AFRICOM offers no benefit to Africa or its people. It is simply the guise through which the U.S. can collaborate with puppet African leaders to intervene and meddle in African affairs, and in neo-colonial fashion, consolidate the control of African resources.

Had AFRICOM not been successfully resisted by the people of Africa, its headquarters would be on the African continent rather than in Germany. Why would African countries provide a safe haven for the headquarters of a U.S. command structure that launches attacks on African countries?

The mobilization of African people and peoples' organizations around the world is needed to expel AFRICOM and foreign military attacks from the continent. African resistance must lead us to higher levels of organization. It is only through the organization of African people that we can defend the continent against foreign intervention and against corrupt and puppet leaders.


The AFRICOM Watch Bulletin will now include a relatively short interview with each edition. The first interview is with Margaret Kimberley, Editor and Senior Columnist of Black Agenda Report, Coordinating Committee member of the Black Alliance for Peace, Co-Coordinator of BAP’s Africa Team, and United National Antiwar Coalition Administrative Committee member. We asked her to answer a few questions about AFRICOM and the campaign to get the U.S. out of Africa.

Tunde: What is AFRICOM?

Margaret: AFRICOM is the U.S. Africa Command. It is one of 7 unified combatant commands under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Defense Department. The U.S. military has divided the world up into 7 regions covering North America (NORTHCOM), South America (SOUTHCOM), Europe (EUCOM), Middle East and Egypt (CENTCOM), Asia and Pacific (PACOM), Space Command (SPACECOM), and Africa (AFRICOM).

The United States is unique in claiming areas of responsibility in the rest of the world. AFRICOM was formed in late 2008 during the George W. Bush administration. Its responsibilities and activities increased significantly during the Barack Obama administration. Now every African nation except Egypt, participated in AFRICOM with personnel and facilities on their soil and most importantly integration of their military commands with those of the U.S.

Tunde: Why should people in the U.S. care about AFRICOM?

Margaret: AFRICOM and the entire command structure allow the U.S. to attempt to keep as much of the world as possible under its hegemony. It increases the military budget, which now comprises 60% of all discretionary spending and deprives people in this country of the public funds that would improve the quality of their lives. AFRICOM also reduces democracy and the sovereignty of African people on the continent and deprives them of the right to direct their governments as they see fit.

Tunde: Tell me about the U.S. Out of Africa! Shut down AFRICOM campaign.

Margaret: The U.S. Out of Africa/Shut Down AFRICOM campaign is a subset of the overarching BAP Campaign "No Compromise, No Retreat: Defeat the War Against African/Black People in the U.S. and Abroad." The U.S. Out of Africa/Shut Down AFRICOM campaign is an effort of political education, organizing, and advocacy. The campaign petition is in six different languages and calls on the U.S. Congressional Black Caucus to hold hearings on AFRICOM. BAP is a founding member of a larger group, Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases, which seeks to close all of the 800 U.S./NATO bases and military facilities around the world. Campaign tools include a teach-in guide, fact sheet and BAP articles. 

Tunde: How can people get involved?

Margaret: The U.S. Out of Africa Network is the organizing arm of the campaign. USOAN provides regular updates on the campaign's activities and news from the continent with the AFRICOM Watch Bulletin. Those interested can sign up online to join the USOAN.


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Photo credit: Senior Airman Hannah Strobel