What we hear about Haiti today is a distortion—or outright fabrication—of its social and political reality. Much of what’s said about Haiti lacks historical context, especially when it comes to the unrelenting meddling of the foreign agents and institutions, based in a deep racism that presumes that African/Black people are ungovernable while resenting the implications of Haiti’s historical commitment to Black freedom.

Taking all of this into consideration, the Black Alliance for Peace Haiti/Americas Team is hosting a teach-in on the crisis of imperialism in Haiti. This teach-in will not only focus on direct U.S. action, but also seek to pull back the layers and understand how the United States is increasingly delegating military and other interventionist actions through partner countries in the region, and what this means for the future of sovereignty in Haiti and self-determination for African peoples in the Americas.

Join BAP for this critical teach-in, and continue the call: “No to Occupation! Yes to Self-Determination in Haiti!”

MODERATOR: Kimberly Miller


  • David Oxygène, MOLEGHAF in Haiti

  • Jafrikayiti, Canada’s role

  • Christophe Simpson, CARICOM’s role

  • Erica Caines, United State’s role

  • Jemima Pierre, Progressive’s role

  • Tamanisha John, Jamaica and Haiti