• Little 5 Points Community Center (map)
  • 1083 Austin Avenue, NE
  • Atlanta GA
  • 30307

The face of the U.S. government may be changing, but our work remains the same! Join BAP Atlanta for a community discussion and art build on Saturday, January 18th from 2-4:30pm at Little 5 Points Community Center as we work toward developing ways to support Black communities and resist various forms of violence enacted upon us by the state.

With both mainstream parties of the U.S. sharing responsibility for perpetuating war on African people globally, we aim to draw connections between harmful militarist and imperialist tactics utilized domestically and abroad (surveillance, policing, and military interventions) while building dialogue toward meeting the material needs and aspirations of Black people in the Atlanta area. Food will be provided for the event, and we will also be raffling two $50 Kroger gift cards for attendees.

We hope to see you there!