The third webinar in the Black Alliance for Peace's Black Power Webinar Series, “The Role of Culture in Resistance and Revolution,” is an intergenerational conversation about the role of cultural work in radical struggle. Through a combination of historical analysis, song, poetry and other forms of artistic expression, the webinar will illuminate the importance of cultural grounding to revolutionary struggle against white supremacy, imperialism, capitalism, neocolonialism and patriarchy. It also will emphasize the role of cultural workers—historically and contemporarily—in not only resisting these structures of domination, but in envisioning and shaping the world to come.

The webinar will be hosted by BAP Coordinating Committee member Erica Caines and will feature a range of artists, including Noname, Jaribu Hill, Rafiki Morris, Ciara Taylor, Too Black and Solyana Bekele.


Register here.

Banner photo: We Are from 25 to 30 Million Strong… / Warning to America, 1970 artwork by Emory Douglas. Courtesy of the artist.