The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) and the African Party of Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC) are one!

“When the PAIGC and its PAI Terra Ranka Coalition democratically won the absolute majority on 4 June 2023, we sent our message of congratulations after the official results were published. We also congratulated the inauguration of the PAI Terra Ranka Coalition government and the election of brother and comrade Domingos “DSP” Simões Pereira as the President of the National People’s Assembly (ANP), the second figure in the state of Guinea-Bissau.”

READ MORE FULL STATEMENT: The Cause of Violence and Imprisonment on 30 November – 1 December 2023…

Banner photo: Man walking on a dirt road by a sign that says ““La Guinee – Bissau, veut et merite la paix” (English “Guinee - Bissau, wants and deserves peace". (courtey