Capitalism—now in its neoliberal form—faces a structural crisis, which has caused a crisis of legitimacy for the capitalist rulers, who have been sealing into place the use of force as a permanent strategy for maintaining their dominance. Democrats and Republicans are waging war against the U.S. African/Black working class and poor as well as nationally oppressed peoples, workers and farmers abroad. This bipartisan assault requires the African/Black revolutionary left build a powerful anti-war, anti-imperialist formation that can defend the human-rights interests of the African/Black masses domestically and abroad. (Read: The Rationale for Launching the Black Alliance for Peace, April 4, 2017

The COVID-19 crisis has morphed into an intensified repression of African/Black and Brown colonized workers in the name of public health. This contrasts with the white-glove treatment the white settler population receives at the gloved hands of the police to enforce so-called social distancing.

The consequence? Social distancing policing is the new Stop-and-Frisk, giving the racist and brutal colonial servants of capitalist power a license to harass, beat and even kill with impunity in our communities. 

Interestingly enough, the authorities don’t enforce social distancing on public transportation during rush hours when sacrificial workers, who are cynically called “essential workers,” are forced to pack into trains and buses.

So not only are we dying from contracting COVID-19 and being neglected in hospitals, we are subjected to further humiliation at the hands of the colonial state’s snarling enforcers of white power today, yesterday and into the future.

We will fight because we cannot depend on anyone but ourselves!  
“The U.S. and all imperialist powers—new and old—must be expelled from Africa, and the U.S. domestic colonial occupation forces known as police must be driven out of our colonized communities as part of the struggle against colonialism and imperialism.”—Black is Back Coalition



Over 90 percent of the tickets and arrests for social distancing violations in New York City have been meted out to African/Black and Latinx people. Videos have surfaced of New York City police politely handing out masks to white residents in parks and communities while videos show police literally beating people to the ground for violating social distancing in African/Black and Brown neighborhoods.

The U.S. South remains where the majority of the African/Black population resides. Facing South explores the possible impact reopening would have on the African/Black population in the South.

The situation in Venezuela remains dangerous with the arrests of mercenary forces a week ago and more arrests as recently as this past weekend. The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) continues to closely monitor the situation. 

Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report Senior Editor and BAP Coordinating Committee member, discusses the continued collaboration between Black misleaders and the ruling class, with a special focus on Stacey Abrams. 



The United National Anti-War Coalition conducted an excellent webinar on the issue of sanctions we urge everyone to watch. Representatives from seven countries facing draconian U.S. sanctions discussed the devastating impact as well as how to build people-to-people solidarity against U.S. lawlessness.


Sign the U.S. Peace Council’s Open Letter to the Government of the United States and the United Nations, demanding all U.S. and U.N. sanctions against the targeted nations be lifted, and all U.S. military threats and actions against them cease immediately.

No Compromise, No Retreat!

Struggle to win,
Ajamu, Brandon, Dedan, Jaribu, Margaret, Netfa, Paul, Vanessa, YahNé

P.S. Freedom isn’t free. Consider giving today.

Photo credit: David Dee Delgado/Getty Images