• washington convention center (map)

We invite and urge as many members in the Mid-Atlantic, Northeast, and other close-in CWAs as can make it to come to DC on Saturday, September 14 at 5:00 PM EST for our picket of The Phoenix Awards Dinner at the closing night of the CBC Legislative Conference. It is “rumored” that Kamala Harris will be a special guest. We are ready for her!

Why Is BAP Picketing The Awards Dinner? 

According to the CBC: 

“Traditionally held on the Saturday night of the conference, the Phoenix Awards Dinner celebrates the achievements of the awardees for their exceptional contributions to our communities, our culture and the nation. This dinner is one of the largest gatherings anywhere of Black political leaders, educators, diplomats and other influential individuals. The Phoenix Awards Dinner is also an opportunity to honor the members of the Congressional Black Caucus for their so-called service, accomplishments and efforts to eliminate the many disparities that continue to exist for millions of Black Americans.”

But BAP asks what accomplishments have these awardees made that have improved the material conditions of our people domestically and abroad? What wars have they stopped? What unjust and downright criminal resource extraction and theft have they halted? What land or resources have they returned to the people? What comprador leader oppressing the people on behalf of the imperialist masters in the US have they repudiated? You know the answer, and this is why BAP Mid-Atlantic is picketing their formal kabuki theater. 

BAP Mid-Atlantic says the CBC should not be allowed to celebrate their betrayal of the people in peace! JOIN US TO HELP DELIVER THAT MESSAGE TO THEM LOUD AND CLEAR!