The International Day of Action on AFRICOM was last Thursday, October 1st, on the 12th anniversary of the command’s founding. Individuals from all over the world and over 200 endorsing organizations called for the end of AFRICOM and U.S. military presence on the African continent through their participation. Though the International Day of Action on AFRICOM was on Thursday, the campaign to shut down AFRICOM continues, and it is intimately connected with anti-imperialist struggle around the world.

Despite its lack of official recognition as colonizer in the public consciousness, the U.S. is very adept at exploiting the continent while framing its actions as benevolent. We must expose the true purpose and impact of U.S. military involvement on the continent. The United States uses AFRICOM to maintain their control of the continent and support the operations of multinational corporations that plunder the land, labor, and natural resources of the African continent. All of this is made possible by the manipulation of corrupt African political leaders.

Our struggle is against those who want to use the world’s land, labor, technology, natural resources, and markets for a capital accumulation process that enriches a few as opposed to those who want to use those things for the collective betterment and the well-being of the many. We need a mass movement to win in this struggle because if we could change the minds of the masses of people, there would be no armies or instruments of repression for the ruling class to maintain imperialism, neoliberalism, and neo-colonialism.

Why We Focus on Africa

Black Alliance for Peace – September 30, 2020

Africa can’t demonstrate independence and power because the entire continent has a giant U.S. military boot on its neck.

AFRICOM: Deadly Deception

Friends of Congo – October 1, 2020

AFRICOM's real aim was never peace nor stability but rather, strategic US interests.

Exclusive: 'We would not accept US drone strikes inside Kenya,' warns President Kenyatta

By Marc Perelman – October 1, 2020

The Kenyan leader denied reports that the US military has sought authorization to carry out drone strikes inside Kenya. He stressed that if such a request were made, he would refuse it.

The China and Africa Connection U.S. Imperialism Does Not Want You to Know About

By Danny Haiphong – September 30, 2020

The U.S. sows hysteria about China because Washington can no longer dictate global affairs without any significant challenge.

U.S. Bombings in Africa: Why Are People Unaware?

By Sam Husseini – October 1, 2020

U.S. military efforts and drone bombing through AFRICOM are typically portrayed as an attempt to fight terrorism, but, instead, they have been shown to increase terrorism.

The U.S. may be readying drone strikes in Kenya. That might increase the violence.

By Abdullahi Halakhe and Anjli Parrin – October 1, 2020 Drone strikes risk further deepening historical grievances in the region. P.S.

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Photo credit: Petty Officer 2nd Class Kelly Ontiveros