If you had watched the U.S. president’s State of the Union address Tuesday night, you would have noticed one thing: Victim blaming.

Trump has done what U.S. presidents have engaged in since the 1950s.

After attacking the Korean peninsula until millions of people were killed and the landscape decimated, the United States continued to wage war in the form of sanctions on imports and exports, and simulated invasions on North Korea’s border.

Meanwhile, Cuba is being attacked for successfully resisting U.S. imperialism. While folks in the United States struggle to pay hospital bills, Cuba provides free, comprehensive healthcare and trains doctors from around the world. Again, Cuba exists while facing pressure to keep its people free from U.S. harm.

That is why the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) stands in firm opposition to Trump’s announcement to keep the Guantanamo dungeon open on captured Cuba land. As a founding member organization of the Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases, we say the United States must get out of Cuba, close the inhumane prison and return the land back to the Cuban people.

BAP invites those of you in the New York City area to attend an emergency demonstration organized by Witness Against Torture and Justice for Muslims Collective at 12 p.m. today in Grand Central Terminal.

We at BAP—being Black internationalists—understand we must stand with oppressed peoples around the world, particularly those who are facing the horror of being attacked and exploited by the U.S. ruling class and its state.

Our coalition against U.S. foreign military bases is organizing actions Feb. 16-23 to demand the United States return Guantanamo to Cuba as well as a national action April 14-15 to demand the United States end all of its illegal wars abroad. Register for this conference call to learn how your organization can get involved.

While we’re on the subject of military bases, the anti-bases movement is strong in Latin America, according to James Patrick Jordan.

A few weeks ago, the United States Africa Command—better known as AFRICOM—blacklisted journalist Nick Turse. He’s been a major source of coverage on the U.S. military invasion of Africa. This is a predictable response from the empire, given its time as a superpower is coming close to an end in this multi-polar world. So of course, now he’s not a “legitimate journalist.”

Take a moment to sign up for World Socialist Web Site’s newsletter. It and many left-leaning websites have seen their website visits tumble since Google began collaborating with the U.S. ruling class.

Another Black activist, Luis Fernando Ramos Carabali, was murdered recently in the nation of Colombia, which has been rocked by racial and gender violence for years. This brother was a member of Proceso de Comunidades Negras (Black Communities Process).

Caribbean nations are demanding European nations pay reparations for centuries of enslavement, genocide and exploitation. A declaration was authored by Pan-Africanist and socialist popular forces in Barbados January 13 and submitted to the people and civil society organizations of the Caribbean for their endorsement and adoption.

Congo expert and BAP member Maurice Carney will present a talk titled “Militarization of African Communities at Home and Abroad” on February 8 in New York City.

BAP National Organizer Ajamu Baraka will be interviewed live by Real Progressives tomorrow at 9 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, on Facebook. Sign up to be reminded to watch the show.

Of course, you can find events held by other organizations on our Events page.

Let’s continue to build the resistance we all have been waiting for!

In struggle,
Ajamu, Ana, Jaribu, Kali, Lamont, Lukata, Margaret and Yolande
Coordinating Committee
Black Alliance for Peace

P.S. Help re-build the Black anti-war movement. Contribute today!