Women in Nicaragua: Power & Protagonism is a class offered by Alliance for Global Justice's Nicaragua Network and Casa Ben Linder. It features Nicaraguan women who are leaders in their communities and their nation, and the Sandinista revolution.
Nicaragua is a world leader in gender equality. In just 15 years, Nicaragua has closed the gender gap by more than 80%. Today, Nicaragua is the number one country in the world for educational attainment of women and girls, number one for women cabinet ministers, number three in the world for women in parliament, and has made dramatic improvements in women’s health and survival. How has this small Central American nation made such a difference in such a short time?
This session focuses on the Afro-descendant and Indigenous women in two autonomous regions on the Caribbean coast, where the Sandinista revolution has improved and enriched the lives of all, especially African and Indigenous women.
Join us for a combination online class and in-person delegation to find out!
Banner photo: Large groups of Afro and indigenous people, mostly young women pose for a photo (courtesy of Fundación Popolna / Onda Local).