutely must.  

Join us next week for this 2.5 hr workshop that will illustrate the power of culture on our individual experiences and how they shape how we experience ‘reality’- including our relationships with others and our role in dismantling and/or perpetuating dominant culture. 

Get tickets here:

This is a primer on anti-oppression; for this session, race will be centered. We welcome anyone that is committed to personal and collective liberation.

The workshop will be lead by AfroResistance, a Black women-led organization with the mission of educating and organizing for human rights, democracy, and racial justice throughout the Americas.

There's a 20-spot limit for this workshop, and they're sure to be snatched up quickly, so register today!