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zone of peace

The Struggle for a Zone of Peace Continues: US/NATO Out of Our Americas Network Launches

The Struggle for a Zone of Peace Continues: US/NATO Out of Our Americas Network Launches


The Struggle for a Zone of Peace Continues: US/NATO Out of Our Americas Network Launches

For Immediate Release     

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(202) 643-1136

February 21, 2025 - Today, the US/NATO Out of Our Americas Network officially launches, marking a bold and action-oriented next phase in the Zone of Peace campaign. This date, commemorating the assassinations of Malcolm X and Augusto C. Sandino, serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring struggle for sovereignty, self-determination, and liberation from colonialism, imperialism and all nefarious forces that impede peace. The Network is dedicated to building a coordinated, internationalist struggle to expel the U.S./EU/NATO Axis of Domination from the Americas and beyond.

The Zone of Peace campaign has been building and coordinating resistance…

International Organizations Condemn the Ecuadorian Government in the Guayaquil Four Case

International Organizations Condemn the Ecuadorian Government in the Guayaquil Four Case

La traducción al español está más abajo

International Organizations Condemn the Ecuadorian Government in the Guayaquil Four Case

Justice and Reparations for Steven, Josué, Ismael, and Nehemías“…We are like the straw on the moor that is pulled out and grows back.” Dolores Cacuango

The Solidarity Roundtable for the Guayaquil 4 (MSL4 GYE), is a space created by the National Ecuadorian Afro-descendant Movement (MANE), the Permanent Committee for the Defense of Human Rights (CDH), the Pueblo Negro organization, the Center for Rural Promotion (CPR), the Association of Popular Artists, and countless civil associations, community organizations, and individuals are the signatories of this international complaint.
The MSL4 GYE denounces before an international audience the arbitrary detention and then the subsequent extrajudicial execution of the 4 children from Malvinas, Guayaquil, on December 8, 2024.

The MSL4 GYE demands from the Ecuadorian State, before international opinion, total transparency in the handling of the case and of the 16 detained military personnel as the material authors of the detention and subsequent execution of the four children from Malvinas, Guayaquil, Ecuador - Steven, Josué, Ismael and Nehemías.

The MSL4 GYE demands justice, transparency, and a speedy trial that is being carried out, and demands that the intellectual authors of the detention and subsequent extrajudicial death of the four children from Malvinas, Guayaquil, Ecuador - Steven, Josué, Ismael and Nehemías be identified.

The signatories of this document fully support what is expressed, and adhere with their signature to this international denunciation and to the Manifesto for the four children of the Malvinas, Guayaquil, Ecuador.

[See those signed on below]

———————————————- En español ———————————————-

Organizaciones Internacionales Denuncian el Gobierno Ecuatoriano en el Caso de los Cuatro de Guayaquil

“Justicia y reparación para Steven, Josué, Ismael, y Nehemías.”

“… Somos como la paja del páramo que se arranca y vuelve a crecer.”  Dolores Cacuango.

 La Mesa de Solidaridad por los 4 de Guayaquil (MSL4 GYE), es un espacio creado por el Movimiento Afrodescendiente Nacional Ecuatoriano (MANE), el Comité Permanente por la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos (CDH), la organización Pueblo Negro, El Centro de Promoción Rural (CPR),  la Asociación de Artistas Populares, y un sinnúmero de asociaciones civiles, organizaciones comunitarias, y personas naturales son los firmantes de esta denuncia internacional.

La MSL4 GYE denuncia ante la opinión internacional la detención arbitraria y luego la posterior ejecución extrajudicial de los 4 niños de las Malvinas, Guayaquil, el 8 de diciembre del 2024.

La MSL4 GYE exige al Estado Ecuatoriano, ante la opinión internacional, total transparencia en el manejo del caso y de los 16 militares detenidos como los autores materiales de la detención y posterior ejecución de los cuatro niños de la Malvinas, Guayaquil, Ecuador, Steven, Josue, Ismael y Nehemias.

La MSL4 GYE demanda justicia, transparencia, y celeridad, en el juicio que se está llevando a cabo, y exige que se identifique a los autores intelectuales de la detención y posterior muerte extrajudicial de los de los cuatro niños de la Malvinas, Guayaquil, Ecuador, Steven, Josue, Ismael y Nehemias.

Los firmantes de este documento están en total apoyo de lo expresado, y se adhieren con su firma a esta denuncia internacional y al Manifiesto por los cuatro niños de las Malvinas, Guayaquil, Ecuador.  

Firmado | Signed on

Black Alliance for Peace / La Alianza Negra por La Paz

Diáspora Pa’lante Collective - Puerto Rico, EEUU

Movimiento Evita - Argentina

AfroResistance - Panama, EEUU

Red de Organizaciones AfroVenezolana - Venezuela

Caribbean Movement for Peace and Integration - Barbados, Caribe

Assembly of Caribbean Peoples - Trinidad & Tobago, Caribbean

Oilfields Workers Trade Union - Trinidad & Tobago

Kallpawan - EEUU, Perú

Observatorio de Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos - México, regional

Acción Afro-Dominicana - Dominican Republic, regional

Red Barrial Afrodescendiente - Cuba

Alliance for Global Justice

Organization for Caribbean Empowerment

World Beyond War/Un Mundo Más Allá de la Guerra - regional

Proceso de Comunidades Negras (PCN) - Colombia

Coordinadora Política de Mujeres Cotopaxi - Ecuador

Frente de Migrantes Organizados de la Republica de Argentina - Argentina

Mujeres Luminosa de Napo - Ecuador

SOS Violencia Loja - Ecuador

Red de Guardianes del Patrimonio Cultural y Natural de Manabí - Ecuador

Asamblea de los Pueblos - Argentina, regional

Federación de Estudiantes Secundarios del Ecuador - Ecuador

Fundación Rehabilitación Desde El Corazón - Ecuador

Comuna Rio Santiago Cayapas - Ecuador

Colectivo Entretejidas - Ecuador

Fundación Servicios Integrados para el Desarrollo SIDE - Ecuador

Asociación Madre Sabia - Ecuador

Esmeraldas Libre - Ecuador

Fundación Semillas hacia el Futuro - Ecuador

grupo cultural ORISHA la bomba - Ecuador

Equipo Docentes, Capitulo Ecuador - Ecuador

Junta Patriótica del Ecuador - Ecuador

La Cubeta Batucada Feminista - Ecuador

Fundación Chapil - Ecuador

Centro de Documentación en Derechos Humanos "Segundo Montes Mozo S.J." (CSMM) - Ecuador

Nina sonkoy musica andina - Argentina

Comuna Ancestral Afrodescendientes e Indígena de Tapiapamba  - Ecuador

Colectivo Mujeres de Asfalto  - Ecuador

Observatorio Ciudadano de Servicios Públicos - Ecuador

Red Nacional de Feministas por kos derechos Humanos, Ecuador - Ecuador

Asociación de Artistas de la Economía Popular y Solidaria - Ecuador

Fundación Educativa Ecuador Sisakuna - Ecuador

Tejido Violeta Galápagos  - Ecuador

Acción Antiprohibicionista Ecuador  - Ecuador

Batuka Candelabras Galápagos  - Ecuador

La María Verde - Ecuador

Coordinadora Política de Mujeres Ecuatorianas de Chimborazo - Ecuador

FUNTUVRISA Ecuador F.Talentos Unidos por la Vida y la Familia RISA - Ecuador

Transformar Argentina - Argentina

Maestros por la Revolución - Ecuador

Movimiento de Mujeres de El Oro - Ecuador

Hood Conmunist Blog - United States

Asamblea Nacional Ciudadana-Guayas-Ecuador - Ecuador

ANC Santa Elena - Ecuador

Red de Maestros y Maestras por la Revolución Educativa  - Ecuador

Fundación Ali Primera por la Patria Buena - Venezuela

Bolivarianos Alfaristas de la RC5 - Ecuador

Frente de Defensa Petrolero Ecuatoriano - Ecuador

Partido Comunista del Ecuador - Ecuador

Instituto Cultural Nuestra América - Ecuador

Centro de Promoción Rural  - Ecuador

Unión Nacional de Periodistas Núcleo del Guayas  - Ecuador

Observatorio Sociolaboral y del Diálogo Social en el Ecuador OSLADE  - Ecuador

Foro del agua Santa Elena - Ecuador

La Esquina de la Resistencia - Ecuador

Arte Por La Vida - Ecuador

Casa de la Abuela Jaguar - Ecuador

Comité Proparroquialización de Monte Sinahí  - Ecuador

Colectiva de Mujeres Tejedora Manabita  - Ecuador

Mujeres Luna Creciente Ecuador - Ecuador

Fundación e-comunicar - Ecuador

Consejo Consultivo de Diversidades Sexo-genéricas del DMQ - Ecuador

Mesa Autónoma Representativa MAR LGBTIQ sede Quito DM  - Ecuador

Revolución Cultural - Ecuador

Centro Cultural Café Galeria Barricaña - Ecuador

Colectivo de Unidad Democrática  - Ecuador

Fundación Derecho al Buen Vivir - Ecuador

Danza Zoomorfa Ancestral - Ecuador

Colectivo Cultural la Vereda - Ecuador

Consejo Nacional de Derechos Humanos y de la Naturaleza del Ecuador - Ecuador

Colectiva de Antropólogas del Ecuador  - Ecuador

MUCT - Ecuador

Colectiva de Antropólogas del Ecuador - Ecuador

Confederación Comarca Afro ecuatoriana del Norte de Esmeraldas - Ecuador

Fundación Semillas hacia el Futuro (ORISHA)

Firmantes individuales

Marjorie Lopez Merchan - Ecuador

Marco Vargas - Ecuador

Gloria Zabala - Ecuador

Piedad Ortiz - Ecuador

Dr. Cinthia M. Campos-Hernandez - EEUU

Luis Vicente Pachacama Guallichico - Ecuador

Dolores Bolaños - Ecuador

Isabel Iturralde - Ecuador

Janneth Moreano - Ecuador

Byron Joel Castillo Tenorio  - Ecuador

Network of Afro-Venezuelan Organizations Reaffirm Sovereignty with President Nicolás Maduro

Network of Afro-Venezuelan Organizations Reaffirm Sovereignty with President Nicolás Maduro

Statement from the Network of Afro-Venezuelan Organizations (ROA)

Reaffirming Our Sovereignty with President Nicolás Maduro

Today, January 10, 2025, President Nicolás Maduro Moros is sworn in as the leader of all Venezuelans.

We denounce the climate of tension deliberately created by racist, Zionist, and fascist elements within the national and international opposition. These forces, acting against the will of the Venezuelan people, have sought to destabilize our nation since July 28, 2024, when President Maduro was democratically reelected in accordance with the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. His victory was legally reaffirmed by the Supreme Court of Justice, the same institution tasked with resolving electoral disputes in Venezuela and elsewhere, as recently demonstrated in Mexico.

Since its founding in June 2000, the Network of Afro-Venezuelan Organizations (ROA) has stood in steadfast support of the Bolivarian Process initiated by Commander Hugo Chávez Frías and continued by President Maduro. We remain unwavering in our commitment to defending Venezuela’s sovereignty.

Today, we confront the geopolitical ambitions of American imperialism, its complicit governments in Latin America and the Caribbean, and certain sectors of Europe. These entities seek to seize our nation’s resources and undermine the most sacred principles of any nation: sovereignty and dignity.

Our Call to Action:

We urge the Afro-Venezuelan people and our sister organizations to resist any attempt to delegitimize our sovereignty. At the same time, we encourage active participation in the Constitutional Reform process, as announced by President Maduro. This reform aims to ensure the inclusion of Afro-descendants for reparative justice, a historic step toward recognizing and addressing centuries of oppression.

We also raise awareness about Zionism, which we identify as a form of 21st-century colonialism, and call for vigilance against its influence.

Our Commitment:

ROA will continue its work across the regions of Caracas, Miranda, Yaracuy, Carabobo, Sucre, Vargas, Zulia, Guárico, Falcón, and Aragua, while maintaining strong ties with Afro-descendant organizations across Latin America and the Caribbean, including in the Dominican Republic, Curaçao, Colombia, the United States, Bolivia, Ecuador, Haiti, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Cuba.

Together, we stand firm in defense of our sovereignty, justice, and dignity.

ROA - Network of Afro-Venezuelan Organizations

Articulation of Afro-descendants of Latin America and the Caribbean